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Everything posted by QuickSilver

  1. Ahh those sensors are brilliant, they can leak from new!
  2. "That sh*t is hauling ass!!!" Thats the coolest thing ive seen in a very long time. I want one !
  3. I dont know why your all going on about my money, I;m clearly going to win
  4. Not the R80 is safely locked away - my brothers bike was stolen, it was an old gemini 50CC four speed!
  5. Must have been a day for it, our house was broken into and a motor bike, weed eater and amp were stolen!!!! Sorry to hear about your car mate, hope you can claim it all back on insurance.
  6. Oh my god! All that beer. Whats amazing is how far the driver actually drove without noticing several hundred boxes of beer erupting behind him!
  7. I remember my first e30 mission was driving the boat home!
  8. "legally lowerd on JAMES spring" - lol.
  9. I've accidentally broken a steering lock on my old car, it was just a pin that slid into a hole, and snapped WAY too easily.
  10. Sounds like you prop shaft is slightly out, it will do exactly what you describe (mine did anyway). They are two piece and need to be fitted together correctly to balance. Your centre bearing can cause this too, and your centre bearing hangar as well.
  11. Looks and sounds fantastic, looks like that cam really helps it along eh?
  12. QuickSilver

    HB Riley

    As long as the weekend had purpose!
  13. Slap it on dry, it's an area that you will most likely be opening up again and therefore sealant is pointless.
  14. QuickSilver


    Could be a slow leak inside the master or slave cylinders, could be an old rubber line flexing, could be a loose connection from hard to soft line, could be old clutch fluid. Only way to find out is either to investigate or to go to a mechanic. Edit: And no, it should not be doing that at any stage, should be nice a firm and return no matter what temperature its at.
  15. QuickSilver

    HB Riley

    Simon I'm sure you do that every weekend
  16. QuickSilver


    Ok, $150 and possible delivery I need this out of my garage.
  17. QuickSilver

    HB Riley

    HB, may your V8 yield 100 more hp in celebration!
  18. I agree whole-heartedly, and I also think that the mods and admins have been nothing but fair to everyone.
  19. QuickSilver

    E30 335ti

    Holy big turbo batman! That shits gonna fly!
  20. Yeah thats true it does offer a wider range of options, you can do much more with them, but still... its kinda funny lookin.. haha
  21. Holy crap its fast, just downloaded it after reading this, its mind blowing!
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