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twisted last won the day on April 26 2014

twisted had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

45 Excellent

1 Follower

About twisted

  • Rank
    3rd Gear
  • Birthday 09/28/1974

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  • Location
    Kapiti Coast
  • Car
    dirty old subaru

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  • Interests
    Cars, Cars, Bikes and Brewing.

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  1. Internet tells me that the only differences between a completely bare E46 M3 shell and a completely bare e46 non M shell are the wider front and rear guards and rear inner wheel arches. You can fit more rubber under the rear of an M3. All M specific reinforcements are bolt on from what i understand. There may be slight differences in threaded mounting holes etc. Might be a good option for a solid cost no option track car build? Wider tubs might be worth 8k to some people?
  2. Hah. Sedan is my old car. Have had two e34 540is, both of which are now manual. A cosmos one that was sold with mpars, now running a 420g and schnitzers. And this. Bought this car standard from an old guy on the kapiti coast, tidied it up and lowered it. Good to see it getting some love, of you decide to get rid of it let me know.
  3. My old car. Gutted as all f**kery that It comes up when I have another baby due and the wife aint working. GLWS!
  4. E39 touring + lsx + twin screw
  5. Used Kill Rust Satin Black Enamel on mine a year ago. They got their first chip 4 weeks ago, and were pulled off and tidied up immediately. And i do 120km open road driving a day...
  6. Concourse condition M635 CSI on Kent terrace BMW286. What a lovely car
  7. twisted

    FS: 1994 E36 M3

    Good job. I gave away a very special car once, and I still regret it.
  8. Fixed it. Finally. Now just need to put the body back together and get the ferkin thing legal. Then do I sell it or the carib? Don'tlike the caribs chances tbh.
  9. twisted

    FS: 1994 E36 M3

    sh*t mate, I'f I didn't need 4 doors I'd be over that like a rash. That's almost 328 money.
  10. E39 is a t50 torx (male) would imagine e30 would be the same.
  11. Saw E DIRTY today, cosmos tech 2 e30 touring on bbs type rims. Looks tits, anyone here?
  12. Pulled the front bumper off to create a bit more space in the garage. Also decided to fix it.
  13. twisted


    Oh yum. JPS scheme for the bonus. That is LOVELY.
  14. Saw a very nice e61 550 m sport for sale the other day..
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