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Everything posted by deane30

  1. deane30

    Fan clutch

    Thanks FrantiC. I did mean to detatch the clucth from the fan thanks. There was a company (dmclutches I think??) selling them NEW on trademe for $125 incl shipping which is a lot cheaper than at the dealer. I can't find the listing on trademe anymore though. They said there was a 3 or 4 bolt model Cheers Dean
  2. deane30

    Fan clutch

    Hey guys, can anyone tell me how many bolts would be on the viscous fan coupling for my car? 3 or 4? I don't have it with me at the moment. Car: 1988 facelift e30 320i auto Thanks very much
  3. Those wheels make me SICK
  4. I reckon my e30 runs amazingly well for a 21 year old car. Its also tidier and probably more enjoyable to drive than most 10+ year old cars on the road. Occasionally it gets little things wrong with it but never anything major... YET. Don't sell Graeme. You'll miss it. Yours is one of my favourite e30's Good luck getting things fixed. Dean
  5. Glad you're OK Nathan! Don't crash it before I get a ride (or during)
  6. deane30

    e30 325i 1988

    Sweet buy. Will make an awesome project!
  7. I used a similar process as Nathan to repain my basketweaves (just in silver). i used Duplicolour primer, wheel paint and clear coat and they came out really well. Dean
  8. Sucks that someone would do something like that. Any idea who did it or where it happened? Hope you get it all sorted Dean
  9. Awesome news Nathan I'm busy Wed night with last day of Uni drinks. Possibly be free tomorrow night but I'd really have to play it by air.
  10. Both cars look beauuuuuuuuuuutiful Nick. have you though of putting clear rear indicators on yours? Dean
  11. deane30

    A Detail in detail

    Looks sweet Mark. I've bought everything I need to give my car a detail over the Easter holidays. I'll finally have some time off and space. I'll be following your instructions from previous posts
  12. Sweet man. Will do. Maybe Mon or Tues night if I get a bit of study done
  13. Thursday night. I have a test I have to study for on Wednesday. It might be tough to fit it in before then.
  14. Wheels look awesome Nathan. When can I get a ride?
  15. I always thought the blue went well with the badge as well (I thought I was weird for thinking of that) I have the blue one but I'm not sure what I would have on a black car sorry Lawurence. dean
  16. Well done MIke. Post up some pics of the E#$ when you clean that I know people like that. Its disgusting
  17. AWESOME work Nathan. Let us know about the Warrant and bring it into Wellington some time next week to see? (or i'll come out to Tawa?) Dean PS What wheels did you go with?
  18. That was one of my favourite cars on Bimmersport. Its sad to see it go. Hope you get a new car soon. I'm sure it will be a minta!
  19. deane30

    e30 Schnitzer

    Awesome Car! You did a great job cleaning it up. What product did you use on the black trim? Dean
  20. Hi Rio, I paid $200 for 14" basketweaves (with no tyres) on trademe in December. They were in resonable condition but I cleaned them up further and gave them a paint. They look new now. I have seen 14" for up to $400 on trademe before. 15" are a few hundred more. Hope this helps. Dean
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