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Everything posted by _ethrty-Andy_

  1. im not a contract lawyer by any means, but a government act like the consumer gaurentees act (now called the commerce act) takes priority over any businesses terms of sale, i actually have personal experience of just that. anyways. doesnt affect me so yeah. ha.
  2. wheels on my Hiace are plastidipped, they get a flogging and holding out well, and despite being a work van i do actually clean it fairly often lol
  3. certainly no offence intended allan, you have done a great job, but you cant really use an engine swapped car etc as an example of service experience when it comes to this sort of thing.
  4. all the hand held units etc arent 100% reliable, my one included, they are pretty good though. despite having one, if i was chasing a persistant problem, i would be getting Jeff Gray to scan mine, $80 isnt much to know exactly what the problem is, rather than buying 6 or 7 parts it "might" be
  5. sounds like a great plan except for the coilovers if you going to be using it as a road car then been there done that, never again
  6. how did you "launch" that? one foot on both brake and accelerator and then leift of the brake or something??
  7. is it for your 318i E30? have got a pair here, they have passed a WOF before being pulled out. they are non-abs type i think. Where are you?
  8. i havent wasted any time with an M10 before so not familiar with them. you will posibly need to use a prefacelift M20. when i say they are all the same, all prefacelift bodys are the same, all facelift bodys are the same, but something that works on one may not nesessarily work on the other. the facelift word in terms of E30s is really much much deeper than just a change of bumpers etc like it does on most cars
  9. is this for your E30? all E30s are the same so yes M20 will bolt in
  10. funny, had a conversation with the company that I rent vehicles off from time to time, usually get a (turbo?)diesel Hiace from them, then tried a VW turbo diesel transporter and wow what a different machine. We all know a euro car is nicer than its japanese "equivelents", you dont expect it to translate into commercial kit too. Amarok is 2100kg though? im not calling you out, im sure you're right, but i do kinda find that hard to believe?
  11. seriously nice piece of kit Paul, would be all over this if i didnt have a mortgauge to think about
  12. sounds like you are buying another E46 with a bent butt???
  13. $25k for a 325ti starting to look more attractive! having said that allan, i do admire the talent and time you have put into this car! whats more having see it in person its not a hack and slash swap, its very tidy conversion. is this the last two problems on the list now? you can start working on my car when you are done
  14. is it for E36? im not to familiar with them as much as i am on E30s, but on E30 you need the loom too as they are not factory wired for the OBC, and worth very little without the loom. someone with more E36 knowledge will know if this is true for E36 too.
  15. where are you planning to get longer studs from with the correct thread pitch? thats the first thing to research. too long-a bolt and you will find that it goes right through the hub and touches the wheel bearing, which is just as bad as too short bolt that doesnt have enough bite. 3mm or 5mm ones, you will probably get away with using your factory bolts, much more than that and you will need them to be on the safe side, but then you wont be hubcentric, which is also a bad thing. there is a reason all this is illegal without an engineer looking over it and ticking some boxes My advise, one of three options: get the right wheels, get bolt on dont bother. f**k slip on stuff unless its a very temporary measure Edit: by the way, i have some 25mm bolt on hubcentric spacers i had an engineer make up for my wagon if anyone is interested. will pass cert or your money back.
  16. not too much of a painfull experience on a sedan
  17. 'Straya? the probably struggle with spelling VB
  18. yes, not worth it if they are your only mod. I have bolt on 15mm ones on the front of my wagon, doesnt *need* them, but seems to handle better like that, and balances out the fatter than stock rear tyres so the look is still correct.
  19. so 2010 bro i listened to that a lot of times...
  20. i have seen so many pictures of similar E36s on t3h internetz im not sure what you did ;p
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