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About *sic

  • Rank
    7th Gear
  • Birthday 05/04/1982

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  • Car
    2012 Mercedes C250
  • Car 2
    2013 Triumph Daytona 675

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  1. NZ rules. enjoy the new laws ladies, ISPs over here seem to be winning the fight.
  2. *sic

    Favourite brew

    pretty much the best ever..
  3. *sic

    Towel horn

    f**king LOL!
  4. *sic

    Towel horn

    f**king LOL!
  5. man i love hamilton. f**k yea! good times had by all... except you bro, sorry aye.
  6. id say 2, soley for that mean overlap going on. that looks awesome
  7. thee logo is upside down.. but is that to make up for the antenna thing so you have to hold it like that anyway to get good reception..
  8. pwned. the moral of the story is to pay some dude to do it, cause you know he will be much better than you.
  9. I pretty much pimp people for crazy money. show me the money baby
  10. *sic


    well done. i will always maintain that beer fixes everything.
  11. *sic

    I'm leaving

    have fun over here... lol Im off to the F1 right this second... whoop
  12. *sic

    The Hexacopter

    a mates working on a 4 rotor one of those, called roflcopter... its badass. gotta love them
  13. *sic

    Bored with your Lambo?

    closet honda lover, good man sam
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