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Everything posted by Yuen

  1. Great to hear you got it solved for so cheap mate! Must be right up there with the cheapest fixes in the world. Thanks for sharing.
  2. Yuen

    Mags for E36

    I agree with Mike. Try to get wheels meant for your car in the first place. Less hassle and less worries in terms of safety and failing inspections.
  3. Yuen

    e46 trouble

    It's a common problem in many BMWs - so far have heard of them on later E36s (as earlier ones didn't have airbags), E46, E39, E38... You'll find it's a much discussed subject. I'm sure your boney ass didn't cause the problem, not even if you had the boniest ass in the world.
  4. You mean you can get the one on the bonnet out with your hand?? Here's how I get both front and rear out. Get a flathead screwdriver (wide but thin head that will fit in the gap between bonnet and emblem) and lever it out. If you like, put some tape (ie: electrical tape) around the flathead, and remember to use cloth to pad any part of the screwdriver that will come in contact with the bonnet or boot.
  5. Hey Nick, it depends on the condition of your old ones. When I bought my new emblem I also bought new grommets, however when I pulled the old emblem out the old ones were definitely still usable and would still have made for a snug fit.
  6. Yuen

    which looks better?

    IMO - Not just bad, BAD. They'll stick out like a sore thumb and make you look like a wannabe. The wheels are pretty much as much chrome as your car can have without starting to look tacky.
  7. Yuen

    which looks better?

    Prefer the look of the first, looks better and would expect it to handle better too. Second one isn't bad (Vogtland?) but I just prefer the first.
  8. That is a great price Grant. Well worth it!
  9. Only difference is Bond's one would open the doors... for his rocket launchers
  10. Very nice addition! Great job. Would look nicer with a black headliner, black interior lights from an M5 Any reason for going with this over the rearview mirrors with garage door openers built in, on later BMWs? I'm assuming those could be retrofitted too.
  11. Yuen

    Bimmer E36

    It's just how they roll.
  12. Yuen


    Seriously!? Reading that I fully thought you were kidding Glenn, it started to sound like a rhyme. We need pics of said Camber!
  13. Sorry to hear Tony, I wouldn't even put boxes on my own car let alone someone else's. Anyway it's obvious he's an idiot, hit him where it hurts - his wallet. If you can get a witness to make a statement, get insurance to sort it out and claim it from him since you've got his details. Also, maybe the scratches can be polished out? They might not have gone that deep.
  14. That sucks With insurance paying just get a good shop to paint it back to exactly how it was.
  15. What exactly is this 'trumpet'? Can you post a pic? Sounds like it's there to smooth out the airflow.
  16. Nice choice Jeremy, saw the real thing in person when they were in Auckland. Thanks for posting, I'm quite tempted now - was just checking them out yesterday in Jerry Clayton... I'm assuming the doors open, the interior is an exact replica, etc? How much did you pay for shipping? It wouldn't be a BMW Art Car then, would it?
  17. The rego date wouldn't bother me unless there was some huge gap between the assembly and rego date which means it's been sitting around for a bit before being sold (which may not matter anyway). In fact lots of people wait till after the end of the year to buy a car so they can register it as say a 2008 car vs 2007, for higher resale value. Assembly/build date is what will give you info on the car.
  18. Hope you get it sorted, $650 sounds like a decent price if they do it right!
  19. Not my thing but it looks like a very good job! How's the paint holding up to the heat?
  20. Yuen

    will this fit?

    No. I wouldn't put those on the car, they don't look classy enough. The stock T-knob isn't the prettiest thing in the world but that's worse. You'll look like a try hard, especially since the car is already an auto.
  21. Looks great. Why'd you get them done? Was the car in an accident?
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