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Everything posted by _ethrty-Andy_

  1. They don't need the cam sensor to run, I think it's just their effieiency and a second reference point. I don't have one on my e30 m52
  2. You changed springs with the wheels on??
  3. In addition to what's already been said, heater core and air box thing has been removed and I shaved some of the foam off the carpet. The latter is a bit of a waste of time to be honest, but regarding the former, it was cracked anyway and some of the sliders didn't work, so out with it. Unsure whether to replace it or not, but Jon from jksouthern suggested rainx or using the strips the back windows use, as apparently you need a front demister for for and scrutineering. I think I need to invest in some bathroom scales to get some numbers!!
  4. What does dry ice do? I've heard people talk about it for all sorts of things but I don't even know what it is..? Sorry if this sounds noob
  5. I'm pretty sure it's 10% too. Lifes a bitch, So make it yours
  6. Just removed the top layer, I'm amazedat how heavy it is! Still have the second layer to go, but it's stuck down a lot firmer than the top. Do you have any tips michael? As far as a ballast goes, it's possible, though my uk spec 316i didnt have ac but had the tar shite I estimate weight loss so far to be over the 100kg mark so far since last driving the car, With most of it over the rear end, so I'm unsure what benefits it will give me, seeing as e30s are notoriously light out back in the first place and I had traction issues if I wanted them as it was. Have removed the stereo system which included 2x subwoofers and 3x amplifiers, and removal of liners and sound deadners, and also the roof racks, not that they weighed much as they were aluminum. I'll borrow a set of scales to do a final weigh when I'm done, and maybe then take the car to a weighbridge nearby and measure the difference between stock, mine with interior, and mine with seats and carpet removed except drivers seat. Should be a good experiement
  7. 56 in a 50 which was a genuine mistake, 62 or 63 coming down the wainui hill road, camera right at the bottom of the gradient.. Usually story, and a 12x on the open road passing a Honda on cut springs. I wasn't going muck around being behind this guy, and I believe the speeding to be justified. The cop agreed with me and told me had he seen the Honda he would have let me go and pulled that, but he didn't. He told me he was going to radio ahead to catch it though. Admitedly this was intentionally now i think about it, but more than justified. Am i more likely to die from a spring falling out the back of the car in front at 100kph of from passing on a passinglane at said speed? Regardless I sit on 95 till July. I'm in no way proud of this obviously, but it's the system, and I condone the use of bigger demerits and smaller fines
  8. After your advice at this stage i decided I'm leaving the sound deadening in the cabin where it is. It seems to be single layered there, and I'll take the foam off the back of the carpet. All the sound deadening in the boot is going to be removed though, I have removed some already, and it's actually quite easy to do. Hmm, I did think that Paul, I have removed the rear section of the exhaust heat shielding, and modified the front piece so that I could get my exhaust mounted higher. I mighqt make a custom shield for it at some stage.
  9. I wouldn't ever ignore it. I don't intentionally speed, but it happens, and if going to beep every 2 mins and get me to check my speed, that's invaluable. I wont be using it as a tool to get away with speeding as you all seem to be. Its no wonder they want to make them illegal. Everytimei have been pulled up for speeding it has been when I have been unintentionally doing so. Now that I sit on borderline lost license, I realise I should have invested in one ages ago. I genuinely think less technology is betterr for these
  10. Telling her it happened from getting a knob in the eye probably didn't help?
  11. Lol I'm 6'3" and weight 70kg.... I'm already way underweight lol. I dont have a stereo so noise is a good thing lol. If I was going any great distance I would be using the wagon or the trailer so not really bothered about that, just looking for things do to while the interior is out. Might go all serious on it later who knows Thanks for the tip on SA carpet, I'll look into that! I seem to remember that from my SA car I used to have now you mention it Haha probably is yeah. I'm not bothered though lol. I don't drive the car much to know a difference anyway, but free mods are good mods lol Thanks for the advice Nathan!
  12. Haha well what would you call it? I don't know what to lol. I don't need any of that stuff in it so I may as well do away with it. Aircon is long gone, but I'll remove the heater core thing that connects to it as that is still there I know the carpets heavy, im going to try and devise a way to make it easy to uninstall at the trackside, falling that, shave the foam off the back of it and lay it like that. Who needs sound deadening??
  13. As I am spending today and tomorrow if I need it redoing al the wiring in the car, all of the interior of the car is out. What bits should I get rid off to shed weight? As ultimately this car will be a serious streeter and will see track days. I want the cars interior to look stock, and I'll just pull the seats out when I need to, but I'm thinking about the tar like padding stuff between the metal and the carpet.. Can that be removed? Is it heavy enough to be worth the effort? All of the tar and linings in the boot will be ginned as will the spare tyre. Where else can I loose weight? I'm going to get rid of the window motors and the central locking mechanisms on the back doors, and im not going to be reinstalling my stereo, speakers or alarm (gps tracker will be retained though) and that's it for ideas. I want to keep the sunroof Thanks lads any ideas will be appreciated and probably actioned
  14. Better than nothing. For that price they only have to stop one fine (I mean remind you of one blind corner.....) and it's paid for itself. Im in
  15. True but you can get bags that stop half way though etc surely? Ha. Apparently cars on them handle like sh*t too but I guess any car that low that wasn't designed that way will handle sh*t
  16. If I thought that looked good and wanted that, I'd be going for bags over a static setup, coil overs or standard. I just don't understand why people through away all drivability of the car in the name of looks when you can have both.
  17. Pushing the car back and forward a few meters will work if you don't have an LSD dont necessarily need to drive it
  18. I agree with this Looking good though!
  19. You don't need to swap ecus because the transmission/gearbox is 100% mechanical. You could do it in a day if you kinda know what you are doing
  20. Lol just when thought I'd heard it all from you How much funding do you have? Is it going to be a riverbank skidded or..?
  21. You will always get 'nothing' across a fuse as it's just a piece of wire, so if you measure tahr voltage across it you are just comparing one point to itself.try checking it with the other probe on the negative terminal of the battery
  22. That's like iPod touch too but iPad seems to be different. It's a different interface to iPhone/touch. It has that arrow that points left that says artist in it like on yours, and on the other side it says 'play all songs', but if I hit that it picks a random song to start off with. I'm going into welly this arvo so I'll see if the mac store can help me. Thanks all the same, ill post what they say
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