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Everything posted by CamB

  1. I thought the pressure regulator's vacuum attachment was purely about allowing the regulator to increase fuel supply as the manifold pressure increased (so the injectors "see" a constant pressure with respect to the pressure in the inlet). Each 1 psi of inlet pressure leads to 1 extra psi of fuel rail pressure. So (guessing a little here), disconnecting the vacuum source should just leave the pressure fixed at the standard rate? Anyways, I've seen the D-Jet one part way down this article used in an aftermarket EFI setup - adjustable, no vacuum: http://www.autospeed.com/cms/A_2637/article.html
  2. Negative - my Honda's backwards. The Japanese need to get with the programme.
  3. I've bought it at BNT - might pay to ring up first though as they don't always have stock. I used MTL in mine (it's a 240 5 spd from a late e21), no idea if that's the right one but I based it off what Redline had on their site: http://www.redlineoil.com/products_gearlub...mp;categoryID=7 Can't remember what I paid - the guys at my local BNT often give me decent prices. Maybe low $20s for a bottle, and pretty sure it needs slightly more than 1 bottle.
  4. I can't see that and CBF registering to see it, but I reckon that physics says that E30s aren't aerodynamic.
  5. I can't help with the autobox bit, but cool idea! Take pics! A 318 manual box fits (no speedo drive though). If I ever had enough power to worry about damaging the box, I planned to go Toyota, but the price = ouch. http://www.conversioncomp.co.nz/
  6. Not my fault Somewhere around the start of the 4th stage of the 2002 Targa (prolly the only one I'll ever do given the price ), the nut spun off the oil pump sprocket and I had zero oil pressure. Outcome is obvious... My fault Did up the rear wheel nuts pretty much finger tight - forgot to torque them when the car was on the ground. Rear end started making funny noises halfway to Matamata (from Auckland!). Didn't have a wheel brace in the car, despite the fact I was driving to a tarmac hillclimb... Also didn't have a jack! Borrowed a wheel brace from a dude driving past (I nosed the car into a bank to get each rear wheel off the ground in turn), and kept driving down, all good. Halfway through at the lunch brake my co-driver noticed a fair amount of oil leaking from the oil cooler (fortunately a pipe problem, easily fixed). I'm actually really pleased that I haven't had to fix anything on the car for two whole events now. For ages there always seemed to be something that was bung...
  7. CamB

    Manual kit,

    It's worthwhile replacing the seals while it's out of the car (they're cheap). Unless you like removing and replacing gearboxes, definitely make sure the clutch and throwout bearing are good! Do you have everything - clutch master/slave/pedal etc, propshaft, gearshift cradle, flywheel, etc blah blah? Everything! Can't say on your car, but on my 2002 it helps a lot to angle the engine slightly nose up (a few cm) when trying to engage the input shaft onto the clutch.
  8. CamB

    M10 Schrick 316 cam

    Not that I'm keen (sorry), but clockwise or anti-clockwise distributor?
  9. Yeah - they looked after a problem (urgent) on my father-in-laws car at short notice, and quick/good diagnosis and price too.
  10. I reckon you'll get about 85hp/litre, maximum, from a 304. That's flywheel hp too, not wheels. You gotta be realistic.
  11. Totally agree - 8 degrees of negative camber at the back isn't cool whether its an E30 or a Civic. Bashing Hondas as a stereotype sucks. My dirty little secret is that I drive a Civic every day. I love it. Gotta be the best car I've ever owned, and certainly for the price. It's a '95 EG Civic, bilstein coilovers, 220hp (140wkw) Prelude engine (and brakes), sub 5kg wheels - fast, handles well and reliable. It wasn't expensive and parts are cheap and readily available. No ricey bits (OK, carbon bonnet, not my choice it came on the car) - they aren't compulsory. It is only a Civic, it lacks class, but TBH I don't care.
  12. Hmmm, yeah. Feeling a bit negative about it all right now. I guess I'd rather have an old worn out one which I can pinch the bit out of and have all the other bits "just in case".
  13. $500-600 , which is also the cost of a new part from ZF. Both a bit much, if I can find something cheaper.
  14. Gidday I'm after a couple of things. Easy one first - a pair of dust caps for a 2002's front hubs. I'm also after a small case LSD, but don't really want to buy a working one - all I need is a side gear inside the LSD centre (one of mine is cracked). So, if I'm lucky, someone will have a tired LSD in need of a rebuild that I can buy for reasonable money. If I'm really lucky, all I need is a side gear stamped with ZF 304404. So hook a brutha up! Get me back on the race track. No LSD means I can't make my maiden start for the BMW series later this year. Failing that, I'd entertain a working small case LSD. But budget is getting seriously hammered right now. Either PM or daddycam@gmail.com Cheers Cam
  15. CamB

    Quaife Diffs

    Mal Clark @ Bygone Autos has been busy getting this done (changing the ramp angle and adding clutch packs) to a few small case diffs (and to an E36 one I think). You need to supply your own LSD though, but even factoring in that it should work out under $2k (potentially well under). Depends what you pay for the LSD in the first place.
  16. LOL at one set of them being yours - sneaky advertising. I don't think those Sparcos are RWD - they don't look it and I've asked about some similar ones before and they were about 35p (so about 20mm out). Worth asking again though (but seems he has no idea).
  17. Sorry bro - but I didn't want to miss out in this instance. This box makes my life a lot easier (than trying to get the speedo to work with the e30 box I have).
  18. SOOOOOLLLLLDDDDD. I've hit buy now and sent you an email.
  19. At the risk of showing my total noobness, isn't this what caster does (although more extreme by the looks)?
  20. OK, I've checked and it seems there is no 3.64 (I must have swapped it) and the "3.91" might actually be a 4.1 (which would explain why I hit the limited in 4th just after the kink at Puke). I definitely have an e21 3.64 LSD though, as above.
  21. I might have a 3.64 e21 open diff. I believe the ring and pinion can be swapped from that to a small case e30 diff. I need to check on whether I actually have the 3.64 - I've forgotten exactly what I've got, and can't remember if I swapped the 3.64 for a 3.91 or if I still have both. Either way I've definitely got a 3.64 e21 LSD, but I'd want $$$ for that. PM me with a serious offer for the LSD if that's what you want, and I'll post back here if I can find the 3.64 non LSD.
  22. So does a BMW 2002 if you wanted to keep it in the family (it has dual boosters, to be precise - stupid system), and a couple of the dudes with race cars have just removed theirs, so you might actually be able to find a set.
  23. Sort of - you need to comply with the requirements of the Authority Card, which means: - member of a Club (no big deal) - motorsport licence (again, no big deal) - vehicle logbook and homologated cage (probably not a big deal if it's done right) - harnesses meeting required specs (basically FIA and not expired) Supposedly you have to use the car for a minimum number of events per year, but I have never had a problem (car was off the road for 4 years and they didn't blink when I renewed the Authority Card). Events can be pretty simple - eg Clubsport level hillclimbs and track sprints. The type of thing you surely WANT to be doing!
  24. Someone buy this! Take the temptation away from me - I don't have room to store it all so can't buy it...
  25. CamB


    Sounds like what I was just reading about in the Motorsport NZ newletter that came out last week. Basically LTSA seem to have been sweet-talked into letting left-hook and other non-complying (because of frontal impact) cars drive on the road under an extended set of rules, similar to an Authority Card (which race cars need for cage/belts/seats/lexan windows/brake bias/hydraulic handbrake). It sounded quite onerous (Authority Card is bad enough): - have had MSNZ licence for 2 years - WOF standard (fair enough) - must be a race car, which needs Authority Card (ie cage and logbook etc) - only driven to and from events, and during events (eg tarmac rallies) on the road. Oh yeah, and to the mechanic etc At least that's what I remember. Hang on, just looked in the bin and found it. Since I can't find it online, I'll rangi-scan it and post: 56k die - its nearly 1MB
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