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Everything posted by BM WORLD

  1. sorry should say 250km/h wheel speed 200km/h road speed
  2. all i can say is "wheel spin and smoke at 200km/h down the back straight" look forward to seeing it go
  3. check engine temp sensor and wiring to it . also afm (maf ) these often fail also check wiring around it , as it may have been damaged when it got smashed in the front . these 2 things will affect the fuel richness the most
  4. yes pretty much the same as a golf gti etc . all the trans fail on them , window regs , mirrors , abs units , trans ecu , throttle bodies ,ign units , coils ,ac pumps etc etc but you might be ok for a little while , but beaware
  5. correct 320i 323i 325i 328i . also used in e34 with m50 engines 520i 525i and some e39 520i 523i 525i 528i etc 2L types will have smaller output shaft

    Nerve Damage

    had some some dental work done about 10 years ago , went into a nerve , lost feeling on one side of my face for about 3-4mths , was a bit of a pain , then one day i just noticed i got feeling back
  7. hhhhmmmmm nice , i can see where this is going
  8. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motors/C...n-354638000.htm some seats for you , and in your area
  9. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motors/C...n-354895138.htm
  10. ask lance(mellowpuff) for teh sizes ,he has a spare one sitting in a shed
  11. M double-spoke, polished (STYL.24) part number for the alloy wheels is 36112227850 Light alloy rim polished 8.94kg
  12. yes also so parts are fitted later by the owners etc
  13. BUMP. my mates auction finishes tonight
  14. BUMP. my mates auction finishes tonight
  15. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.as...179&ed=true
  16. BM WORLD

    E21 m62

    give me a call if you like 021433600i used a 4L ecu and loom etc , save yourself lots of $$$$ and got good results. see here for some details http://www.bimmersport.co.nz/forums/index....15&start=15
  17. http://www.google.co.nz/search?q=Geely+cra...ved=0CCsQqwQwAA say no more
  18. you can plane the head a bitand deck the block a bit but if you do the block it would have to be removed and stripped down. or fit some e28 10:1 pistons to the e34 block , but also better to fit the e28 head on top , port and pollish the ports and swap the the valves over to e34 type.
  19. yes you have to be carfull as a lot of the info out there relates to us spec engines etc . there e28 535i only got 186hp due to been only 8:1cr. marty's engine is a good one , i heard it run , from a tidy nz new car with low owners etc was only removed to make way for his big arse turbo engine .
  20. no quite true use a e28 535i or later 1983 onwards e23 735i or e24 635csi engine . these engines are basically the same as the e34 ,e32 engines except for the lower power due to lower compression pistons etc. (there are other differences in the head like valve size and ports etc ) i think when you talk about the cooling you are refereing to the very ealry 3.5l which has a different bore to stroke ratio and a different head casting which sometimes has problems with over heating etc . commonally called a m90 engine built from about 1978 to 1982 used in early e12 ,e24 and e23 models if you fit a e34 or e32 engine it will be down on power and torque , fuel ecnomy etc so just get the correct engine like the on marty mentioned above he has one from 86 535i i would only use a e34 or e32 engine if a e28 etc if i couldn't find the correct type and desperate to get it going or you could go for a early block m90 type block fit the later crank to it custom pistons and bore it out and make a 3.65L engine with 11.:1cr if you want a bit more power etc see pic for some details
  21. e28 engine has more power and torque than the e34 type and will bolt in easier with the mounting holes and manifolds etc
  22. have e46 330i M54b30 that has possible head gasget failure between no.2 & 3 cyl $1500 have a e36 M3 s50b30 , zf 5spd . perfect cond $6-7k have m52b28 pistons and rods .$200 matching cyl head $500 have a mate with a M50b25 non vanos engine running fine $800ono 0321433600 thanks brent
  23. ah yes those V8's and V12's burn well . seen plenty of burnt ones at the damaged auctions over the years yes double check the the fuel lines where they go into the engine .
  24. is anyone after a converison kit for there e36 , just got one in , still in the car for testing . will suit most e36 models. $1200 thanks brent 021433600 details here http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motors/C...n-353272486.htm also many other parts from this e36 318is coupe , m42 engine , panels , bumpers , lights etc etc
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