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Everything posted by kingkarl

  1. ^^Yeah, I read that test. I love driving, and going around corners fast. But my love of driving pales in comparison to the shortfalls of my bank account. So $90 tyres are about all i can muster. I've done 1000km on the kingstars and they have definitely improved, which is a relief.
  2. I hate getting a goggle tan so bad it almost blisters... Sunblock is your friend. I hate retarded people that ride their horses through suburban streets, then don't clean up the huge mounds of sh*t that their stupid animal leaves behind.
  3. kingkarl

    TiVo with Telecom

    as if there wasn't enough strain on our prehistoric broadband network already...
  4. kingkarl

    Find me a car

    http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motors/C...n-242117875.htm quality car, low k's, manual, 4 door, european and $1750 change. end thread.
  5. My mum does this and it pisses me off so bad. I hate it when people turning left slow down in the middle of the road, blocking traffic, then take a huge wide arc into their street. Rather than pulling to the left hand side of the road then slowing down, allowing other people to pass. I hate it how my mum does the above I hate being driven by my mum I hate it when my mum (and anyone else for that matter) just assumes she is a better driver than me, just because they have been driving for X number of years more than me. Experience doesn't ALWAYS make you a better driver.
  6. I watched Zeitgeist a couple of years ago and I was SO convinced 911 was a conspiracy. Over time you revert back to accepting the fact the terrorists did it. All those conspiracy theory things are the same. They are so fixated on their side of the story they give such a biased argument on what they conspire happened. That turns into fabricating evidence and making crap up about temperatures of burning jet fuel blah blah blah.
  7. I'm sick of the default option always being regulation. Creating new rules for the sake of it without any research into their effects, is stupid and it inconveniences everyone. Why bother reducing the Breath alcohol limit from 0.08 to 0.05. Chances are this will save no lives. Drunk drivers aren't just a little bit over (or under) the limit, they are usually several times over. These people don't obey the limits as they are, so why inconvenience the rest of us by making it even more strict. As a youth, I have very little difficulty driving with small amounts of alcohol in my system (less than 0.03). Again, reducing the limit to zero isn't going to make our roads any safer. It's the same story with the speed limit reduction. Speed always gets blamed for fatal crashes when in actual fact it's usually the useless driver or his substandard vehicle that kill people. When are we going to see a logical common sense review of our traffic laws? I think it's time speed limits on express ways and motor ways are raised to 120km/h and our fine structures are looked at. Where is the sense in a speeder being fined less than someone not wearing a seatbelt, when the bloke speeding is (according to the govt.) putting far more lives at risk. Testing drivers for drugs is a great idea though. Someone who's high is far more likely to have a crash than someone who's shitfaced.
  8. Sadly.. I kind of like how that looks!... feel free to ban me, I deserve it. MkII's are soo awesome. I wonder what Incary does better. Driving or talking himself up?
  9. If you've got a couple of hours spare: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-594683847743189197# It's pretty convincing when you watch it, but these conspiracy theory things are all swayed so far in the opposite direction.
  10. haha, awesome. He's got way more moves than the girl in the blue... she dances like I do
  11. So after giving my old set of tyres a big smoky farewell, I went and bought the cheapest set of new 185-65-14 tyres I could get my hands on for my Toyota yesterday. The tyre place hooked me up with some Kingstar's (some Chinese rubbish) - apparently it's Hankook's mega budget line. Cost me $360 all up, fitted balanced and with an alignment, so I'm not complaining. Now I wasn't expecting grip levels to rival R888's, but as soon as I drove the car round a corner I noticed how incredibly sh*t they were... borderline dangerous. There is HUGE amounts of understeer which then translates into lift off oversteer. The steering feels all soft and wallowy and the car feels about 200 tonnes heavier than when it went in. I swear to god these tyres have far less grip than my old yokohama's (which were down to the wires!), and the yokohama's were dirt cheap also, which is why I can't help but think something's not quite right. Is it maybe just the fact there's still some of that shiny tyre lube stuff left in the tread from the shop that will eventually wear out, or should I just get used to the joy of buying rubbish tyres?. chur On a positive note they are really, really, really quiet!
  12. One of the tools in my Year 12 physics class kept trying to tell me how he drove to Rotorua and back in 40 minutes. We worked it out and he would have had to of averaged about 180km/h in his front wheel drive MX lancer haha. Eventually he turbo'd it and got snapped doing 175km/h in a 50 racing some other douchebag. I was happy. Another time he told me how he got his dad's HSV sideways at 250km/h on this really sketchy country road haha.
  13. ^^ nay This is straight porn though...
  14. ^^^ That e36's a bit over the top, but it's definitely not rice. A tastefully done fluro green e30 (not sure it's possible) would be so awesome. I love outrageous colours on some cars... case in point
  15. Pjay, I'd rather have your car any day of the week... even if you swapped out the engine for a 1600 diesel and smashed up all the bodywork
  16. That's bad ass. Good to see it's been personalised without going overboard. Brake callipers look awesome! haha
  17. 1,000,000 e-respect points to anyone who photoshops Jason's touring's stock brake callipers red. And then photoshops in some huge brakes also with red callipers (in a new picture obviously). P.S. The new bimmersport hierarchy sounds good to me, haha
  18. that looks mint! Ever considered painting the calipers? They could either look really nice or really ricer if you painted them red
  19. http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article....jectid=10595175 Don't those energy things give you a quick blast of energy, then for the rest of the night you get on a massive down buzz.
  20. me: "how much does a polar bear weigh?" her: "what are you on about?... I don't know." me: "enough to break the ice."
  21. I used to think Tauranga was the home of crap driving. But after driving through Rotorua today, I was amazed at how useless drivers there were. So many were completely oblivious to what was happening around them and they had no respect for other motorists. Where are the other hotspots for crap driving in NZ?
  22. That sucks. Why were they trying to ram you? Road rage? You could try writing a letter but it probably wont change anything. On the bright side, the bus is pretty cheap.
  23. kingkarl


    personally I don't see the point. If you've ever seen someone trying to learn it looks super hard. It's really hard to hold an edge and it's easy to get off balance, especially on steep/rough terrain. I reckon it'd be fun in pow, but when was the last time Ruapehu got more than 2cm's of fresh?
  24. that's a shitload of torque! Awesome.
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