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Jacko last won the day on March 27

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2197 Excellent

About Jacko

  • Rank
    7th Gear
  • Birthday 09/10/1982

Previous Fields

  • Name
    Chris Jackson
  • Location
    South Auckland
  • Car
    E87 130i Motorsport
  • Mods List
    24" chrome spinners dawg
  • Car 2
    Shkoda Octavia vRS
  • Car 3
    TRD Ractis

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  • Interests
    Bmw's, RC pylon racing, Beer.

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  1. Jacko

    Quick rant thread.

    Breaking news, you may not be aware, but, N52s leak oil.
  2. Number of 130s for sale on tardme just doubled.
  3. Why dont you have 4 130s? I cant even get in the seat of my one 130 at the moment, fecking neck brace...
  4. Jacko

    2006 130i

    Metal seals on the ledges?
  5. And you'll be able to look at the actual outputs of the MAF and see if they are crazy or bugging out etc.
  6. Protools does coding.
  7. My 2c - Vacuum/intake leak and FRM needs a digital kick. Get a proper scantool, bimmergeeks protools is a very good bet, and itll help you figure out both. Way to early for the parts cannon approach.
  8. Ive pulled 130 box on jackstands, its not exactly fantastic but is doable.
  9. Your going to need a red one now...
  10. Does your have stop/start? If not, no need (from memory at least)
  11. Have Varta in 130 and was in the 330, many years. Does battery stuff.
  12. Jacko

    Quick rant thread.

    I think this might be peak "trying so desperately hard to be cool" Fake plastic Wilwoods (in Manukau)
  13. Agreed, 130 pricing is flat as sh*t at the moment, cheapest in the world (clarkson voice)... but most of the ones on trademe look ropey as. I think you could get 12k, if you found the right buyer (and they would be getting good deal). The problem is finding the buyer at the moment. As sh*t as a it sounds, you might be better off financially to part it out and sell it "stock" as a looked after example on tardme. Or, dont sell it.
  14. Thats not how cars work, since like 1998, pretty much everything in an E87 is on CANbus. Youll need coding to tell it it has cruise control hardware etc.
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