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Everything posted by jpp

  1. teh main agruement is in regards to the front of the car, sub-discussion re: rear of the car.
  2. jpp

    CCTV Systems

    A mate of a mate is starting up a CCTV business. Has a special introductionary special offer price of $1,999 excl. GST for a starting package of 2 (hidden or tell-tail) Sony Cameras. Fully installed by professional registered sparkies, viewable on your TV. Can also provide free quotes to meet further requirements. Let me know if anyone is interested (home or business) and I'll pass on details. Thanks, Jared.
  3. To the un-informed looks like you're braking.
  4. I NEVER get blinded by STANDARD "FOGS", or driving lights. I get blinded by wanks who have EXTRA bright bulbs in that make there car look like they're driving with high-beams ON! Absoultey dangerous and annoying.
  5. I only drive with mine on whilst on the open roads just like Hartage. I know its Illegal, and have been told by a cop who pulled me over also, but I got tickets for other things instead. I'd fight with it saying you could be preventing accidents...
  6. All depends on how far you dig and being at the right place, right time. All above prices are about right, considering previous sales... and all of those prices are at what people are prepared to pay. For example, I sell ALL exterior panels at $80ea (bonnet or guard or boot etc)... However, someone who doesn't want their bonnet anymore may sell for $10...
  7. Above is the manual knob, attached is the auto knob.
  8. I'm looking at getting some in before Christmas, quick quantity please... Probably $140 retail & $100 on here? Will be very nice quality, can view first, no down-payment required, should land week before 25th... Picture is of manual, auto similar.
  9. jpp

    FS: E36 Coupe

    Been on and off trade-me, plenty interested, not many with cash though. $6,200 wanted by ANYONE else, $5,500 to BS non-negotiable. All proceeds go into the JP's Turbo E30 Fund.
  10. jpp


    Non-engine E30 bay = disqualified. Another 2 to follow. Taken today, removing Hove's tranny, anyone need a good M20?
  11. I'll try and source you pedals, fly and clutch (unless you want new)
  12. Get a before and after dyno sheet, then sell the chips
  13. jpp

    BBS RC

    Is it obvious in that description the stud pattern? Either way, I don't know what they'll suit...
  14. Cool, I'll take any you have left over too if someone doesn't want etc. All for the great cause of course!
  15. jpp

    Phantom plates

    Only way on Mythbusters was to get the ole transporter style with the flip'n of the plate to another one.
  16. jpp


    If you can, get it done at your place, and leave the doors open for a few days in the garage.
  17. Are the bottles screw or opener material?
  18. Thanks for that! I got x2 seated, let me know if anyone breaks their back and wants to swap for their GA!
  19. jpp

    WTB Mountain bike

    I was working for Bike Barn when Gus was working for Hedgehog. The mtb industry is rather competitive, however, the workers aren't, and we have both since quit In other words, theres a bike out there for everyone, taking into account their wallet size, human size, ball size and belly size.
  20. Yeah! Getting paid to read a free manual
  21. I see car yards go under all the time. Never due to one factor, but this is only going to make it harder. I'm just saying that a starting up company will find it harder to cover costs of increased vechile prices, along with ALL other increases in price for other things (such as oil & taxes). We, the public, will then notice an increase in ALL goods and services provided, again, not just due to this regulation, but others also...
  22. jpp

    E36 Eyebrows

    Yeah, he'll be making more than the eyebrows though ;P
  23. jpp

    E36 Eyebrows

    Ashkan, Can your mate make iS E30 lips? I have one and all, with many beggars... - Jared.
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