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Everything posted by _BRS_

  1. Yeh man doo it! Before the E30 meet. Get Dutchy to get them... you have....12 days!
  2. _BRS_

    HB Braeden

    Happy Birthday Braeden. Have a good one!
  3. Looking good Ryan, always loved E46's, esp 4 doors!
  4. _BRS_


    Welcome John. Good luck on finding a BMW beast.
  5. Welcome Laura, You will learn a tonne of info on here. +1
  6. _BRS_

    HB RyanG

    Happy Birthday RyanG RoyG Troy.
  7. Been waiting to see this beast! Looks tough as, def loving the yellow breaking the front up a little. Road trip down to Hams for the e30 meet? I Think So!
  8. _BRS_

    a good challange!

    I reckon this car is badass as! Keep it exactly how it is, naked throwing stars are gooood! If it does need a tidy up then spend time and money on those areas and you will be satisfied, and keep it white, altho the red will look hot, i don't think this is the car for that.
  9. Nice effort James, yeah would be good to see this in Hamilton!
  10. are you taking the piss or not? hahaGSTRING?
  11. I can vouch for the Nikon D60, mint as camera, i got the twin lens kit, i don't use it enough Just do some research and you will find one that suits your needs, and as for the course, i wouldn't do it, as others have said practice makes perfect.
  12. Looking tidy man, congrats on the conversion.
  13. Looks a little better. Have fun washing your white tees after driving the e30.
  14. _BRS_

    1988 E30 Touring

    mmmmmmmmm keep em coming, i need a wagon! Cop shop in last pic? What were u doin there? haha
  15. +1 fully agree, other than that i like it, looks tough and badass, not like the luxury and elegance of most bmws.
  16. ^ Wooaaah, musta had all the car hoes in the back then sorry for going off topic
  17. Good stuff boys, always like to have Antiform crankn in the e30! Even more so in the coming summer months.
  18. Welcome back, bet things have changed over the time you have been away.
  19. _BRS_

    stupid ticket

    prob picking up some flowers for the Big Night tonight!
  20. _BRS_

    MY 320i E30

    A pic from the weekend on another beautiful Taranaki day.
  21. _BRS_


    yeah that was the Hamilton 400 meet up.
  22. _BRS_

    1988 E30 Touring

    Looking so badass now Jase! I think i have the best pic by far... mmm
  23. +1 for winner^^^^^^^^^ also, congrats on taking up an e30 project, will be mint with the kind of help you have/ can get. can't wait to see the outcome. PS: some of us know whats goin oonnnnnnnn
  24. _BRS_

    Matty104s E30 325

    T H ATS bECAUSEEE IT ISSS!looking mint matty! keep it up brother! did i whaaaat! W O AHHHH mmmmmmmmmm yeooow love that lil beast, congrats on all the hardwork, its a true lil gem, all worth it
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