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Everything posted by mark247

  1. I went and had a look at it. You turn it over and the starter sounds like it has absolutely no load on it at all. It is engaging, so it has no compression. I didn't check if the cambelt was broken, I was in a hurry lol.
  2. chrome side cooling vents, my fav.
  3. Buying it is the easy part, fitting it is the harder part. Who told you that it was a blown headgasket?
  4. I've simular stories like this, my cousin had a simular thing happen in Chile. It seems if you go to a less developed country where there is a big divide between the rich and the poor you usually end up living with a pretty rich family because the poorer families simply cant afford having an exchange student living with them.
  5. I finished 7th form and didn't want to go to Uni. So i went to Polytech first and did a two year Diploma in Business ( few of the papers were through waikato uni. ) After finishing that I realised "right i have an advantage over people with no qualifications, but im still miles behind anyone with a degree." Because I didnt really enjoy business I decided to go do a degree in something maybe not as helpful, but a lot more interesting. Now im at Uni, doing political science.. two years to go.. If you think you can keep your momentum and have a year off then go back to studym do it. But i have seen a number of people do that and never go back. But if you have enough will to go back, you will. Perhaps instead of getting average job in NZ straight out of 6th form, why dont you consider going overseas and getting a job? There are a few around, dont pay well.. but you get the experience and that's worth heaps. I know a fair few people who have worked in the UK for a year before studying and they all found it absolutely fantastic. Oh and if you think school is immature, wait until you get into a good Uni flat.... muhahahaha. I agree and disagree.. I'd hate anyon to do an entire degree on something they dont give a crap about... but if you have no idea what you want to do a great idea is to just start a degree ( say you want to do a BA, for arguments sake ) and do 4 subjects first semester ( you could do economics, philosophy, politics, history ) that are all totally different.. you may find you are interested in something you had never thought about before. I found this with philosophy.. im not going to major in it but im certainly going to do more papers in it.. and they all go towards my degree as electives.
  6. So jealous too! Two S50s!!! That new one looks super tidy too.
  7. I know a chick who did an AFS exchange to Italy. She loved it. Just remember that a year is a long time, and if you want to go to Uni you will either have to do 7th form when you get back or work your ass off in 6th form. Other than that... just do it.
  8. When i was in 7th form we had a ( rather hot ) rotary exchange student stay with us from Austria for 4 months. Good times. With Rotary you generally stay with 3 different families ( 4 months each ) over the year. With AFS you stay with one family the entire 12 months. Rotary exchanges are good, but I think you have to go to the Rotary meetings every week which might be rather boring ( but I dont know for sure. ) AFS is better in the sence that when you are overseas you will get to know a lot of other exchange students from around the place, which doesn't happen with Rotary if you end up going to a smaller town where they only get one exchange student each year. I signed up for an AFS exchange in 6th form to go to Norway for a year, which i got accepted for, but it meant I would miss out on 7th form. I decided not to go for a number of reasons, and I am rather happy I didn't in a way because it means I got school over and done with... I could pretty much guarantee the 12 months away in Norway would of been totally wasted academically speaking because I would of been doing everything other than school work. Always enjoyed travelling though, in two weeks time I'm off overseas to the Ukraine for 3 and a half months to teach in schools over there ( English and other stuff ) through AIESEC at Waikato Uni. I think it's a lot better because it means I miss out on no university..
  9. mark247

    MY 320i E30

    Bring on Hamilton brother!
  10. I've never understood the attraction of putting a different front end on a car, but that will actually look quite cool when complete.
  11. mark247

    1988 E30 Touring

    e30s in general really
  12. mark247

    WTB: M50 Bits

    you will want a e34 m50 throttle cable as well
  13. Must of had been a 316 in its previous life?
  14. Got that E30 m42 inlet manifold eh
  15. All you need to know in one video
  16. So thats what it's like to be on class A drugs, blurrrr. Great video! +1
  17. That video could of really done with a few more mean as handbrakies by the e30 m3.
  18. There is one being parted out on trademe at the moment? Oh wait no my mistake, that was a spaceship.
  19. Im going to guess it's a BMW engine because everything else would be a lot of work, and I dont think he is going m5x, so I'm going to say m20 lol.
  20. hahahaha loving the 316 badge
  21. This looks like a good movie! Wtf French headlights.. mind the lady... only has one smilely headlight as well
  22. Wouldn't be too bad if he had a high stall torque converter, it's not like the automatic is going to use all the power up! lol. This guy is on e30tech, he has a big huge project thread on there
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