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Everything posted by Wom

  1. there's even a South Park episode about her lol
  2. Wom

    Intelligence Test

    1. Why can't a man living in the USA be buried in Canada? Coz he's still alive! 2. Is it legal for a man in California to marry his widow's sister? Why? Nah, he's dead. 4. If there are 3 apples and you take away 2, how many do you have? 2 7. You can start a fire if you have alcohol, petrol, kerosene, paper, candle, coke, a full matchbox and a piece of cotton wool. What is the first thing you light? A match
  3. What ever happened to good customer service? I keep hearing more and more stories lately of people having issues with workmanship and when going back to the shop they get bad manners / poor customer service and also get put on the bottom of the pile in regards to the time to get the issue fixed. It should be the complete opposite - they should be going out of their way to satisfy the customer. Do these people not know the meaning of "word of mouth"? This thread alone has probably caused Smith and Smith to lose a lot of business.
  4. yea when going over CV's I always look to see if they have completed 7th form ... shows that they can stick around and give something a go it all depends on what kind of work you want to get into almost all my mates that do a trade left after 6th and are all fully qualified in their fields and have no trouble getting work .. well except for my builder mate, but that's because there aint much work out there but if you're looking more towards office type jobs, or are looking at doing some uni degree, definitely stick it out for the last year plus, 7th form high school was the most fun I had, lots more parties, lots more mucking around and skipping class, you rule the school as 7th formers, and you don't have to worry about crap like sick leave, annual leave etc kids have it so easy oh and 7th form at my old high school was mufti
  5. I don't mind some of my taxes going towards support for any person with a mental illness ... doesn't matter whether they were a victim of a crime or they know someone who committed suicide But you are right, shouldn't be ACC providing the support
  6. maybe ACC is the wrong organisation to be paying for it, but if they don't then who will? Victim Support doesn't have the funding to provide that sort of service
  7. it'll be 5 speed and will have the jatco box since it's an import got mine fixed under warranty ... would've cost a touch over $3,000 if I didn't have the warranty
  8. Wom

    I just love it when.

    got my full licence yesterday, got new set of tyres today, on annual leave for the week pretty decent week in my books
  9. Wom

    Don't you hate...

    I had it a couple of weeks ago, couldn't eat anything for a week ... took 5 days before I could even keep water down lost about 7kg in a week!
  10. I don't get how people accidentally call someone from a cellphone ... every phone I've owned has a keypad lock function
  11. Wom

    Labour Weekend

    ah and the long weekend continues ... for another 6 days ps. if any xbox'ers want to add me to their list .. username = Womz
  12. Wom

    CD Purchasing Poll

    I'll be keen to buy some off ya I prefer buying cds and making rips of them myself so I know it's a high quality rip plus if I lose all my mp3's, I can easily re-rip them and not have to spend months re-downloading
  13. Wom

    Labour Weekend

    there's some nice bmw's in the game, even has a M1
  14. If I have pre-cat only and remove the cat and put a resonator in there in place of the cat ... is this going to make the catalytic convertor check symbol on the dash light up?
  15. hmm, going to have to make sure I take photos that don't show my bumper or bonnet ... only a year after it was last re-sprayed, it once again looks like it's been shot at with a shotgun several times
  16. looks amazing, would definitely love to go there one day
  17. Wom

    BATHURST 1000

    yea it was shocking eh more ads than actual racing
  18. Wom

    BATHURST 1000

    exactly it's car racing ... who cares if it's just Holden and Ford ... it's car racing!!!
  19. good thing with the E36 is that the little lock thing (yea what is that called btw?) goes flush into the door, so you can't pull it out if you smash a window and reach inso as long as you double lock the car, the only way in is smashing a window and climbing in I do like your airbag idea I've noticed quite a few cars parked up in the parking building in town with GPS's just sitting there on their dash ... may as well put a sign on the window "please break into my car"
  20. Wom

    BATHURST 1000

    lol the more the merrier wouldn't be a party if there isn't a bunch of gate crashers ... I mean bimmersporters
  21. Wom

    BATHURST 1000

    I have 3 parties in a row this weekend Saturday - been invited to a dress up like a bogan party ... should be damn easy to find a costume LOL Sunday - my mate has a 160inch projection screen ... so we go to his place every year for his Bathurst party ... which consists of some very heavy drinking ... he's really big on making people have lots of shots, especially really expensive tequilla Monday - my mate's bday, so he's having a party ... yep on monday
  22. lol me and the mrs see it every morning and have been trying to work it out we also thought it might be J for P for RE as in some weird love triangle lol
  23. Wom

    Don't you hate...

    that's probably the worst smell, with diff oil a close 2nd
  24. can anyone make sense of this plate - J4P4RE http://www.carjam.co.nz/car/?plate=j4p4re Japare? Jap 4 re? Jap Four?
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