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Everything posted by kingkarl

  1. For every shitty "boy racer" driver i have come across, there are countless other motorists who are far worse. I cannot ever remember a boy racer frustratingly driving at 20km under the speed limit, failing to indicate or needlessly tailgating me. The perception is, doing a skid is far more dangerous than driving too slow/failing to indicate or do a head check before changing lanes. Which is partly why boy racers are being hammered so hard. Also because they're antisocial retards who make too much noise and break too many rules. BUT I'd much rather see a crack down on drunk/oblivious/inattentive drivers. I fear these people much more on the roads than boy racers. I'd love to see boy racers off the road, but before that, they need to sort out our other problematic drivers.
  2. What good does crushing a $20,000 WRX do? Take the cars off them, but then sell them off at turners, $1 reserve. That way LTNZ can recoup some of the funds owed to them by these "boy racers".
  3. Your not alone! Any car can be "gayified" Note to self: never ever type "gay BMW" into google image search ever again
  4. gay people dont drive cars with wheels this big: My vote for gayness would go to the gay e46 compact, way gayer than the other gayest bmw, the gay e36 compact. no offence intended. I'd rather drive a gay compact than my 80's jap crap.
  5. wheels are the best part. engine's not bad either
  6. Mandatory rebuild been done by the sounds of things. Great looking car, buy it!
  7. Holy crap thats so sick. 325, manual, black - only thing its missing really is service history. Pretty awesome price too?
  8. Actually, yes. I'd rather have a BMW on chromes than a sh*t car with nice wheels.
  9. After a long day skiing, me and 3 mates retired to a backpackers in national park. The beer started flowing and I though i'd prove how tough I was by showing them my drinking skills. Turns out drinking on an empty stomach and with really bad dehydration isn't a good idea. After 8 beers i was pretty gone and I got to the point where you lose the sense of taste. Out came the 1L bottle of Vodka, and i started skulling it (i swear it was water). Promptly spewed up my dinner (massive hamburger and chips) all over my my bunk, the bottom bunk, all over the floor and some on the table, then coma'd about 15 minutes later. Wouldn't of been too bad, except there was an English tourist sharing the room with us. She was too polite to say anything and just pretended she was asleep. God the smell was bad though i don't know how she coped. I woke everyone up at 6.30am and we boosted the HELL OUT OF THERE before anyone could find out. Won't be returning there any time soon.
  10. Personally I blame woodstock and all those shithouse tasting bourbons for a lot of the problems. You always see "those types" drinking it. Pretty sure they don't sell it at supermarkets though. Demand for alcohol is very inelastic, so increasing the price wont have that much of an effect on the amount people buy. Cask wine is my quantity beer . $16 for 30 standard drinks... super cheap piss Everyone says that but it's not that bad! $20 for 20 cans, cant complain. For price/alcohol quantity/taste, Steinlager is always a winner though Carlton cold is pretty mint, 6 pack for $9 and there's about 8.4 standard drinks. Tastes pretty good too.
  11. Such a load of BS. Top gear is a quint essentially male show. Will it be compulsory for men to be presenters on "woman" shows like oprah or That one with Trinnie and Susanna? What pisses me off is the double standards. Did anyone see that story on Campbell live a few weeks back, where they were talking about male receptionists? Basically, some coffee distribution place hired a bloke as a receptionist, amongst a business primarily full of woman. They were all commenting on how he was great and he was nice look at and how he was good because he could lift heavy sh*t. Basically he was the office Bitch. If it was the opposite situation, with a bunch of blokes hiring a woman because she was "something to look at" and she was good at cleaning and cooking for the office, there would be outrage. Despite the politics though, it will be pretty sweet if they get a mint as chick.
  12. I've seen a toyota aurion also. Wish they just stuck with the Holdens, would be much easier to pick.
  13. Big Impact! Good to hear no one was hurt. I had a similar situation a while ago, except it was a 50+ woman driving her brand spanker E60 540i who pulled out in front of me while i was doing about 70. Difference was, i had time to swerve around her. Needless to say she god a mega dose of the evils at the next intersection.
  14. kingkarl

    Dream Job

    to name a few: *Professional skier or more realistically... ski instructor *F1 Driver/WRC Driver/Touring Car Driver/ *Playboy photographer *Beer taster *Crew Member on a super yacht *Ferrari/BMW/Maserati/Mercedes/Audi/Aston Martin test driver *Astronaut *Member of the Who/Rolling Stones
  15. I quite like these Even though they're common as dogs nuts, i still like M3 reps on e36's like this one
  16. Holy sh*t! That's sick! Colours awesome. Go matte Black for the grill IMO. A few Questions though Are you gonna take it to the track? Could prevent you from losing your licence!! What did you do to lose it btw? I've got no idea, but isn't 8.8lb flywheel quite light? Aren't they normally around 22ish? Has it got LSD? What's the realistic Power goal?
  17. kingkarl

    Available jobs?

    But seriously, military would be fuggin awesome. Great experience and all your costs are covered, plus they pay for additional study if you want to do it. By the time this slump in the economy comes right again, you'll be ready to move on
  18. delivered a pizza a while back to a guy with one. he showed me around it, then gave me $5 tip. best delivery ever.
  19. haha, i swear some of these texts have been taken from my phone. this is hilarious.
  20. kingkarl


    I'm a fan of subtle colours like these: But if you want your car to stand out, and why wouldn't you? Go for a vulgar colour. Do it!.. ORANGE!!! And for ultimate awesomeness, accent the wheels too!
  21. haha, your e30 has a better Displacement to power ratio then than dodge yank tank.
  22. GO BACK TO YOUR OWN f**kING COUNTRY AND LEAVE OUR LOLLIES ALONE!... Good thing she's not a pineapple i guess.
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