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Everything posted by matt45

  1. matt45


    This is incorrect ... it depends on the offense as to whether or not Diversion is possible and you generally need a squeaky clean record to get it. However in this case i would say it's probably not an option.
  2. i know the pic isn't actually them .... but those Vaders look BAD ASS. How much $
  3. You're parents are probably right haha. Definitely don't use anything cheap because if you get lots of false alarms you get used to it going off all the time and then when its for real you could be screwed coz u ignored it. In the past i've had a Escort X50 and a V1 both have been good.
  4. Escort Passport 9500CI is installed Front: Radar is below number plate 2x laser 1 either side of plate. Rear: Single laser receiver at top of number plate. Inside: Buttons and display Mounted on the optional buttons panel by cup holders, Display is flush mounted but buttons cannot be because some Muppet decided to put the power button on the top of the unit. Speaker and control box are hidden inside dash and USB port is in storage slot under dash.
  5. I love this acs version, pretty damn rare and expensive tho ... even the 17" version Can you please get them.... so that i can come nik them
  6. my e39 has 10 airbags i would hope if i got hit hard that it would create a bouncy castle.
  7. ooo i like that redy orange colored one ... haven't seen one like that before.
  8. haha ur only the 6th person to ask.
  9. So i have a new toy that will be going in hopefully this week. Passport 9500CI Integrated Radar/Laser/GPS Alert system. And before someone says i'm crazy for spending $2600 (RRP) on this system, i didn't i got an extremely good deal which is why i got it and no i didn't steal it Installed pics to come once its in
  10. good choice of placement .... defiantly suits a white car more than any other color.
  11. Sounds Good, GL hope the prepurchase comes out clean!
  12. It's sort of between high and low beam (1 bulb for each side of car). I put the exact same ones in my car so u can have a look IRL at the meet if u like.
  13. ^ what hotwire said, do not take it to any old mechanic or the AA also it has no wof or rego at the moment.
  14. Looks nice (from what i can see) i like that color. The 2.8L is the smallest engine the E38's came with they are big cars so you may find it struggles a little when overtaking etc... also the bigger the engine the less it has to work to get from X km/h to Y km/h, depending on where you drive you might find a bigger engine is more economical. The NAV computer would have had to be changed to get it working in NZ (this isn't cheap so its good that it has been done altho it does look like the older Mk3 version). Defiantly do not buy it without taking it to BMWorkshop or Botany Motorworx for them to check it out (normally around $150 ... i think) because if something like the Electronic suspension goes haywire you will be digging quite deep to fix it. From Carjam: * Licence expired 1 month 3 weeks 5 days ago on 28th November 2010. * WOF expired 2 months 1 week 4 days ago on 13th November 2010.
  15. Hi! What series are you looking at getting?
  16. Haha yea range rovers aren't the most reliable ... its all the buttons that sell me on it (pity most of them don't work after a couple of months). That's interesting about the Touaregs (Haven't driven any myself) Best get the V10 diesel?
  17. I'm a range rover fanboy but for 50k personally i would probably look at Touareg's This one is a little expensive but all the ones around 50k are silver! http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motors/C...n-348607083.htm PS: the Merc looks nice .. but something always puts me off merc 4x4 .. cant work out what it is.
  18. Same .... my first thought was Z Coupe
  19. For the display did you just install a new one into the existing cluster?
  20. For something like an M3 i would be going somewhere like rapid radio to get a a proper setup done.
  21. One way would be to get the VIN and take it to a dealer to get the specs printed.
  22. It's cheaper than a full retrofit on an NZ new car Yours should be able to be done with NavCoder, hotwire/jochen can probably confirm.
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