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Everything posted by Carl

  1. Carl

    chips on 318

    You can get chips off ebay or E30Zone but you'll be wasting your time and money
  2. The 318 ain't a bad car, unless it's an auto...ditch the auto
  3. Carl

    Overheated engine

    haha little ole Johnny butt bandid, i've never heard of good stories re Powerhaus
  4. Carl

    Genuine Momo Wheel

    paid 110 for mine from Ernst Ripped, I paid $80 brand new for mine, I think it was from Page european - that's the boss kit anyway, paid $90 for replica wheel
  5. My only concern would be whether there would be a simple avenue for debating and quashing a ticket, assuming of course you have been unfairly ticketed, a simple decibel test would suffice
  6. So will your old man be, or is, a member now?
  7. Carl


    Just have a chat with Jimmy, Paul, sure he might be Dunlop orientated but at the end of the day he'll get you a good deal on a good set of rubber that's already got Tane and myself satisfied in terms of performance - I use mine on the track and you've seen me out on them.
  8. Carl

    Happy Birthday.....

    Ha! I'm surprised Ian put down his birth date. He's hiding up north as far as i'm aware.
  9. E36 318 Ti's, like a plague of locusts
  10. Carl

    Shudder & Vibration

    I had the same prob, shudder at 25k and 50k as you described, and under heavy load it would also make an audible knocking...4 weeks later my diff cog sheared in half and seized up in the middle of a main road. Sounds like you're on to it, driveshaft/guibo, diff, axles and rear bearings/cv's can all be a factor.
  11. Carl

    Forked BMW

    It's black and covered in stubble...has an intake and an exhaust...
  12. Get yourself an eBay account and go to the uk eBay site, there's several dudes selling these there. $60 got me the full set of fronts and sides.
  13. F**king wankers and their cheep electricity I'm so not into xmas this year, blink and you'll miss xmas at my place I have the whole of 12 xmas lights, in multicoloured format too, but I have to have them flash on and off so that it uses half the power of the continually on type. You should hear me when I walk i'm so tight. F**k it, i'm goinghome, i've had enough of this work sh*t...see you wlly people in a couple of hours, weather is good for it.
  14. Did anyone check that you simply need to get your wheels balanced instead of jumping to conclusions? Engine-g/box mounts cause vibrations at certain rpm points so is not particular to speed, besides, if it is was your drivetrain you'd probably notice the vibrations more under heavy acceleration rather than cruising around at a constant speed. Get your wheels balanced and if that doesn't fix it it may be that one of your actual tyres is f**ked. I noticed that when switching from cheap barums to good quality dunlops my vibrations all disappeared. Use your spare if you have to pinpoint a rogue tyre.
  15. Carl


    I have to give my ex #2 one credit - she spent hours trying different stuff before commiting to something. Always pays to do some research when it comes to expensive purchases.
  16. Carl

    Heads up

    Okay, so i'm using 1.5, I seem to have lost the horizontal scroll bars and the image resizing to fit the screen doesn't seem to work...anyone else got this problem?
  17. Shameless use of BS to sell completely unrelated items I don't need a t-shirt to state the obvious and a few of you know what i'm talking about here I've got a set of golf clubs if someone wants to pay for them
  18. Welcome devout reader first time poster
  19. BMW use Bosch as standard NGK are a good alternative
  20. *taps fingers and waits for 80's pics of Ian, Martyn, and Paul...*
  21. Tim is the resident zaust geek
  22. SD was gst exclusive, fairly similar to BMWarehouse by the looks
  23. Since no one replied I did some ringing re M20 head gasket set and head bolts SD European said $220 for gasket set and $65 for bolts Shelley's said $405 for head gasket set so I didn't even bother asking about the bolts Anywhere else worth checking or is SD's price a good one?
  24. :confused:Were it in any other context...
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