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Everything posted by matt45

  1. yes just remember its better to have a bigger amp than your sub so that the sub doesn't over draw and poke the amp. Also same goes for amp vs battery as glenn pointed out. In mine im not worried about the battery because the amp and sub a low power and not even turned halfway up. Also the battery in the E39 looks like it could run my house
  2. did it last weekend in the E39 ... makes the stock system soo much better ... there is absolutly nothing wrong with the stock 10 speaker system that i have in mine other than the fact it lacked bass. Even the guys at rapid radio agree unless something in the stock system is actually broken there is no point in replacing it unless u intend on spending a crap load of money. The E39's are easy to do because they have the stock speaker amp in the boot so there is already a remote wire there and all your speaker wires and of course the battery. Can have a look at mine if u want to see what it looks like installed (basicly all you do is splice into the rear speakers). My sub/amp is by no means expensive, but it is enough to take the strain off the speakers to give bass, which is all i really wanted.
  3. my amp has level, gain and bass controls?
  4. all amps ive owned have had high level input which eliminates the need for any converter... what kind of amp are you using?
  5. Put it back in! .... when was the last time you had all of the interior in the car? .... yes that does include the glovebox and shift surround!
  6. where? the only one i can see is one like mine and they want 700bux!
  7. should do if its fully tricked out ... im not sure if the bluetooth interface is capable of caring other audio or what kind of quality you would get if it did. Someone else can probably answer that.
  8. would like to see you get a MB-1500 in the country for US150 i suspect you are pricing a model which is not the media bridge. "In 2005 the X5 got Bluetooth kits straight from the factory if ordered with the Premium Package." So as long as you have the premium package and the car is 2005 Built (this is different to 2005 registered) you should be ok for bluetooth, you could probably just Hook up an AUX jack if you are going to be using a player (ipod) but if you want to run flash drives etc you will need an interface.
  9. So bored one night a couple of weeks back i was trolling eBay for no good reason and i came across this and bought one (coz it was cheap and i hadn't seen a car with one in it before). OEM BMW flashlight, and yes i am one of those pedantic people who likes having the original bits to my car haha. Plugs into the AUX power socket in the glove box, TBH its a pretty crap light but no doubt will come in useful. Holding out for my LED's to arrive for the angel eyes
  10. matt45

    X5 4.6IS 2002

    Seriously tho ... goes pretty good considering its.
  11. matt45

    X5 4.6IS 2002

    compared to a hummer
  12. matt45

    X5 4.6IS 2002

    With quotes like that ill be Jeremy Clarkson in no time. Make sure he replaces it with something nice
  13. http://gadgets4u.co.nz is where i got mine. about $440 (bit steep IMO but there isnt really a cheaper option) i dont think BSW ships internationally? What year car do you have? personally i havnt seen any with bluetooth from factory just the factory phone, and im pretty sure it would have "Telephone" in the menu if it did? (someone correct me if im wrong)
  14. ive got a Dice Mediabridge 1500 (w/ Bluetooth) Works well, has AUX, USB/IPOD and Bluetooth connection methods. Comes with a External mic that you mount for the handsfree. Sound quality is good. It is not the best thing in the world to control, you are pretty much limited to Fwd/back track, answerphone and volume, unless you want to memorise some stupid button combinations. The Text to Speech function is pretty useless (i turned it off). Firmware on this model is upgradeable. If you want to see it working you can have a look at mine ... however ive got the standard stereo ... no monitor.
  15. matt45

    Need a favour

    wheres the mainfreight depo? airport?
  16. when you say "dealer" is that an official dealer (eg. Team McMillan) the place you bought it from? or just a random mechanic?
  17. NZ new import ? Standard radio or tv monitor ?
  18. I suspect all students will be doing exactly the same thing. tried k'rd?
  19. Still looking for a NZ (euro spec) wiring loom due to having rear folding seats which render jap ones useless.
  20. yea im not sure whats up with the mx5's this pic makes me lol .... typical....
  21. Don't think this has been posted yet... Top Gear teases Iraq Christmas special http://www.autoblog.com/2010/12/08/video-t...cial/#continued should be interesting.
  22. matt45

    These on TM

    Almost got one of these, but decided the E39 version is a little too ugly. Looking to retrofit but at half the cost these do make an attractive option.
  23. hopefully they don't try to charge you the price difference :S
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