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Everything posted by Greg111

  1. Greg111

    540is 6spd x 2

    The M5 interests me E34?
  2. Hey Glenn, just to hijack for a second, can you PM me a price for genuine rotors front and rear, have got prices for Brembo, just interested to see the difference.
  3. Greg111


    Hey Sem, easiest thing to do is just get an aftermarket keyless entry and alarm fitted, it's not standard but does the job. Wouldn't mind seeing photos of the 8.
  4. I believe the motor is in bits.
  5. Ha that's just an ally way with a roof and a door fitted.
  6. So how do you go by reprogramming it?
  7. Hahaha, funny funny sh*t He made some scratch.
  8. Ok, turns out the reason the bulbs weren't going was because the stereo was earthed????? Disconnected the earth and the cluster lights came on. Stereo still worked too The only thing i can think of is the original amp is earthing both components? Oh and got a couple of warning bulbs from JG.
  9. Mines up above the right hand foot well speaker, should be a little clear box with a blinking LED.
  10. That and i can't read it. Something to do with yellow?
  11. We use a steam cleaner at work for motors, parts etc, spray degreaser on and steam clean off, easy. Does a good job too, although this machine would be in the four figure section price wise.
  12. I've got a mongoose as well, i think it's just how they are set up, unsure whether you can modify them or not?
  13. M50 supercharged, power all through the rev range, keep it at a low 5-7psi so no need to strengthen the motor and still get quite a bit of boogie.
  14. My E34 did the same so assume it's just what happens when the cluster is unplugged, best to get it sorted, light on means not working when you want them to.
  15. Turned out to be a very good car indeed.
  16. Thickness-no, stiffness-no, brand-no.
  17. M5 will no doubt be the dearest but the most fun.
  18. If the tyre proves to be fine it could be the wheel bearing, getting worse with vehicle speed etc, if it's collapsed enough it will cause a bad vibration. But check the condition of the tyre first.
  19. JDM, remove a few things and it would be a nice car.
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