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Everything posted by Phatputer

  1. Mike, I am off to see Linden today for steering rack, if you want something sort it now so I can bring stuff down if needed.
  2. antil33t, just ask Nick, he has them in his Fiero, adjusted the same way
  3. Very nice, has everything you can want from an E30 without actually being an M3, Will be an interesting one to follow, see if you can resist that urge to just do a little bit more.
  4. Don't work in IT around Christmas time, especially in those times coming right up to the 24th when parents are stressed and want work done NOW because their precious children aren't behaving and throwing electronic toys and the internet at them is the only way to make them happy and quiet. or that business thats decides this is the best time for an office move, and the new server / complete office overhall didn't need any prior thinking and the IT company will be able to sort that with less than a weeks notice...
  5. Hey Mike, Looking to replace dull faded old headlights in the E30 325i 1987 non Sealed beam during my Christmas go crazy swap an engine into the coupe time. The current ones are looking really rather bad and the inside reflector bit is starting to chip away in areas Not too worried about the style
  6. Mmmm,E30 porn This I will have to watch
  7. Nice, I am in the same boat (except both my e30's are still going for now) 325i sedan and 318i coupe, both PFL e30s The Coupe looks sharp
  8. I drove past that speed camera, parked on the Fairfield onramp from the motorway, I also though, the hell is that doing there Obviously a speed camera and I would consider more of a danger being parked in that location than people doing 120k up that stretch of road.
  9. Phatputer

    e30 parts

    PFL headlights. Sealed Beam? and what condition are these in, the PFL 325 ones I have most definitely seen better days.
  10. I have had similar, central locking comes and goes for me, will check that link, I had the 30amp fuse blow for me though which stopped the electric windows, turns out I had a paperclip slip under the wee lip in the tray above the ciggy lighter and dead short that circuit, have you actually tested the fuses? Also on that note, its the same circuit as the lighter, check to see if it is working.
  11. Just did my shifter bushing in the E30, massive difference in regards to feeling the gears going into place, unfortunately didn't fix third gear issue which is internal due to almost no gearbox oil, I really should have checked that when I picked the car up a few months ago, drained out a few hundred mill, replaced with 1.25l Its a lot smoother and a lot quieter, till you try to use third
  12. Took the 4 door manual into the transmission specialist fellas, got them to give it a quick test drive and confirm the gearbox issues. Dropping it back next week so they can suck a whole lot of money out of me to fix it.
  13. Last few days: Gearbox lug removal tool made Gearbox oil drained and replaced Steering wheel swapped on coupe Today: decided I should resolve why my electric windows weren't working unless the car was on and the door open. Checked fuses, there we go, 30a fuse blown, replace.. blown again straight away. YAY a dead short to find. Eventually found the culprit, turns out that paperclip I discarded a while back in the center console a while back had slipped under the small gap between the ashtray and the odds and ends tray and had shorted out the ciggy lighter. Removed, swore and replaced fuse
  14. Awesome, that is an interesting piece of info, although to get the idea of how right these were We ended up welding the piece onto a couple feet of pipe and this had to struggle to get it off. reinstalled with slightly less passion than previous mechanic
  15. Cheers, The whine did reduce greatly with the helpful addition of oil, wonder why Also didn't completely secure the rubber cover and it popped out thus increasing volume coming out of gearbox 10 fold. I would put up with the sound happily if 3rd gear engaged properly, if it doesn't engage it grinds and if it does, it gives an audible loud click before locking in place, once it is in place it doesn't pop out.
  16. Few questions, first give you a bit of history, Purchased a 1987 327i manual a few months back with plans on swapping engine and gearbox / everything else into the E30 coupe. Prior to doing this I thought I would first get this 325 operational / legally on the road so I could fix anything that needed doing / maintenance due to unknown previous treatment. So anyway, various belts have been replaced, rubber fuel lines and various other engine stuff. gearbox was a bit sloppy and shifting into third was problematic, most suggestions on the net pointed to shifter linkages and various bushing replacement. Did all these, and things definitely tightened right up, third however still being stubborn 1x 17mm hex allen key type socket later and a hellava lot of work to get out stupidly tight gearbox filler and drain plugs about 100 mil of gearbox oil drops out, so no idea how long it has been since this was replaced / if it has ever been replaced or topped up, new oil and it still looks like it is stuffed. What is my next best step. 1) Have a missed anything else I should be looking at, all other gears engage properly but gearbox does have a nice supercharger type whine to it. 2) Is this a case of gearbox not worth repairing / what are my repair options for this? 3) do I just replace the gearbox, what am I looking for a replacement gearbox vs repair? 4) What should I be replacing if I am dropping out gearbox, other than the might as well do clutch. Cheers guys
  17. Stubbies, still worn by tradesmen and road workers NZ wide no matter if its 40degc or -2 deg c LnP -> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lemon_%26_Paeroa
  18. Coupe got driven Sedan alternator belt change, and correctly reinstall nuts + replace threaded adjusters due to previous owner Dropped exhaust, raged a bit, continue, raged some more, left exhaust half dropped due to previous owners welding job removed cover over drive shaft, dropped drive shaft lay under car for a while contemplating Contemplated some more, poked at a few bits and pieces, more contemplation Turned lights off, returned upstairs, showered and proceeded to visit bimmersport
  19. I would be all over this... had I just not purchased a set of seats from Hartage (Ian)
  20. Phatputer


    What camera doctor said, Have a friend who does the same, swaps between Dunedin and Manapori, takes decoder with him between home and holiday home. You have had to however adjust settings, but as long as the dish hasn't moved since it was originally installed it shouldn't be a problem, just note the settings between home and play. http://www.satmax.co.nz/support.htm
  21. NZders + stubbies (both kinds) + both jandles and barefoot are typical NZ summer
  22. Regardless of the whole being fake thing, its an interesting topic. Is there actually an effective way to get through? I was a guilty as the next guy when I was younger, we didn't have the stupidly fast cars / couldn't afford them but those type's of accidents happened to someone else and no matter what we did it wouldn't be us. An officer was stated as saying in the article that if it stopped and make even one person think twice about speeding then it was worth it, question really is.. would it stop you? Personally around town / built up areas I don't speed, too many dangerous drivers on the road I need to be avoiding On the open road I tend to stick to the limit and when inclined push the car(s) a little, never to stupid speeds I realise if I get caught then I have to pay the consequences, but at these points the last thing going through my mind is any of the slow down / speed kills ads that get constantly played through the radio and TV
  23. Sub-lease can be tricky, often it is written into the agreement when you sign that you are not able to sub-lease the property you are in, also you end up being ultimately responsible if the person you sub-lease it too ends up damaging the place.
  24. Phatputer

    Parking fine

    Wonder if I could have given the parking warden a citizens ticket the other day, when he parked on yellow lines blocking works driveway.
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