jjs 64 Report post Posted December 21, 2008 Spotted this article on Friday... Link to the NBR Check that personalised plate – it could land you a ticket by Peter Gill | Tuesday December 16 2008 - 11:42am The New Zealand Police are to crack down on a trade in illegal vehicle number plates. In a confidential memo to staff obtained by NBR, the Police have ordered officers to be on the lookout for fake personalised number plates which they say are being sold by web traders both here and overseas. Officers wanted the matter kept confidential within the police, claiming publicity would encourage more people to seek out the websites and purchase the illegal plates. Officers are concerned that the availability of illegal plates may be used for criminal purposes, such as disguising a stolen car, and to avoid detection when driving away from a gas station without paying. NBR decided to publish anyway, as a warning to readers of the NBR news site and the print edition, that buying illegal plates can lead to prosecution, even if the buyer did not realise it was illegal to buy any plate other than the official authorised one. Some car owners have apparently ordered duplicates of their genuine vehicle registration from web traders because they can get a bigger, fancier plate by doing this, for about a sixth of the price of ordering a deluxe wide plate from the official supplier, Personalised Plates. The unauthorised plates are distinguishable by having a different font to the official ones, and sometimes having unusual spacing between characters. The Police say there are instances of people buying a car that already has illegal plates without realising the problem. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OLLIE 26 Report post Posted December 21, 2008 f**k it makes me angry! I think the media should get our side of the story! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
318Touring 40 Report post Posted December 21, 2008 The article didn't point out easier ways to spot non-monopolised plates such as having D instead of NZ on the left side of the plates. The excuse for the crackdown doesn't fly with me. Why would crims who couldn't afford to fill up pay $80+ for the 'fake' plates while they can easily steal standard plates from any car in NZ? How hard is it to undo two screws for each front and back plates? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OLLIE 26 Report post Posted December 21, 2008 The article didn't point out easier ways to spot non-monopolised plates such as having D instead of NZ on the left side of the plates. The excuse for the crackdown doesn't fly with me. Why would crims who couldn't afford to fill up pay $80+ for the 'fake' plates while they can easily steal standard plates from any car in NZ? How hard is it to undo two screws for each front and back plates? Exactly.The excuse doesn't fly with me either. It's such a load of sh*t. The article mentions that people buy these plates so that they can steal petrol, then it says the reason they buy the illegal plates is because of personalised plates cost being stupidly high. Go figure .... whats a solution here ....? I called the editor to arrange a meeting in the new year, pending Grahams progress ... I might try and get the real story out there! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
320guy 0 Report post Posted December 21, 2008 Err they do have a valid point, the easiest way to hide a stolen car is to change the plates. Personalised plates are sh*t anway. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Driftit 2146 Report post Posted December 21, 2008 Awesome best of luck Ollie. Pissed off as I just ordered some Euro plates for my 325 and my Dads E55 Merc. No way was I giving Plates any money. I can be fined 3 times and it is still cheaper than buying one from those pricks. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mark 178 Report post Posted December 21, 2008 If you have $80 to buy german plates, you have $80 to buy petrol. And you can only use the plates to steal petrol once because the gas station will report them to the Police! NBR = National Bollocks Review. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OLLIE 26 Report post Posted December 21, 2008 i felt i needed to comment on the article ... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OLLIE 26 Report post Posted December 21, 2008 Err they do have a valid point, the easiest way to hide a stolen car is to change the plates. Personalised plates are sh*t anway. which they can't stop anyway.Why penalise innocent people .......???? no matter how many people they fine with 'euro' plates it's not going to help catch car thefts is it ? the more of these europlates people buy the better!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cale 36 Report post Posted December 21, 2008 Good stuff Ollie. This petition I started a while back has 198 signatures from this site and Eurosport if anyone wants to send it to anyone? I'm totally sick if this Nanny State that we are living in. All the police seem to be interested in are revenue collection through nit picking on rediculous things like radar detectors and non-Plates number plates. I might be okay if they turned some resources to stopping all the child abuse and murders that are going on! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hybrid 1045 Report post Posted December 21, 2008 Remember the police isnt the police anymore ... You have two divisions, Highway patrol (ye old traffic cop with blue / yello reflective decals + muffty cars) and the actual police. (Blue and Orange Decals) Highway patrol is more interested in this than normal daily duty officers. I wonder what will happen if someone posts, 'the plates monopoly is about to be investigated by the commerce commission anyways, Yours very angry BMW community' on the NBR site hahah soemone from plates will have read this and freak. The people are about to speak. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OLLIE 26 Report post Posted December 21, 2008 Remember the police isnt the police anymore ... You have two divisions, Highway patrol (ye old traffic cop with blue / yello reflective decals + muffty cars) and the actual police. (Blue and Orange Decals) Highway patrol is more interested in this than normal daily duty officers. I wonder what will happen if someone posts, 'the plates monopoly is about to be investigated by the commerce commission anyways, Yours very angry BMW community' on the NBR site hahah soemone from plates will have read this and freak. The people are about to speak. It already is being investigated apparently. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forrest 35 Report post Posted December 21, 2008 wow this really pisses me off. i guess just make sure everyone carries their legit 'old style' plates also. And I totally agree, getting stung 3 times is far cheaper than buying a legit euro plate Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
byza213 1 Report post Posted December 21, 2008 I'm totally sick if this Nanny State that we are living in. All the police seem to be interested in are revenue collection through nit picking on rediculous things like radar detectors and non-Plates number plates. I might be okay if they turned some resources to stopping all the child abuse and murders that are going on! yea man fully ..they got nothing better to do Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forrest 35 Report post Posted December 21, 2008 I say go catch some real criminals. It's ridiculous. Teens murdering people like that guy up north and they spend time and money on car enthusiasts who spend a little less on something that makes their car more aethestically pleasing. So annoying. Its not like everyone is installing nitrous or something that would risk the lives of road users.... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forrest 35 Report post Posted December 21, 2008 posted petition link on multiple locations including facebook and other forums. everyone else do the same let the little men speak up Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bravo 35 Report post Posted December 21, 2008 So bollocks. Ollie you have PM. Pity letter writing takes so much time - this time of year not good for getting them all sent. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nobimmer 694 Report post Posted December 21, 2008 Damnit. Got a $200 parking ticket about a month ago while DJing at the Birdcage. And also $200 for no WOF sticker, but it is there under my tint strip. Not to fussed about the WOF one but the plate one was Bullshit. But luckily the ticket says "operating motor vehicle without displaying plates" so I wrote in and said that I did have plates and that it was inside as a screw had come off etc etc. Yet to hear back but aint really fancying my chances. Then, today some f**kwit cop followed me all through the new Albany mall till I found a car park (took atleast 15 minutes) then stopped and as I got out he yells "Oi stop and put your hands on the roof". Made me look like a f**king murderer infront of a bunch of people at the mall and then comes over and says "don't move" , and the other cop starts sifting through my car! At the same time the muppet is asking me to empty my pockets etc. Then asked to open my boot, I told him to get f**ked and asked what the f**k I had done.... yes I agree maybe I shouldn't have said F**k so many times, probably made the situation not any better. I was expecting a "we saw you rape a nana,saw you run over a child" but he goes " you have illegal plates,where did you get them from and why do you have them" I laughed at him and told him to get the f**k out of my car unless he got a warrent. Then demanded to see in my boot again so I went and said I was going to pop the boot and hopped in the car and locked the doors and said I'll wait here till you get a warrent and cranked the stereo. Again not making the situation any better. About 15 minutes later 2 more cop cars roll up and made a huge scene and said they have a warrent to get into my car. Said prove it, they couldnt so I said get f**ked. He already had my license as he had taken my wallet after stripping my pockets. In the end he said "I'm giving you a ticket for your plates and if I see you on the road again today I'm going to tow it" I said "Like f**k you are and grabbed the ticket and walked into the mall as the (now) 6 cops hungused around the E30 and looked in through the windows. Just to clarify, didn't have anything in the car apart from a jumper and some sunnies, and no there is nothing shady in the boot, just wanted to prove a point. I am currently writing a letter to (someone big,will figure out who...someone wanna tell me who to write to.) tell them that they wasted an hour and 25 minutes,3 cop cars, and 6 cops on someone who had german plates. Thats the end of my rant. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kingkarl 136 Report post Posted December 22, 2008 hahaha thats awesome. I'd never have the balls to pull that kind of sh*t. Good on you for sticking up for yourself. I agree its retarded how they treat you like your some kind of criminal when all you want is a nice looking car. ftp haha Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ThreeOneEight 0 Report post Posted December 22, 2008 Plates quoted me $799 to have an expired black plate on our 1928 Austin Seven turned into a personalised plate. Ridiculous, given they don't even need to physically do anything! Maybe I'll order some illegal German Plates for it, and do a gas runner. It being such a fast and inconspicuous vehicle, and all. Really welcoming the CC investigation, hopefully it's not a cop-out. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bmw.maniac 1 Report post Posted December 22, 2008 (edited) Then, today some f**kwit cop followed me all through the new Albany mall till I found a car park (took atleast 15 Good work. The police have no right to search either you or your car if they don't have a warrant (except when they think you have drugs, stolen goods or are entering an area with a liquor ban). They also can't impound your car because of having illegal plates. I carry a nice little "Your rights" pamphlet inside my glove box which folds out to A3 size. To really get them going, start quoting the relavant sections of Acts of law! haha Oh, and write to the Police Complaint Authority. Go on about the officers blantantly lying about having a warrant and how that decieved you etc. Edited December 22, 2008 by Eddy Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Driftit 2146 Report post Posted December 22, 2008 Was just talking to a cop mate of mine. He is apart of the P Squad and could not care less about these plates. Yet he has been told that if he is driving around in his Unmarked crewman workute he should pull them over and ticket them. I bet he wont though. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
byza213 1 Report post Posted December 22, 2008 man this so sounds so intense for something so small..you telling me they are going to do this to everyone even the man in his 08 porshe with a black plate with white writting i dont think so. i drive on the road half my day for work and its amazing how many german plates or non nz plates there are out there even on the newer model cars Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bradc 0 Report post Posted December 22, 2008 Yeah see it all the time. IMHO the entire yellow traffic cop and orange 'actual' cop thing needs to go. Every single cop I've dealt with from an orange car has been a really nice guy/girl and have done nothing but help me out, understand the situation, etc. The yellow ones however are the lowest forms of life on the planet who's entire job is to extract as much money as possible from the motorist in the most rediculous ways to anger the motorist and make them hate the police as much as possible. What the hell is the point in them targetting the plates unless they are actually really difficult to read? And before anyone asks, I've never had a speeding ticket, the only traffic infringement I've ever had was going through a yellow light in a good 200,000km of driving. Why can't they stay at the end of the special transport lanes and shoot the people who drive down them with only themselves in the car, rather than the 2 or 3 people car pooling required. Indecorous, you're my hero. You did a brilliant job and you should have used more swear words. Did you ask them why they weren't solving real crimes like rapes and murders, drugs, gangs and etc. Or heavily ticket the people who constantly switch lanes in a dangerous manner on the motorway. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jeddy 0 Report post Posted December 22, 2008 Epic Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites