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Everything posted by Greg111

  1. Compressed springs, stupidly low.....
  2. I believe that's PBoy's E36, assume he still owns it?
  3. Ha not sure about the car but it is outside my house.
  4. Greg111

    My New Toy

    With that software loaded on there what would be the approx cost?
  5. Wow, everyone is selling their eight series BMWs. Brent, it looks like the rear seats fold down for storage etc, bucket seat vs flat area.
  6. Greg111

    My New Toy

    Ha would love to be able to diag my own car but rebuilding it has taken most of my monies.
  7. Greg111

    My New Toy

    You can trust me with it
  8. Greg111

    My New Toy

    Wouldn't it be worth hiring out Glenn?
  9. Greg111

    My New Toy

    Ha that reminds me, i bought a laptop three weeks ago and it still hasn't arrived, completely forgot about it. That one looks very fucsh Glenn.
  10. Must be a quick diesel Gauge cable tied to the air vent isn't all that tidy.
  11. I know for a fact that mine runs way too rich, (due to blowing the odd flame) looks like that after a few days of spirited driving, doesn't use any oil.
  12. I love these coupes, love the look of them, love the engine etc.
  13. "Aging" is the typical message you would get.
  14. I can't think of any overly bad cars that i've driven and i would drive up to 10-15 different cars every work day.
  15. Greg111

    1993 E34 530 F/L

    Yeah easy enough to take the strips off and sand them down then paint. Future plans. As i say, overall tidy car, motor keeps on trucking (had hand on wooden computer desk when typing that).
  16. You ain't gonna get cheaper wheels than that!
  17. Hey all, bought this car off anther member just under a year ago, haven't posted any photos of it yet so here we are. Gave it a quick polish this morning, paint is in pretty good condition other than the odd stone chip etc but that's to be expected as it does get driven. All four corner bumper strips are scraped being a large car. (None from me however). The car is completely standard although i got the rocker covers sand blasted and repainted as they had that ugly oxidized look. Interior is mint, no wear on seats etc which is surprising for age and KM. Anyway:
  18. Whose to say it has SMG?
  19. I've had that prob too, just pour some prepsol or meths on a rag and rub, it should start to crumble off.
  20. Ok, I'll have to shoot home later, haven't been there for a few days.
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