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Everything posted by shadowninja

  1. shadowninja


    It had to be said dude.Good luck selling your wheels.
  2. shadowninja


    Nath change your keys. I often get that feeling that someone is watching my wheels a little too closely. Again not much you can do, get an alarm or at least one of those flashing diodes that looks like you have an alarm.
  3. How do you find out how many points are on your license? Do you have to call up the local station?
  4. Yeah that cop will probably get a quiet word from his boss. A young guy driving a heavily modified Skyline with a plate "F1RACR" isn't begging to be pulled over as a 'boy racer' ??? I've seen that car around town, and it does look pretty sweet. No way its worth $180k though.
  5. ... but how about a Porsche pen? I'd have one of those. Even driving a bimmer.
  6. shadowninja

    What The FU<K

    ... wait ... were you claiming for mixed CDs that you'd ripped yourself from other albums... not the originals themselves? I don't get it. What got stolen? Mixed CDs from your computer?
  7. I almost got a Bank Direct credit card just cos it was black. But AMEX still sux ass, high commission costs mean a lot of vendors don't accept it. Gimme a decent VISA or MC anyday.
  8. Napier I was about to type something almost exactly along those lines. :thumb: Lets not let it get to political correctness gone mad though.
  9. ... but its an AMEX!! :thumbsdown:
  10. Yeah I thought it was a very good site, and makes good use of real statistics to tear apart alot of the myths about speed & crashes in NZ. The one I found most interesting was the differences increasing the speed limit had in 1985, and the effect of more rigid enforcement in 2000 onwards. Speaking of spending money on roads, did you see they're looking at yet another 5c per litre tax on petrol & another increase in RUC?
  11. I suggest everyone check out this website: http://www.fastandsafe.org Quote from the site: "We aim to: * make road travel faster, safer, cheaper and more flexible * stop road users being ripped off by unproductive regulations and enforcement policies * reverse the erosion of our civil rights and freedoms * provide accurate, relevant, and authenticated information * refute misleading slogans and other misrepresentations * expose vested interests supporting bad road safety policies * New Zealand traffic management is controlled by our mono-dimensional Land Transport Safety Authority – claiming to be focused solely on safety but in practice captured by beneficiaries of rigid and excessive enforcement policies. The LTSA celebrates lowering average speeds and removing flexibility by making all traffic travel at the same speed - usually at the lowest common denominator. It continually increases costs for travelers both indirectly through time-wasting and directly through charges and fines.
  12. How about we all chip in, get him a combi van & be done with it. Ultimate shaggin' wagon.
  13. Do we know how legit this is? I've seen at least 6 different versions of the "next 3"
  14. shadowninja


    You think we shouldn't get taxed on interest? It's income isn't it? ACT and National both support tax cuts. I was under the impression that ACT was supporting a flat tax at 21%, however low income earners are currently taxed at 19.5%. Be thankful our tax legistlation is so simple, you should see the size of the tax return my wife does each year for US Federal tax.
  15. 25,000 GBP means it probably isn't very old. It does seem a bit strange that he prefers the bimmer, but he probably just needs someone to take him to the race track & show him how the boxter can handle... I've heard from some in the Porsche club that they are argubaly better in the twisties than the 911's.
  16. shadowninja


    Seems a bit harsh to ban him for that.
  17. shadowninja


    Man don't get me started on taxes... between my wife & I lets just say we're paying for our fare share of beneficiaries. :confused: Plural. I still believe in a progressive tax system, whereby those at the bottom of the heap pay less than those at the top. However $60k p.a. is a pretty low cap for the top tax bracket to kick in... everyone over that level is "rich" according to NZ standards. Take the USA, they have a fairly high top tax rate, but it doesn't kick in until $200K USD. How about this as a kicker though... that new family assistance program that the Govt is going to phase in provides tax savings for middle income families. But get this... for families earning $40k the marginal tax rate (ie- the tax they pay on the next dollar they earn) is 90%, because of the reductions in benefit. What kind of f**d up system is that for encouraging people to work more?
  18. shadowninja

    Doom 3

    Hell yeah I run a P4 3.2G with grunty graphics, memory, etc. on a 2MB DSL.We run a small 3 PC network at home & replace one each year with a new kickass system so no PC is ever more than 3 yrs old. Oh and speaking of CStrike, Half Life 2 is due out end of September I believe.
  19. shadowninja

    Doom 3

    LOL ok I feel like a dumbass... they put the key in the manual for some stupid reason instead of the jewel case. So I'm up & running now. Honestly... who opens a manual for this stuff??? D3 released today. I "pre-ordered" mine on the web over the weekend, so it was delivered by courier this morning.
  20. shadowninja

    Doom 3

    Ok am I the only uber-geek here, or did anyone else get Doom 3 today? My copy is staring grotesquely at me next to the computer... because there was no frickin CD key to enable me to install this sucker. :confused: Anyone else with the same problem?
  21. Far out Ollie, hardcore. Do you work for the quitline? I happen to agree with you on most of that sh*t though. They should make a yellow smily face with yellow smokers teeth. My poison is a nice glass of wine though (speak of the devil, half a bottle of pinot in me at the moment). The idea that 3/4 of the price of a pack of ciggies is tax does annoy me though... it sure doesn't seem to have stopped people from lighting up. It just taxes the people who can't afford it. Can't say I've tried weed, it smells like crap to me so no thanks but offer me a classy bottle of burgundy & I'll be all over it. :drunk:
  22. ... just a crutch for people who can't afford real drugs.
  23. Another Wellie crew-mate. Key-Ah-Oar-Ah.
  24. dark... and filthy too! Nice one dude.
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