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Bimmersport Offline 21st June 2024

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Tomorrow the internet connection for bimmersport is going down, theres a reasonable chance I'll have it back up tomorrow night at the new place.

In the meantime there is a new crew that are going to host it, they have a copy of the site as of tonight but theres been some issues around changing the name servers in time.

Best case its back up tomorrow night.

Worst case its down a week or so while the issues with the domain are sorted.


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Glad to hear someone's picking up the hosting - thanks for all of your efforts @Jamez over the years!

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Bimmersport is up again lol.


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58 minutes ago, Jamez said:

Bimmersport is up again lol.

Lovin' your work.

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1 hour ago, Jamez said:

Bimmersport is up again lol.

Glad to see you’ve got your priorities right..

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Setup Bimmersport.

Let dogs out of car. 

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On 6/21/2024 at 7:56 PM, Jamez said:

Bimmersport is up again lol.


This should be a sticky. This IS Bimmersport 2024.

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Appreciate the effort you’ve gone to rehost the platform.

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