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Everything posted by bravo

  1. bravo


    f**king mint. I am pretty envious dude - f**king cool. Sorry about the poor language - I am pretty speechless.
  2. Yo, 318 Touring - is the price on the site for a pair or for one? i.e. is it going to cost me around $60 or so US, or closer to $40? When adding to shopping cart it says quantity 1, but is that one plate or one pair? Cheers.
  3. bravo

    Powering an amp

    Thanks for that tip about separating the power cable from signal cables - I know about that, but hadn't thought about it and would have found out the hard way. Also remembered the remote on wire just before I read your posts so cool there too. Looks like I'm going to have some fun pulling the car apart - cheers for the help. Oh and Gus - helpful as always Edit: Oh yeah, I've seen those wiring kits in Repco, but with a father as a sparky I get all that kind of thing at trade from the wholesalers, so sweet.
  4. Can't. Sign up as a new user with a new name, and then ask Andrew to remove your old identity. I used to do the same (use my real name on forums) as I didn't care/think about privacy issues, but it is worth thinking about. Although most people on here know my christian name, some my surname, and some my address, but I suppose that info is a drip-fed thing so relatively safe.
  5. bravo

    Powering an amp

    What is the standard solution? Run a fused power cable from the battery under the bonnet, or put a battery in the boot? How do you charge a battery in the boot? Never installed an amp in the boot before, always under the passenger seat, so just wondering what others have done. It's a bit of a pain: RCA's from headunit to amp, speaker wire back to front speakers, power cable from battery to amp, and then since I want to be able to pull all the audio out easily when I sell, regular speaker wires as normal. Bloody messy! Ideas?
  6. I might look there too. They have a "plate girl"! cool idea, now if only she was hotter.
  7. bravo

    wheel nut locks

    BMW dealer and not too expensive do not go in the same sentence. I think I know what you have now not lock nuts as you said but nut locks. Try vice grips, hacksaw, hammer, whatever just don't damage your wheel or the stud. or jam a big screw driver in the keyhole and twist the sh*t out of it - enough leverage and you should be able to just break the thing off.
  8. technically they are not allowed, but it is up to the cop to get you really. The LTSA prescribe the size, font and type of plates alowed, and if you talk to PLATES, they say they are the only people allowed to get diff plates. However, there is no shortage of people with europlates, and home-made jobbies/ decals so obviously there is some leniency. It would be up to the cop on the day, and like Gus says, it may be used as a ticketing offence because he/she can't find anything else to get you on. I am thinking of getting some soon, but haven't decided. credit card is the safest way to buy online(other than paypal and its variants). there are exchange rate calculators on the internet and add about 2.5% for an exchange fee charged by your credit card company.
  9. bravo

    wet floor

    I had this prob every time I washed my e30. was the drain hole below the windscreen that emerges in the engine bay on the drivers side from the firewall that was blocked allowing water to fill up below the windscreen wipers and enter through the aircon vents. As it was always dry there before, I didn't thoroughly check for rust as cam advises, but I have had the dash out and didn't see anything then, so should be sweet. Annoying, but easy fix. Presumably e34s are similar.
  10. bravo

    cops hate me!!!

    Me mum got pulled over for 103 on the same stretch of road about two weeks after you Gus and got let off, so ???????? I think we are all agreed, the merging of the MoT and the police ultimately spelt the end of the respect the Police had (and deserved) before the merger, and until their attitude changes, or the divisions are split again, then that is how it will be, and so as annoying as it might be to have to constantly watch your back and drive like a paranoid granny, it just may be that we have to take carls advice and be extra vigilent on the roads even if that spoils the experience.
  11. bravo

    wheel nut locks

    If it were easy to get them off without a key, then they wouldn't be much use would they? It all depends on what sort of lock nuts they are. Some need a key, others just a different shaped tool. Post up a picture so we can see what type. You might be able to get a key from a tyre shop if it is a common one, otherwise you will either need to hacksaw it off, drill it out, or weld a bar onto it to undo it.
  12. bravo

    56k' ers

    Pretty slow here on 33k actual connected speed (damn rural area with damn electric fence units and shitty old copper cables). If you want to be rid of that dot tk popup that always comes up when you go to the site, I can email you a script that will disable it. It is against the terms of use and so you will be breaching dot tk's rules and so they will be allowed to kick your site off if they want, but I've been using it for years no probs. Last tested it on a site I closed a year ago, so hopefully it still works, anyway holla out if you want - it's just code so I could possibly post it here and you could copy paste provided the forum software doesn't try to execute scripts in posts otherwise I'll email it.
  13. bravo


    What's an Italian tune-up? Fanging it round some windy's? Don't know if the emissions laws will really effect e30/e34 owners or not as the latest model facelift e30s and late model e34s may find themselves caught just at the end of the cut-off, and I don't know if the stock exhaust is up to it or not. Obviously e36s etc will need to be up to date, but the stock gear is probably better as far as emissions are concerned, and the only prob will likely be with poorly tuned vehicles or vehicles with modified exhausts.
  14. bravo

    cops hate me!!!

    Everyone has their stories about bad deals from cops so I won't bother with mine. My take on the thing is that it is a direct result of the merging of the MoT with the police. 1) We got traffic cops becoming real cops with their traffic cop mentality. These traffic cops are now running the show with this same attitude that they had as "rookies" in the MoT. 2) We have police officers wasting time and training on traffic when there should be regular cops doing their bit for crime and traffic cops focusing on their lot. 3) We have traffic departments dictating to the higher ups regarding funding and focus taking resources away from real policing. 4) We have new cops developing a MoT mentality that affects the way they deal with real crime - they still talk and act like traffic cops. Cops are so hard to have a conversation with - they are the most unpolite, arrogant arseholes even when you are not on their hit list and are helping them. This is because this is what traffic cops are like due to the sh*t they get from people when on traffic, and it rubs off on all of their dealings with the public. We need to separae the force and make it back how it was which worked. I am not even sure why they did it in the first place (OK I know why they said they did it, but why did they think that it would actually work?). Oh, and 323e30 - did you move, or do you habitually give the police different addresses from ticket to ticket?
  15. bravo

    Mean '02

    Minta! That goes for both the car and the site - Cheers Cam!
  16. bravo


    How differentials work LSD's limit the amount the wheels on each side of the car can turn respective of the other wheel under load. This means you are less likely to get just one wheel spinning which means you won't get stuck on slippery surfaces as much as both wheels will turn even if only one has traction (usually the one WITHOUT traction will turn only on a normal diff so you go nowhere) and it also means you can control tail slides etc better as the car does not become unbalanced when one wheel suddenly loses Edit: (or gains) traction and starts to spin/grip. It also means they break traction less. The extreme version of this is a diff lock as used in 4x4ing and farm machinery to aid in traction, but you cannot turn corners with a locked diff as the outside wheel needs to turn more than the inside one. (the car will turn, but you will kill your diff.)
  17. You know Cam, there is a Location field under his profile you could read.
  18. Welcome to the forums Rick - nice to see one of the boys in blue on the site. Edit: Esp. one who drives a bimmer, and a E34 too - nice :thumb:
  19. Nice :thumb: Sounds like my kind of brake upgrade.
  20. bravo


    Yeah go f**k yourself. That was a funny day tho. Was raining and couldn't work till rain stopped cos expensive electronic equipment, so thought we'd go for a 4x4ing adventure down the back of the farm we were working on. u-turning at then end of a blind track and slid dwon the bank and only saved by dropping into a steepp gully by a big gorse bush. had to get the farm supervisor to winch us out with a block and tackle. Weren't even sposed to be down there, so had to make good excuses. Yeah, f**ked up there didn't I? anyone say self pwnage?
  21. I do a fair bit of work for GHD - never knew we had a GHD team member on the BS list. Edit: Found it - and I thought I'd read all the posts!
  22. NOS has been around for (in my memory) 8 years. It was 8 years ago I first came across it. In those days, medical grade was unheard of, or at the very least unavailable. The only place you could buy it was dairies for the whipped cream makers. It is only relatively recently that decent (read safe) quality has been readily available and the popularity of NOS has risen. This is why it has come to the govt attention. They cannot restrict the non-medical stuff for use in cooking, so things will just have to go back to how they were before. Don't blame the dairies, they were first. There will also always be a black market, but prices will go up. Watch and see.
  23. Who cares?! It's not as if the smokefree legislation is earthshattering history in the making. I presume the bidders think it is an investment. In 5 or 10 years time, no one will think, "wow - remember when we could smoke in bars? I'd pay good money to have the butt from the last cigarette smoked in some long-since-closed bar" It would be like having the glass from the last pint chugged on the last day of the six o'clock swill from some generic pub in Auckland. It's worth nothing, UNLESS you were the one drinking/smoking it and YOU still have it, because then it has bragging value, but for anyone else pffft - bollocks. What a load of rubbish. The seller however, is the man.
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