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Posts posted by Palazzo

  1. I plan to... has anyone else had experience with getting money from the council for this sort of thing?

    I did years ago from the Wellington City Council, they put up a fuss, so I put up a bigger one, they offered to pay and then had a near heart attack at the cost of a full price Yoko A008 (told you it was years ago). Tyre only.

  2. The 3g phone doesn't record video. Maybe the 3gs does but defiantly not the 3g model... Hell we had to wait for a major system update to be able to copy and paste text, forward text messages, receive and sent pxts, so ya...

    3GS has video, it plays back very clearly on the phone and on computer.

  3. The biggest problem as I see it with the iphone is the name. It suggests that it will be useful as a phone, yet as noted above, it has very poor coverage/strength. Example, at the bach my old Motorola V3X had 2-4 bars of coverage, iphone nil. Mine has also cut out of calls by turning itself off (under warranty, so it's going back).

    The camera is 3mp, not 2mp and is actually pretty good. Record some video on it and playback is excellent, although sound quality is a bit scratchy.

    Some of the apps are rubbish as mentioned previously, why would you bother?

    It's still a neat looking toy though and for free, pretty good value.

  4. Everytime the engine cranks over she will start up so not a spark or fuelling issue. its sometimes when you switch the key to start nothing happens, except i hear a click like a relay tripping but nothing else. is there a relay for the starter motor? How do the wires to the auto shift selector (which are now shorted as part of the manual conversion) intergrate into this system to stop the car starting in drive? i should have investigated when i put my new dash in.

    Edit: for the record i dont have an imobiliser.. i havent wired it up yet because it is just going to get in the way of sorting this problem

    When you find it, post it up, I have a very similar problem in the 'vert. Sometimes turn the key and a click or nothing, keep trying and when it cranks, will start every time. Never cut out on the move though, so possibly different prob.

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