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Steering vibration under medium brakes E61 550i 06'

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Just come back from 3200 K's of touring, starting to get a steering wheel wobble/ vibration under medium brakes. Looking for some ideas before I ask the 'experts' who get paid as they so often seem FOS.

Brake pressure still good, had no 'events' for the brakes over the trip. Total Ks on car now 55000 only


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sounds like a tiny weight has been knocked off the wheel while touring. can and has happened.

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Do the wheels have hubcentric rings? That can also cause a wobble, though usually noticeable when not braking as well.

Check the rotors first - if there's enough left on them a skim might sort your problem. Then check wheels are all balanced and alignment correct.

Lastly, check front suspension, particularly upper control arms.

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Usually warped rotors. Sometimes even hubcentric rings as Jooles said

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Cheers fellas some where to start. think I'll get the wheel balancing checked first, ultimately won't hurt and pretty cheep start

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control arms bushes,classic 5 series symptom.Woulda thought a bit low ks for that though

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control arms bushes,classic 5 series symptom.Woulda thought a bit low ks for that though

hmmmmm... aja540i was replacing them about yearly I think, in his E39 - I think the were genuine he was using too (it usually is). Last set may have been whiteline poly bushes??? The stock ones didn't cope well anyway.

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Before you go replacing things left right and centre- give the brakes a thrash. Find a nice quiet road and do 4 or 5 emergency stops. Then see what happens. My E39 had the symptoms that you are describing, and I cured it with this medicine.

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Before you go replacing things left right and centre- give the brakes a thrash. Find a nice quiet road and do 4 or 5 emergency stops. Then see what happens. My E39 had the symptoms that you are describing, and I cured it with this medicine.

Sounds like an appropriate course of action ...

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