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Considering buying this..

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I misread and thought it said 'grass' - which is of course top of Graham's list. Especially if there's a fresh dew.

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There sure is some impresive length 'round these parts.

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Awesome - we've gone from bloody funny, to fu%king hilarious!!!! :lol: I blame BP for starting this $hit with SMG thingys..........

QUBE - dude, yea, those rims ae................. <_<

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I wouldn't take that as proof - If you google 'cough and high fever' you'll discover you've got AIDS.

Ya might wanna steer clear of those self medical checks you're doing ae.............. :rolleyes::lol:;)

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Check google for suspicious lump.. Nek Minnit cancer

Which, much like a SMG gearbox, or a 2nd mother-in-law, is really something that should be avoided............

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I blame the council for not mowing the verge.

WTF is a berm anyway?

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I blame the council for not mowing the verge.

WTF is a berm anyway?

Zactly - isn't a berm the bit that's 14ft further out from missing the apex............??

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Test drive SMG gearbox first. and then the steptronic.

personally, steptronic feels smoother.

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Test drive SMG gearbox first. and then the steptronic.

personally, steptronic feels smoother.

'Scuse my noobiness, but is steptronic just the BMW equivalent of tiptronic?

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Also, 'parently the SMG can be reverted back to normal manual?

Ray does manual conversions for E46s too, so maybe that's an option.

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WTF is a berm anyway?

It's just how the copper on 'Allo 'Allo says "bum".

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It's just how the copper on 'Allo 'Allo says "bum".

'I was jus pizzing by za door....'

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Right - just so I've got my head around it properly - if its a 330i SMG pre face lift, it needs to be the facelift model - if its the facelift module it needs to be PFL, it needs to stay away from bodykits, google, coughs, high fevers, aids, suspicious lumps, cancer, berms, apexs, & the pox SMG bit needs a hot date with Ray........?? I'm starting to like my 540 more & more......... :D

Oh, & if its Qube's one - might want spotted for some new rims.............. ;):lol:

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I wouldn't take that as proof - If you google 'cough and high fever' you'll discover you've got AIDS.

Actually... Just for the lols.

On a more serious note, talking from experience Steptronic feels much smoother over SMG for city driving.


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SMG problems are over hyped.

The aesthetics of that particular car are not to every one's taste.

If its your first BMW and you want decent resale, stick to stock models with less quirks.

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Were'nt ya gonna buy Qube's / Kye's car, put some new rims on it, etc etc.........??? Actually, I'm interested in knowing what you're smoking that has that 525 looking so amazing......

Maybe I should go find ya a car............... ;) gimme ya cheque book ae.......... :D:lol::)

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Hahah, I'm still looking at Qube's car. Just waiting on a few things and keeping my eyes open in the meantime.

Genuinely curious as to whats so terrible bout the 525 hahah. Its nice colour, looks tidy as hell interior...?

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