bravo 35 Report post Posted May 26, 2009 Link to main bill Confiscation and Seizure Bill If nothing else, you should read the explanatory note. It'd be worth following this through Parliament, but I suspect that come 1 December it'll be in force in more or less it's current form. This is scary: provide for the issuing of 25 demerit points for registration plate offences: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pjay 8 Report post Posted May 26, 2009 Was waiting for this to be posted. Its bullshit. Things I dont like: ** If 3 cops dont like you over a period of 4 years. Your cars dust. "Cruising the street" is at the discretion of a police officer. Great. Noise levels of your exhaust at the discretion of an officer. Excellent. Come on, have some controls in place at least. And sont tell me "get a cert", because police can still do you over EVEN WITH A CERT. ** Another point. (Taken from another forum): Why is the penalty for doing a small burnout in a deserted industrial area, or accidentally wheel spinning out of a driveway, harsher than those for drunk drivers? ** And this man has the best point of all: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
diablo23 1 Report post Posted May 26, 2009 i see more pursuits happening in the future people would rather try escape then see their car crushed Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mike 1 Report post Posted May 26, 2009 I heard an interview with some clown boy racer on the radio... Its not anti-social, we do it with heaps of mates. And its just a bit of driving and drinking, all mostly legal. What a winner.I"ve got no problem crushing cars that deserved to be crushed, but a number of people could lose cars for potentially minor offences as Pjay points out. Also - keep this civil guys. Likely to be a few different viewpoints on this so play nice Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bravo 35 Report post Posted May 26, 2009 Noise levels of your exhaust at the discretion of an officer. That's not correct. It actually says "require a vehicle ordered off the road for excessive exhaust noise to undergo an objective (metered) noise test to reduce the occurrence of exhaust swapping or tampering:" The down side is that this will be at the driver's cost, and that as you say, even a legal cert will not be enough to stop having to pay for the test. It would be possible for a cop to abuse this by pulling you over on a weekly/monthly basis and ordering another test in case you have "swapped" or "Tampered" with your exhaust. Most of the measures are ok as they deal with the worst offenders, but the anti-cruising, rego plate and exhaust ones are too draconian. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
westy 614 Report post Posted May 26, 2009 Same sh*t different day/month/year/decade... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pjay 8 Report post Posted May 26, 2009 Excessive acceleration is another grey spot. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jamez 2147483647 Report post Posted May 26, 2009 (edited) That artical Pjay posted off stuff shows a perspective im sure not many see at all, ive had a few close calls on the road and only one has been a boy racer speeding along the motorway racing a fellow person, everything else has been the other driver either on the cellphone or being more interested with changing the radio station than breaking, Luckily i always leave a big gap infront for that exact reason. It all comes down to driver awareness in the end, deprived sleep/drink driving/driver ability im sure are heart of the cause of most crashes in NZ. I'm sure crushing boy racers car's will just make them rebel even more, as pushing someone further into the corner will just raise the chance that they might bite back. Most of thats just my opinion but meh, you cant give police officers the right to prosicute on how they feel as like anyone they have emotions and in some cases that may just get the best of the exspense of the boy racer. [/rant] edit- boyracers are not a new thing, at my pa's funeral there were so many stories about him speeding on the roads, one story was about the time he averaged 85mph from te puke to auckland back when he had a morris, that was about 50years ago Edited May 26, 2009 by Jamez Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bravo 35 Report post Posted May 26, 2009 Same sh*t different day/month/year/decade... Not really Tony, now there is a Bill being considered, the ramifications to the non-boy-racer car enthusiast must be considered. The rego plate thing in particular really gets my goat. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kingkarl 136 Report post Posted May 26, 2009 What good does crushing a $20,000 WRX do? Take the cars off them, but then sell them off at turners, $1 reserve. That way LTNZ can recoup some of the funds owed to them by these "boy racers". Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Apex 693 Report post Posted May 26, 2009 Looks good, works in Ausi with their any hooning bill, I hope the cops get strict on crap cars too, so many dungers around that need crushing. This might sound crazy but I plan on driving my non boy racer car normally and I think I will be fine, when I want to do a burn out or have a bit of a drift or a race I will go to one of the many cheap track days available and race with other grown up people who can drive. Im am however worried I will get in trouble for having a German plate on the missus car and will be looking at removing it if it draws any attention. Driving and owning a car is a privilege. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pjay 8 Report post Posted May 26, 2009 Unfortunately Bravo that's not something we can really blame on this bill. The law is there due to lack of selection and it's that damn thats forcing this law in effect.. I agree 25 demerits is pretty sh*t, but the law exists due to Bastards Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bellicose 9 Report post Posted May 26, 2009 Looks good, works in Ausi with their any hooning bill, I hope the cops get strict on crap cars too, so many dungers around that need crushing. This might sound crazy but I plan on driving my non boy racer car normally and I think I will be fine, when I want to do a burn out or have a bit of a drift or a race I will go to one of the many cheap track days available and race with other grown up people who can drive. Im am however worried I will get in trouble for having a German plate on the missus car and will be looking at removing it if it draws any attention. Driving and owning a car is a privilege. +1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bravo 35 Report post Posted May 26, 2009 Looks good, works in Ausi with their any hooning bill, I hope the cops get strict on crap cars too, so many dungers around that need crushing. This might sound crazy but I plan on driving my non boy racer car normally and I think I will be fine, when I want to do a burn out or have a bit of a drift or a race I will go to one of the many cheap track days available and race with other grown up people who can drive. Im am however worried I will get in trouble for having a German plate on the missus car and will be looking at removing it if it draws any attention. Driving and owning a car is a privilege. +0.9. You've heard my car Graham. You seem to like the way it sounds. Unfortunately the Polizei may not.... In general the bills are as expected in our over-legislated society, and most won't affect legitimate road users, but there are certain parts that don't wash. I'm also disappointed with the work done to formulate this act. Two things in particular: 1/ No research has been done in regard to the possible negative effects to motorists. The bill simply states there are none. This is a total cop-out. 2/ Consultation was weak and only inter-department. What happened to consulting with parties with vested interests? LVVTA, AA, and so on????? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pjay 8 Report post Posted May 26, 2009 What good does crushing a $20,000 WRX do? Take the cars off them, but then sell them off at turners, $1 reserve. That way LTNZ can recoup some of the funds owed to them by these "boy racers". I don't think it will be $20k cars that get crushed to be honest. I believe they will crush the $500 to $1500 peice's of sh*t on the road that are running steelies on the backs for phat skidzzz. And I have no problem against this. But of course, there's nothing to stop them from crushing more expensive cars. As I've said before, its all based on cop discretion over 4 years. At the very LEAST, shorten it to 2 years or so. A, why wait 4 years to get the losers off the road? Get them off NOW. And B, if joe bloggs with his $50k GTR does 3 skids in the period of 4 years, whether accidental or not, hes also f**ked. I do skids on a weekly basis admittedly, but NEVER endangering anybody else and virtually never on a public road. Which is why I've never been pulled up for it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest FrantiC Report post Posted May 26, 2009 What exactly do they mean by registration plate offences ? Angled plate or what ? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forrest 35 Report post Posted May 26, 2009 Had a read of this in the Dom Post..feel the only thing that is retarded is the policing and banning of 'cruising' thats a pretty grey area. I also hope the rego plate bravo is in relation to expired rego's..not illegal plates cause 25 demerits is a sh*tload. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
huff3r 347 Report post Posted May 26, 2009 There's gonna be a lot os sh** hitting the fan the second a high class executive gets his commodore crushed for doing something stupid, and decides to try and start legal proceedings or whatever... This term "boy-racer" has always confused me, as around where i live the most trouble comes form older, middle-aged men trying to hard on the roads, and not knowing how to handle their car when it does go wrong... eg all those that roll ther exec-mobiles on paekok hill road.. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
simke 0 Report post Posted May 26, 2009 What exactly do they mean by registration plate offences ? Angled plate or what ? Illegal plates I'm guessing, e.g. German plates. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kerrynzl 3 Report post Posted May 26, 2009 (edited) What a brilliant piece of legislation! [ everybody should read it "properly"] Firstly, it gives more power to the COURTS not the police [ so everybody is entitled to legal representation ] The four years probationary period is enough time for these immature pricks to grow up and behave themselves, then the slate gets wiped clean. The clever peace is clause 7: .Clause 7 amends section 129 of the principal Act, which generally requires the confiscation of a motor vehicle after the commission of a second offence, to cover the case where an offender commits a repeated street racing offence (ie, an offence against section 36A(1)(a) or © of the Land Transport Act 1998) but the motor vehicle concerned is not confiscated. In that case, warning notices have to be sent to creditors with an encumbrance over the motor vehicle. The creditors must be told that any motor vehicle owned by the offender or a substitute is liable to be confiscated and destroyed if the offender commits another street racing offence within 4 years from the commission of the first offence. Brilliant!!! Get the finance companies to confiscate the cars for the police and courts Here is a piece taken from the "fine print" on the back of an old 'hire purchase' agreement where the grantor agrees not to : ( iii ) do or permit any act or thing which leads or is likely to lead to the Chattels being seized under distress or other legal proceedings or to a lien being created upon the Chattels All we need now is a way to quickly get rid of all the unregistered dangerous / rusty pieces of crap of our roads [ our cars will hold value better ] Personally I think the police should instantly remove the plates off "de-registered" vehicles [ not unlicensed ] then people take a greater risk of being caught by using these vehicles. I assume "registration plate offences" are when people switch plates etc for a variety of reasons I like doing skids , so my advice is " DON'T GET CAUGHT " Edited May 26, 2009 by kerrynzl Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gaz 1066 Report post Posted May 26, 2009 What good does crushing a $20,000 WRX do? Take the cars off them, but then sell them off at turners, $1 reserve. That way LTNZ can recoup some of the funds owed to them by these "boy racers". So another 'boy racer' buys it and then gets it taken off them again? Kinda defeats the purpose of taking it off them in the first place. What the LTNZ should do when some has $12k in fines is send in the repo company and taking sh*t from their house. None of this $10 a week crap. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mac4 0 Report post Posted May 26, 2009 well they brought it on them selves . Once it gets to smashing cop cars,&threatening them ,they are going to get real tough . They already had legislation to seize cars now just expanding on it . If it was just noisy burnouts it wouldnt be necessary .Just shows the contempt these racers have for law . Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pjay 8 Report post Posted May 26, 2009 mac4, define themselves. And if you define them as boy racers, define a boy racer. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jordyboy2 0 Report post Posted May 26, 2009 As I've said before, its all based on cop discretion over 4 years. At the very LEAST, shorten it to 2 years or so. A, why wait 4 years to get the losers off the road? Get them off NOW. And B, if joe bloggs with his $50k GTR does 3 skids in the period of 4 years, whether accidental or not, hes also f**ked. I Agree totally with you on this point Pjay, the period should be the same as the demerits 4 years is too long a time to be fair IMO Im sure to the rest of omaha Im probably a boy racer and so is my little brother but we dont go around doing skids nor do have overly loud exhausts But we are Young and have decent cars Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
$toffz 0 Report post Posted May 26, 2009 with the cruising elemant of the bill, would this effectively outlaw things like a Bimmersport cruise or the really massive Beach Hop event? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites