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Everything posted by Old_Skool_Bmw

  1. I think the only problem with building a track where 'boyracers' can go and have a 1/4 mile race for $2/$5 or $10 is that this is a nationwide thing?? I think it's a wicked idea to get a purpose built track but how many tracks would we need to solve the problem accross the whole of NZ?? Laurence.
  2. Would seem a lot harder to fit 2 small turbo's in. have you looked at a big single turbo conversion?? laurence.
  3. Im all for imponding cars from illegal burn-outs & street races. If they want to race they should do it on the track where they can't go kill anyone else. Maybe NZ should look at promoting more defensive driving courses on the track.. similar to BMW track days etc. I'd agree that the majority of idiots on the road don't belong to any car clubs, and have no interest in anything other than annoying as many people as they can. Laurence.
  4. Nice set-up, is this smoething that you sourced and have for sale?? At this stage i've decided NOT to go with the 2.5L Grp A engine.purely because of the cost.even if i get the heaxd for 9k plus shipping I can't afford to get a 2.5L bottom end with con-rods and crank etc. So im going to be sticking with the 2.3L bottom end, get the 2.3L top end taken to 2.5L spec (effectively a 2.4L running around 10.5:1 compression with 284/284 cams) This will be good for around 270hp with the airbox & motec installed. Bearing in mind if i had a 2.5L Grp A engine i'd need to upgrade almost all other parts in the car i'll start with sduspension & brakes next year. Itheres no point in runing 300+ hp car if i can't brake or steer properly. I have a few people interested in buying this engine '2.4L' next year so will probably sell it to finance the build of a full 2.5L top + bottom... Laurence.
  5. Looking good.. Always liked the look of the BBS wheels. Where did you pick them up.. and how much does a set go for these days? Laurence.
  6. Sweet as. post up some pics. im sure ppl here will give you a gud idea of what it's worth. might be a gud idea to have a look at similar cars on trade me and see what they are selling for too. Think i've seen you around a bit.. im in Wellys too. Laurence.
  7. I've seen curbing that loks worse than the dent in your rim.. have you considered trying another mechanics shop for your WOF?? I was failed on my handbrake & boot lock (for some weird reason) on my wof on the 190 Merc. went down the road and they passed it fine. Sometimes shops just want to get cash out of you and make money buying in parts, labour etc. Laurence.
  8. Hi Yuen. Im an insurance consultant for Tower Insurance. I just checked and the 323i isn't classes as a hotlisted or 'performance' car. I can only think that the reason you were declined is bacause the Motorsport version is seen as a 'Modified' version of the standard 323i because the motorsport parts are optional from the factory standard 323i. It's a really bad idea not to disclose all details when taking out the cover, so whoever yo go with, you need to tell them all the details about the car. If i was you i'd try an insurance brooker. I've had the same problem being under 25yrs with my Merc 190e because it was a 'cosworth' model. You should try Insure Direct on 0800 505 885, they will do u25 on that car. or i'd just check your local paper and call a well known insurance brooker. Let us know how you get on. Laurence.
  9. Pics would help.. have you posted it on Trademe or are you still in the process of thinking about selling it? What sort of condition is the body in? any curbing on the mags? Laurence.
  10. LOL.... Funny Sh*t!! Laurence
  11. ...And they are complaining that the Meths drinkers are not getting enough warning about the stoppage on June 21st Are you sure Tui will go up? i would have thought DB Brown would sell more being a little cheeper. Looks like theres going to be less white bread sold here in WGTN now Laurence.
  12. A Mate of mine was all set to put a 13b bridgeport into his e21.. but along came an e30 m3 so were now doing that up instead. Laurence.
  13. Hi Denny, Thats pretty much right.. I can get the Grp A head a little cheeper but im aware of the cost of bucket under shims and i was planning on not using bucket under shims if i can help it, but it looks like im going down that road . its going to be a sh*t load of $$ either way, im just thinking that brand new gear eould be a better option then re-working my 2.3L head that had 180,000km's on it. I just found out i can save over $700 on oil squirters if i get everything as a set. Laurence.
  14. ok guys, i thought it was about time i updated the post as there may be a few changes that im making to the list of engine parts for the M3.. i was originally going for: KK 290 cams 2.3L bottom end 2.3L head ported to 2.5L spec 12:1 pistons After talking to a few people it appears there may be a better long-term solution for re-building my engine, only problem is there is a price difference (unless i can sell some of the 2.3L stuff, head etc) I have now found that i can source brand new: 2.5L Grp A Head w/dialed in big arse valves 2.5L Grp A Pistons w/light weight pins 2.5L crank 308/292 schrick cams (these puppies are big with 12.2 & 12mm lift, 5.5 & 4.55mm lift at TDC respectively ) Grp A race valve springs Cost wise the Grp A 2.5L parts are the same price as the first list + the maching and installing the engine. But i figure why pay similar price when i can get all new stuff that has been crack tested & forged. I also have to look at cost of shipping everything to NZ from Germany. So i might be looking a a couple of $1000 more (which is a big deal for me!).. but im sort of thinking that in the long run getting the new gear might work out a whole lot better for me? Anyone have thoughts on this? With the Grp A set-up i'd be making around 290-300+hp at the fly with good torque and a sh*t load of top end hp \ Laurence.
  15. Not really sure about the mirrors Laurence.
  16. Looks like i've sold the car this weekend, Im still selling the personalisedc plate if anyone is keen.. If someone on thisboard wants to buy the plate i'll do it for $1100, $100 cheeper than buynow on Trademe. Had the plate valued at around $1400 by Personalised Plates. Thanks, Laurence.
  17. Im tepted to come up to Auckland just to try this gps out.. Wicked as man!!! Bet you would have a lot of people interested in what you've got going there. Laurence.
  18. Since i got my licence 5yrs ago i've owned: 1990 BMW e30 325iA 1979 BMW e21 320i 1982 BMW e21 323i 1979 BMW e21 320 1986 Mercedes 190e 2.3L 16v Cosworth - currently still own 1987 BMW e30 M3 - (rebuilding to 2.5L spec) - currently still own 1992 Nissan Maxima S (lol feels out of place but i got a damn good deal for this from my mate at worh whou had to go overseas) - currently still own Sh*t it sort of adds up $$ when you thinkn about it.. Nothing like the good ol' european cars i recon, im seeing some wicked as lists in this post.. Laurence.
  19. yeah.. i heard about the price :S:S.. I think i'm getting mine a bit cheeper. guy building my engine runs his owns cars and i think he's secured a good deal cos he's brining in a few units for his other cars. Do you find it easy to use? Laurence.
  20. I'll be running a Motec system in my M3 when i get it on the road. Not too sure which Motec i'll be running.. probably the M4. Basically gona be able to adjust/advance ignition timing on each cylinder, set AF ratios thru gears and fully map the car with the KK cams. www.Motec.com Laurence.
  21. too true bro.. used to be bout doing it for fun. now it just seems too commercialised. Laurence.
  22. www.s14net was pretty good. it's a US based site but went offline for a few months recently. haven't bothered to get back into it as far too many posts to skim thru everyhting and get up with the play again.. laurence.
  23. LOL.. i know what you mean.. seeing all the display names but not knowing who is who. At least i put my name under my posts so it makes it a bit easier for everyone. Laurence.
  24. Hey. i had the following done to get the wof: Replaced the front windscreen, Replaced the r/h mirror (heater mirror) 4 new tyres on the 18' AMG monoblocks (over $1000) Engine service New wiper blade Laurence.
  25. Old_Skool_Bmw

    Emma's M325i

    hey Em, Nice looking ride you've picked up for yourself !!! Loving the wheels on it.. and the mud flaps I was looking for ages at getting one of these, couldn't find a really nice one so i just went ahead and got me an M3 instead, but i've still got the M325i down on my list of cars to own one day. So you opened her up in the motorway yet to see what she can do?? Laurence.
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