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Everything posted by Wom

  1. Wom

    Loose Change.

    according to wikipedia "On September 11, 2001, 7 WTC was damaged by debris when the nearby North Tower of the WTC collapsed. The debris also ignited fires, which continued to burn throughout the afternoon on lower floors of the building, with a lack of water to fight the fires. The building collapsed completely at 5:20 p.m., when a critical column on the 13th floor buckled and triggered structural failure throughout." also, in regards to the Pentagon ... if the US Government (and that's a big if, I really do not believe there is any conspiracy here) did do all this, then why fire a missile at the Pentagon? Surely they'd have enough "ammo" to go to war in the Middle East with just the trade centre being destroyed? Has any thought that maybe is was all done by a bunch of pissed of Muslims?
  2. Wom

    Don't you hate...

    lol no-one can find the door handle on my E36 or the electric window button and it's quite funny when someone has locked the door (from the inside) and can't unlock it not realising that they can just pull the door handle (when they find it lol)
  3. Yep should only be 2 sensors, left front and right rear. Idealy you should replace the sensor every pad change, but I'm not sure if it's absolutely necessary to do so. My car didn't have any sensors at all when I last changed my pads
  4. Wom

    Don't you hate...

    yep sure do ... I clean my windows every few days because of the grubby fingerprint marks on my windows lolit's also a bit annoying how everyone never sees the lever towards the top of the seat to fold the seat forward and they always go for the adjustment levers at the bottom of the seat
  5. Wom

    The Anti Rice thread.

    motorbikes are worse especially when it's my damned neighbours sitting in their driveway revving their noisy bike for ages
  6. Wom

    Loose Change.

    South Park - S10E09 - Mystery of the Urinal Deuce
  7. I found Tony's in Lower Hutt (the one across from Wholesale Cars) to be quite useless. I found Mag n Turbo Lower Hutt to be alright, and they're quite cheap.
  8. I think it cost my mate between $300 and $350 for professional installationOne of the windows started bubbling a week or so after it was done, and they replaced the tint free of charge and no fuss at all. Considerably dearer than buying a pre-cut kit off trademe, or buying tints from Repco, but good piece of mind if you're not comfortable doing it yourself. I'm not sure how that price compares to other installers, you may be able to get a better deal.
  9. my mate did his own and it turned out mint as, but all the glass in his car was already out of the car as he was doing other work on the car at the time, so it was easy enough to do effort-wise the good thing with getting it professionally done is that you'll have a guarantee on the work, so if it starts peeling / bubbling or whatever, then they'll fix it up for no extra cost
  10. try this - http://forums.bimmerforums.com/forum/showthread.php?t=457171 the warning about your lights is probably just letting you know one of your bulbs is blown
  11. Wom


    my mate had a collapsed lung a few years ago ... he tells people at parties that he only has 1 lung now lol another mate had surgery a few years ago (can't remember what for now) and he has quite a decent scar going across the front of his throat ... he tells people that he got in a bar fight and some dude cut him
  12. Just got my car back from the mechanic ... $3,000 to fix the Jatco jerk ... damn glad I bought that warranty
  13. A mate of mine has an Evo 6.5 and it is definitely faster than the race car another mate has. I guess a lot of people when they hear "race car" would automatically think of a stripped down shell with a fast engine and don't really think about all the different classes of racing and their restrictions. I think in a straight line, it doesn't really matter if it's a race car or not. But when it comes to handling and braking, I would imagine that race cars would be better than street cars more often than not. [edit] I guess the Evo 6.5 is very close to being a race car, but is still classed as a street car
  14. I reckon that to sit your restricted and full test you should have to have a log book stamped / signed by an official instructor ... which if schools offered driver training, then that instructor could sign / stamp your log book. The log book should have different aspects of driving and only once you have proven you are confident in each section, then it gets signed off. You could also incorporate the advanced driver training into that system ... ie the skid pan, car control classes etc etc could be one of the modules you have to get signed off in your book. Even without those changes, maybe the government could at least subsidise the professional lessons ... last I heard it's up around $50 to $60 for a 1 hour lesson .. out of the reach of quite a few young people, especially if you require 8 to 10+ lessons.
  15. Wom

    Quick Questions

    lucky although, maybe your cabin air filter is really blocked up and your not getting much airflow?
  16. Wom

    Help with annual leave

    lol yea I was thinking about that last night Old_Skool - I've pm'd you Kinda disappointed that I have to wait until next Monday afternoon to even talk about this with my boss (she's flat out refusing to discuss it any further until the meeting) ... but at the same time I'm glad that I have the next 3 days to prepare. [edit] - have just put through a request for the 4 days after Labour Day, so hopefully that will go down well with my manager
  17. Wom

    Help with annual leave

    insurance administration team leader
  18. Wom

    Help with annual leave

    So I've been booked in for an off-site meeting on Monday afternoon. Manager is refusing to even discuss this any further until the meeting. Now I get to dwell on this for the next 4 days Anyone in Wellington have any office jobs going? This is just one of several absolutely rubbish things that this company has tried to do to me in the last year and I'm absolutely sick of it. There is never any compromise here, it's always you do what they say or they make your life miserable until you give into them. That is not my idea of a good work environment ... the only reason why I'm still here is because I have a high level of job security and flexible start / finish hours.
  19. Wom

    Help with annual leave

    Cheers for the advice everyone am trying to reach a compromise with my boss but she's not exactly co-operating will definitely try CAB before DoL ... to be honest I didn't even think of trying CAB [edit] - update, my manager is standing hard and fast by "you must take 20 days annual leave by the 31st of December 2009" Going to ring CAB when I get the chance, probably tomorrow some stage.
  20. Wom

    Help with annual leave

    Yea I've backed up my phone conversation with a rather large email confirming my position. I'd be happy to take 10 days before the end of the year, so my balance will be left at 15 days. But when I mentioned that to my boss, she said that I have to take 20 days before 31st of December 2009. I'd be willing to compromise, but she isn't. I'm quite sure that she doesn't like me - maybe it's because I actually stand up for myself unlike most other staff around here ... gotta luv women on a power trip. If she doesn't back down, I'll give the Department of Labour a call and see what they have to say about it.
  21. Wom

    Help with annual leave

    But if I take the leave they are trying to force me to take, that leaves me with 6 days annual leave total from the 1st of Jan 2010 to the 24th of September 2010. I've just got off the phone with my boss (she's 4 floors above me), I've told her that her request is unreasonable considering that it would leave me with only 6 days leave for most of next year. I ended the phone conversation with "maybe the Department of Labour would like to hear about this". I can appreciate that they need me to take leave, but I didn't think they could make me reduce my balance down anything less than 15 days. [edit] I don't mind taking leave, I just don't like the thought of only having 6 days for the first 10 months of next year. What if I wanted to go on holiday in May next year? I'd be screwed if I wanted to go for more than a week.
  22. Wom

    Quick Questions

    when I unplugged my climate control unit to get it sent away for repairs, it just put the heater on to max hot and full blast mode
  23. Wom

    Help with annual leave

    It's just standard annual leave, I'm not entitled to long service leave for another 8 years My understanding of the law is that I have 12 months from the date that my leave is granted to me (in my case the 12 months starts from the 24th of September 2009) until my employer can "force" me into taking that leave. My problem is that they are trying to force me into taking leave that I don't even have yet and it's going to leave me with 6 days leave from Jan 2010 to end of Sep 2010. I've just been on annual leave for 4 days and got back on Tuesday this week ... I don't mind taking leave - when I actually have a balance of leave to take that is.
  24. Hi My boss is trying very hard to force me into taking my annual leave as apparently my balance of leave is too high. I currently have 6 days annual leave entitled to me. On the 24th of September 2009 I will have an extra 20 days added onto that balance (my anniversary date with this company). My manager is telling me I have to take a total of 20 days annual leave by the end of December 2009. That really doesn't sound right to me and I'm putting up one heck of a fight with my boss. But I'm basing my arguments with her solely on my own knowledge of the Holidays Act, and I'm not confident in my knowledge as most of it is just stuff that my mates have told me. What I would like to know, from someone who is clued up on this area, or has dealt with this situation before ... what are my rights and what can my employer force me to take? Cheers
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