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mr E34

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About mr E34

  • Rank
    3rd Gear

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    Captain slow.
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  1. The serious problem with all these new cars is the long term maintenance required after a few years. I don't think I could afford to look after one, can you imagine the long list of deferred maintenance after the first few owners.
  2. Hi Guys, this is my M5. I've owned a long list of mainly E34's but this is the best one, even the original floor mats are still secured with unbroken plastic lugs. It is essentially a 1 onr from new, the original onr purchased it brand new in HK & bought it here in 1995. He sadly passed away and the president of the BMW club appraised it & passed it on to the dealer principal at Claytons & he sold it it to me. Anything else of interest about the car?? With regards the movie Ronin, the car used was a manual 525i(M50 engine). Listen to the exhaust tone as it slides around,deep M50 tone & it has the std white needle dash. rgds Mr E34. edit: forgot to add it came with the original turbines & throwing stars(personally not fond of either)
  3. I still have 1x brand new air filter for the M30b35 as used in the E34 chassis.(535i) $10 I need to sell to buy a property in Ponsonby.??
  4. Hi Ray, If you can make all the electronics work 'easily' I would drop in a bigger block V8. The 4.6 or 4.8 if that's possible. This is the bored/stroked Alpina 4.6.
  5. NZ new E34 535is looked after at a high level, money no obstacle. http://www.autotrader.co.nz/used-cars-for-sale/bmw-535i/1422304
  6. The E31 doesn't need much to jump up another level, pix from car dream Alpina japan.
  7. 1 x Mahle M30 Air Filter for the E34, this is brand new which I had in storage. $10. Pm me for pick up.
  8. Fantastic model, the punchy M30, interior design & build to the sheer road feel. Makes the next E## laughable. Obviously looked after by its onrs. GL with the sale, Mr E34.
  9. The coastal road from Dubrovnik(croatia) to Orebic in my high performance sports car.(approx 2hr drive) Superb cliff highways etc, cruised this route many times.
  10. Those are far to powerful for me around these roads, the Citroen 2CV with 9hp is the cult classic for me.
  11. Hi Brent, been a while,did call into the club stand at Ellerslie earlier this year & saw a few chaps. Trust all is going well in your BMW parts centre. I've been preoccupied over here or my other interests, that's what happens as the years tick(rush) by!
  12. Summer has been very late/unstable this year Milan,lots of rain here with severe lightning/thunderstorms(short lived though) Drastic improvement now, it will reduce the grape & olive oil production I would think. I'm driving a very high performance sports sedan over here, you guys wouldn't be able to handle it...(captain slow)
  13. Just been to Split Glenn, here's a shot down at the waterfront.
  14. Hi Glenn,special hello to you also,hope all is well with you & family. It's just a holiday home, all the family originated from here & further inland in the old grape growing peasant areas. We are all just peasant farmers Glenn.
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