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Everything posted by Carl

  1. f**k that's a huge pussy Cain My pics are all over the show Me, Tim, Kurt Tim an hour later
  2. At this stage it appears to have been an electrical fault right near the gas mains.
  3. Insurance dude was quite nice would dread to think what it would be like if they weren't insured, they're basically left with the clothes they wore to work.
  4. Bit of a mess, lost mostly everything, house won't be liveable for a few months at least
  5. Six fire appliances turned up, was pretty bad, gas mains were spewing forth flames visible for quite some distance
  6. Happened to my folks yesterday
  7. You can do vinyl welding but its usually not the vinyl that's cracked but the foam underneath so the cracks will just come right back anyway. I've learnt to just live with it.
  8. Welcome to the site There's plenty of E36's with tinted windows so it shouldn't be a difficult job one would imagine
  9. It's like that truck driver claw hammer incident up in auckland in a way. I bet anything that the 19 year old driver instigated it and is pleading innocence. I think the whole road rage defence argument is wrong. Some people do deserve a little scare but nothing warrants an attack of sorts. Is bad publicity for BMW but note how the media seems to drop the name alot?
  10. My old flat, home of the 04 filth festival, bbq from 6pm culminating in the ale house
  11. You're such a slut Martyn. If you guys are interested there's a bbq in Petone on Friday not far from the new Speight's Ale house.
  12. Follow this link for the article Crazy Germans
  13. Do a compression test on the cylinders to see if there's any head probs
  14. Pull up your carpets and check for rust on the fire wall as that's a big issue on the dirty 30's. If you got rust you'll spot it easily enough.
  15. Carl

    car advice wanted

    Landcruisers are the business
  16. Oil servicing depends on the oil, if you're using fully synthetic oil like bmw does then the oil servicing intervals are further apart, 15k for instance
  17. holy cow batman...I can see your panties now! While you resolve that you could paint your mirrors white aswell
  18. Carl

    Heads up

    WTF? I find FF considerably faster and it doesn't hang my work pc like IE - can't comment on TB
  19. MuppetAndy, i'll restate, there's 68 active participants so far
  20. Universals need to be correctly positioned, not sure what the phase should be though, just make sure that if you take it apart you record how to put it back together.
  21. Carl

    Heads up

    Anyone using thunderbird? I'm assuming it won't get targeted like outlook
  22. Carl

    Heads up

    Hot dancing girls normally but am currently using brushed
  23. Bump...61 active members over the last week
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