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About martyyn

  • Rank
    7th Gear
  • Birthday 12/28/1978

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  • Name
    John S
  • Car
    1990 318

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  1. Simon needs a lift back from Taupo to Auckland preferably on Sunday morning. If anyone can help please leave an indication on here and Ill get him to contact you.
  2. The are SE side skirts. There is no such thing as IS side skirts. Found on SE cars and more often than not e30 tourings.
  3. No need to test anything mate, they will fit right on
  4. I have a set of Alpinas sitting in my garage doing nothing Nice car Mike, well done mate.
  5. I think a few people need to calm down a little to be honest. It almost sounds like there is going to be a Bimmersport lynch mob next. The response from Jeff Grey is exactly what I wouldve expected, but if you get all upset and start threatening this that and the next thing you are unlikely to get anywhere. Talk to them reasonably, get some evidence together and show them some photos and see where it gets you. If they still wont play ball then consider your options. Until then put your guns away !
  6. A new day, new underwear and a new direction for the beast.....your mind is a merry-go-round Nathan
  7. martyyn

    Best M5?

    ^^^^ what they said !
  8. Thats shocking. Rust under the glass on the tailgate of e39's is a very common issue. Does the BMW pre-purchase inspection cover bodywork ?
  9. Anthony if your serious about this I have a friend who's removing an m52b28 at the moment PM me if your interested.
  10. Can I use a PFL bonnet and bootlid on a FL ? Are there any differences between the two ?
  11. You cant get any more standard than this....all with ipod connectivity too. ipod in the 'is'
  12. Well then keep it. If you dont need the cash, enjoy the car. Jaysus Id be out in it every hour of the day if it was me!
  13. martyyn

    E28 Kit

    It would help to know where you are and if you're happy to pick up pieces as you go. Ive got a white techI rear wing if you want to buy it.
  14. You would also need to notify your insurance company if you were removing airbag functionality. I havent read the thread fully but why would you want to do that anyway ?
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