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Everything posted by mark247

  1. Well im off there tomorrow. I have just spent the last week exploring Vienna, ended up going to a university protest, and a cool little town called Steyr (which has a massive bmw factory which makes the majority of BMW's engines... and its not even in Germany.) I took a photo of it from the train, but it just looks like a train yard.. haha. Yesterday I took the train to Bratislava where I managed to get lost trying to walk back to the train station from the centre of town at night. Luckly people are friendly there and I asked some chicked where to go and she told me where to go on a map and gave me her bus ticket!! I happily didn't ended up reenacting the Hostel movie.. Flying to Dnepropetrovsk tomorrow, I think I'm in for a shock.. I found Slovakia pretty alien and it's even part of the EU! Here are some photo in no order ha. Cool cars I've seen are - E30 vert with flaired guards - Latest VW Golf murdered out and slammed on stealies with white walls in Bratislava ( my personal favorate ) - E30 coupe with wood piled on top of it with roof racks - Heaps of manual e60 and e90s, automatics are unheard of here - and of course all the aston martins and porsches which seem to be normal around here.. and the only Ducati I've seen was a Desmosedici
  2. You as well now? If Troy did one thing to remember on this forum, it is that he started off this M50 conversion thing!!
  3. I know a guy who has one. PM if you are interested.
  4. Austria aint bad.. I'll let you know about the Ukraine on Saturday when i get there.. that will be a bit different I thinK!
  5. It doesn't look that low on the 14" but it is. I've been pulled over with nothing mentioned. And it got a WOF last week.
  6. mark247

    Metal Music Fans

    Katatonia, not much screaming if any in there newer stuff, there old stuff sounds like Opeth Favorate albums are Last Fair Deal Gone Down, Viva Emptiness, The Great Cold Distance, and there new one Night Is The New Day... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ow7rqkY-jI
  7. 90mm at the lowest point on the control arm i think on my e30
  8. $150USD if you go with a tour group.. I've emailed a tour company in Kiev and they seem pretty chur as
  9. oh come on dude! its a shitter!
  10. Those things are awesome. A kid on my bus in 3rd form took the bus one and decided to see if he tap the window really lightly to try and make it NOT break... it broke.
  11. Looks like a dunga. But at the end of the day it's still manual.. so not all is lost
  12. From what I've heard they are a really under-rated engine... cheap and go hard
  13. Lots of old people still live in the region and grow their own crops and say they are perfectly fine.. but as you probably know some pretty horrible stuff has happened to children who parents were exposed to the radiation before they were born From the videos I've seen you seem to safe walking around the city and other areas as long as you stay the hell away from trees and long grass etc.. radiation sticks to plants like sh*t to a blanket. It's pretty much 100% safe as long as you on roads / in buildings The people who work on repairing the huge concrete cover they dropped on the reactor ( which was meant to last only a few years, but it's still there over 20 years later ) work 10 days on 10 days off or something like that... awesome job huh? Bit of a flick on it Awesome photos of the place.. http://www.environmentalgraffiti.com/featu...-then-now/14634
  14. People give me sh*t saying my underlying reason for wanting to go there is the chicks, but to be honest the main thing that got me wanting to go the Ukraine was the abandoned buildings and stuff which I've seen on the net ( such as Pripyat ) and the old Ex-Soviet military muesiums.. looks so utterly wank. Also learning a bit of Russian ( they speak Russian, not Ukrainian, in Dnepropetrovsk ) would be awesome. I guess vodka is cheap over there because from what I've seen they drink a royal f*** ton of the stuff. 12/10 sounds like a bit of alright, who knows?!?!
  15. Job? Or Tour to Chernobyl? Job - Advertised at Waikato Uni Chernobyl - A few tour companies based in Kiev which do it, just found a website and have emailed them
  16. Thanks for the heads up! Haha, no, but I think the tour company who I'm planning to go to Chernobyl and Pripyat with will supply me with one =D Abandoned city ftw!
  17. Matt and Troy have a thing for my old flatmate, I've moved out and Troy still goes around?!? I'll buy her a bus ticket to your place, actually nah dont worry, Troy will just bring her around
  18. Nah Im only allowed to take suitcase not a container. She's all yours.
  19. Thanks for your guys opinions. It seems like I've done the right thing with the clothing I've organized. I've borrowed a heap of my dads gears and picked up a fair few morino things. I plan to get hats and gloves and things in Vienna ( might be expensive ) or whenever I get to the Ukraine. Everyone has told me layering is the key and from the sh*t I've got i think I'm going to end up looking like the michelin man! New and improved update of your pic Apex..
  20. Im due into Dnepropetrovsk ( city in the Ukraine ) on the 21st of this month, after I spend a week in Vienna.. Im heading off tomorrow. Im there for 3 and a half months teaching english and cultural stuff to kids in schools over there. Has anyone been there before? Or even the Ukraine? What's it like? Anyone been to the Ukraine before? I've read as much as possible about it but I still only know the usual stuff... Dont speak english too loud at night... dont wear fancy clothes or youll get ya head smacked in etc etc.. I'm pretty good at looking after myself so the main thing I'm worried about is the weather.. I'm going to there in the coldest months of the year... I have sorted warm clothes but I still have no idea what it's actually going to be like. It averages -5 and gets down to -20 sometimes.. Anyone experienced a Eastern Europe winter before? Any good ( or bad ) stories?
  21. Happy Birthday Get OTP.
  22. I listen to Dre, Snoop, and Xzibit but I'm not ashamed of it, it's frecking wank as f***
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