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Everything posted by 3 SERIES

  1. 3 SERIES

    lol much

    Guessing it's an auto, he pulled up and didnt put in park let alone put the handbrake on. Left it in Drive and the rest....well is history
  2. 3 SERIES

    Jordy's E46

    Alpine FTW, very nice
  3. Cheap as chips! Hopefully the price gets up there. Man am I going to cry when I have to sell mine
  4. Was a hardcase auction alright. Anyone know what it went for in the end? and how come you trawled trademe for auctions back in 2005? TradeMe Ninga strikes again!
  5. 3 SERIES

    Ryan's E36

    Bloody Nora thats low! When I lowered mine the rear guards only covered half the tire and that was undrivable, yours......well um. Each to their own
  6. Dont normally post cars from trade me but had to with this one. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motors/C...n-207563337.htm Hopefully it hasnt been discussed before?
  7. Woah, talk about sleeper! Just watched the youtube vid he has on it. Thought for a minute the truck in the background was going to back straight into it. ha ha
  8. Beautiful! Welcome to the gang
  9. Yeah, Fo Sho! Awsome viewing sitting on the bank watching nutters risk life and limb.
  10. Hi Ray Welcome. At present I have 215/45/17 Direzza's on my 95 E36. I have never experienced any problems like what you have said. You sure its the tyres? Brett
  11. Agreed, Lame thread. Dont see whats the problem?
  12. hmmmm, price is creeping up... Love how people ask how the tires are. Like thats the least of your worries when youre buying an M3 with over 200 clicks and no record of service
  13. Welcome. Remember this on Tard Me a few weeks back. Looks tough as. Enjoy your time here
  14. 3 SERIES

    HB Simon

    Happy Bday Simon!
  15. One word sumed up the whole story.......Tokoroa. Well done for nabbing him so fast!
  16. Its his first post, benefit of the doubt? The deal is done. You might want to read these mate: http://www.bimmersport.co.nz/forums/index....mp;#entry225523 http://www.bimmersport.co.nz/forums/index....mp;#entry225526
  17. Please dont take any offence. Im trying to comprehend why someone would swap their 99 328ci E46 for a 1992 Mitsubishi Galant VR4? Was this all done thru trade me?
  18. Get a lawyer asap and track those f$#kers down! That is outright fraud. Edit: Wasnt the previous owner a member on this forum? I take it its not going to be very hard to track them down? http://www.bimmersport.co.nz/forums/index.php?showuser=3185
  19. PLUG http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motors/C...n-204517642.htm
  20. Wooooah, Thats a big un. Take it youre ok? May we ask what happened?
  21. 3 SERIES


    Anywhere between $250-$350ish.
  22. Ive been keen to put facelift grills on my E36 too. What is different about the nosepanel? I can see the diff with the Grill but not the nosepanel. Maybe I need to photos side by side to compare.
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