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Everything posted by pjay

  1. Almost reminds me of a Jamaican. More:
  2. pjay


    Agree. It would be quite nice to change the appearance of your vehicle without cable ties.
  3. pjay

    M Coupe Work VS XX

    Clean, simple, decent dish from factory.
  4. pjay

    M Coupe Work VS XX

    I tend to disagree. Check out on an E36 even: http://forums.bimmerforums.com/forum/showt...d.php?t=1195773 I would LOVE a set of the staggered Z3 M coupe wheels.
  5. I was also looking at this and a friend told me quote "It's nothing special, just a big bumpered Mk 2 Gti". I know nothing about VW's but I do like special/rare/unique models or variations of cars.
  6. Happy birthday young fella, I'll buy you a round next time we're in the pub.
  7. I think that would be your problem - Screwed wheels. It's easy to see if a wheel is no longer straight. Spin it freely and watch the wobble.
  8. pjay

    Movember -

    This morning + edit as my eyebrows are bushier.
  9. The moment you drive out of the tyre shop and on the slightest bump they will be out of balance again. Have you juddered over anything fairly hard, ie curb, bump, pothole, judderbar?
  10. !hceeps esrever esu yehT Lol, silly biach there is no Pluto now.
  11. Scam a student account from Kiwibank. No fees, high interest, interest free overdraft and stuff. It's tops.
  12. This. Import/export laws in Aus suck harder balls than NZ + NZ is a neutral quiet country.
  13. pjay

    Crazy Japanese

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwvVh0_ZelI Love these: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dcmDscwEcI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Dv13HOn4xY
  14. pjay

    Crazy Japanese

  15. pjay

    Crazy Japanese

    What a little trooper.
  16. And I have heard some say you can't refurbish 2 piece rims yourself. Ha, well done!
  17. pjay

    BBS wheels

    If we are thinking of the same set, they were originially on a friends brothers Commowhore and then onsold to the car yard who flicked them off. No idea where they are now.
  18. GT500 Super Snake on North Western last week. Awesome.
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