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Everything posted by kingkarl

  1. hahaha Quite unusual that dMonsterE30b joined youtube today and uploaded the video at around midday even though you removed the video from youtube hours earlier at 10.13am.
  2. Sounds so awesome at 1.14 on the limiter
  3. haha, yeah most of them are retarded. The guy I had was telling me how he wanted to drown Maoris. Mate of mine got failed for not looking in his mirrors enough, when the rude bitch was sitting there texting for 90% of the test.
  4. I personally don't think you need an instructor. Did mine last year without one and it was easier than the restricted test. Take HEAPS of time. I consciously tried to slow everything I did down and still got told at the end of the test to not rush so much. They won't fail you for taking a few extra seconds at an intersection. When passing through speed limit changes (say from 70kmh-50kmh) make sure you are down to 50kmh before the sign. When you get to the hazard identification part, make sure you point out anything that remotely resembles a hazard. Pedestrians, intersections, parked cars... nothing is too stupid. Finally, check your mirrors!!!! Check them when you get into the car, before you get out of the car, before you pull out, before you pull in, before you indicate, before you change lanes, before you change gear and before you brake. Before you do anything check your mirrors, the testers love it.
  5. My stock standard 89 corona has a factory exhaust. It's loud as sh*t though. Pretty sure there's an exhaust leak. Still passes warrants though
  6. That's a pretty ignorant thing to say man.
  7. Christ. I walked through that place once while we were staying down there for a ski trip. The owner saw us and let his crazy dogs out onto us. I don't think I've ever run so fast in my life.
  8. ^^ jealous. 210rwhp is crazy.
  9. Someone always used to Cross out the LES from Pooles Road round here. this one has to be the ultimate sign to get your hands on
  10. kingkarl

    Nearly there.

    holy crap thats so tuff! Looks awesome.
  11. Gets good from about 0:40 (NSFW)
  12. Don't mean to offend, but i cannot get over how ugly those renaults are. I would sell my testicles for this car.
  13. i just jizzed my pants. love the wheels/tyre stretch
  14. you should swap with that e39 - looks really nice, awesome colour
  15. kingkarl


    Homo chariots. joking. But seriously, i kept waiting for the huge flatspin in your vid. Where was it!? What kind of 0-100 times you reckon your beast can pull?
  16. at least the mr2 kit car looks kind of like a ferrari. that's mx5 is so far off
  17. words cannot describe how sick that looks
  18. I don't see how keeping weight in a car will make it corner better, regardless of how high/low it is. My extremely limited understanding of physics tells me that centripetal force = (m*v^2)/r. So reducing the mass of the car, will always reduce the centripetal force pulling it to the outside of the corner. Meaning the tyre's will handle a higher cornering speed before letting go. Dunno if that's logical or not.
  19. That's unbelievable value. Looks great, love the rims. Does it struggle for grip at all being FWD? Or does the computer sort all that out?
  20. It pisses me off when i see people driving in the middle of the day with their lights on. WHY?
  21. Firestone on 2nd ave is awesome. Cheap, professional, friendly, fast and helpful. They've got a kick ass customer waiting area too. Free internet, coffee, tea and all the latest car magazines.
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