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Everything posted by Greg111

  1. Really good when you're in a hurry, easy to install, doesn't take long at all, as long as you have circlip pliers.
  2. Short shifters are neat to have, mines an AC one, works really well, $100 for the TM one is around the norm price for a no name version i would think.
  3. Well done dude, all those hard nights on the computer paid off (looking at TM that is), now we can compare notes haha
  4. I just want to play with it. Push it round with my other toy cars. Vrrroooom Vrrroooom
  5. Can i HP it????? Please
  6. As Simon said, good to have another bay person. Welcome.
  7. The pictures a joke.......that's all.
  8. Like the others, that is one awsome CSL, bet it goes bloody well!
  9. I use BP here in Hastings as they're the only place that sell 98, i prefer to fill up myself so petrol doesn't get spilt all down the side of the car aswell. With my other car i fill up at shell with 95, like everyone else....flybuys.
  10. You would'nt get into Taupo at New years, would be busy as f**k. You would also have to check when the track is booked months pryor to the event. Would be good if it all worked out.
  11. What about this one? http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motors/C...n-157580202.htm Low Ks, paint job looks new! And under $20k too.
  12. Greg111

    motorway patrol

    Mike was the 15 year old cop that was talking to them.
  13. Pretty sure Ford GTs are 95-100 DB, what happens then?????
  14. Aaaahhhhhh "P".... world famous in NewZealand.
  15. It should be fairly straight forward, they usually just bolt onto the chasiss, you shouldn't need to take the bumper off, you will however need to somehow raise the vehicle though to see what you're doing.
  16. Greg111

    Personalised Plates

    WHAT!!! Are they up to $800 now? That's insane, i was looking at some with one of the reps at plates.co.nz not long ago, they were $700 then and that was the top price for the euro's.
  17. I'm wondering if this is the same one that i went for a ride in at taupo last year? Can't remember the guys name.
  18. Hey man, looking good, that coupe looks awsome, love that shape, good luck with the mods.
  19. That's a shame, you havent had it very long?
  20. Wow that looks awsome, i want one, what motor is going/in it?
  21. Haha anti-boredom assistant, i want one no no seven, i want seven!
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