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Everything posted by jpp

  1. Wouldn't that also stop many "cheaper" working vechiles not allowed into the country? Therefore eventually forcing product and service prices up, and therefore cost of living as well as all the other pressures?
  2. But the pugs cute, this is utterly MEAN!
  3. Will be interested early next year, could you price me complete conversion into an E30 of parts that I need for a M30 install incl. box? PM is fine.
  4. Wouldn't, if they were smart, continue to reinvest that money opposed to "storing" it? I guess it does depend on how much is in the bank to start with, and their current cashflow. Each business would be different, large - medium - and small. By we, you mean the purchaser or the company you work for? As if you mean we, the company, then they do "pay".
  5. I agree that it is "unfair" to charge such a large mark-up on something, but thats business. Did he buy the car in the first place though at a lower than market value? I'm sure the vehcile also comes with warranties and services, included in the sale price. And they will often welcome bargaining. Well thats exactly it, they are selling cars they bought when they were cheaper, but also bought MORE than what was demanded, hence supply is up (especially noted on E36s on TradeMe -- and I know its not a genuine marketplace). We should therefore see prices drop, or if the dealers all remain high, then some will simply go under! This will also be due to many other pressures on each company, including what I forgot to mention, oil prices.
  6. The dollar can't be helping, then they are bringing in restrictions on emmissions, not to mention the finance companies going under along with the larger than normal stock of cars most dealers have from when the Greenback was high.
  7. Can you PLEASE do it so I can copy you? I will require photos and a detailed description
  8. jpp

    WTB Mountain bike

    Word is that Bike Barn sell better bikes or something? Heh.
  9. jpp


    They're larger don't forget. You may end up using your foot more to get the similar 'go' from the green.
  10. jpp

    Tui money!

    Only drink it in jugs.
  11. jpp

    WTB Mountain bike

    DMRs hot. I just sold my Kona Stuff (regret regret), I'm also keeping a keen eye on Trademe too...
  12. Nice car nonetheless. Wheels for sale for a realistic price?
  13. jpp

    E30 iS Lip

    Yeah sweet as guys. I haven't been putting much effort into this as of late, will keep researching. If anyone you know can do cash jobs in Aukland, let me know and I'll get us a quote.
  14. Yeah I remember seeing it now. That's dam fine! I want to see a better picture of the interior. The seats look mint! Deffinately something I want a project to look like, with a touch from me...
  15. http://www.felgen-man.de/Gegen.JPG <- the car on the right, are those shoes BBS RS 15" or 16"? I WANT! Anyone got some for sale?
  16. jpp

    24" LCD Screen (AOC)

    Soooooooooo much fun
  17. Head may need skimming. Not an easy job.
  18. Custom M30 headers? Good quality (if possible in Taiwan) exhausts?
  19. Yeah, if you asked me a year ago I'd be the same. Rubber is rubber. I wouldn't be using the car for anything more than a hack, so good tyres weren't required. As my driving has "progressed" I have realised the need for such items. As for the M3, I reckon it was all financed and he finds it hard enough to pay the re-payments yet alone good tyres!
  20. jpp

    New German Plates

    Yeah same, I think only a few people actually know that there is a difference. For us, we can easily spot them. For others, not so easy. And if the authorities haven't been schooled in it they'll overlook it. Depending on how much missuse happens (ie: people getting the same plate made of an identical car that isn't theres) would dictate how heavily and how soon the law enforcement agencies will take it.
  21. I have a MTech 1 spoiler, great condition, but I have a project car that would better suit MTech2. Just after a straight swap for a spoiler in same condition. Mine is red, yours can be anything
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