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Everything posted by _ethrty-Andy_

  1. Thanks heaps for this! Wont be doing mine myself either so will be a useful for whoever i get to do it. Would you think a good mechanice would be okay to do this or should i get an engineer to do it? dont mind either way really, just getting my mech to do all the other suspension work. Not sure how much detail your planning to give on this, but more is better if possible? i will be running the same subframe mounts. Thanks!
  2. why not wrap it in black, and then buy one if you dont like it like that? seems a waste otherwise? Either way, i have one available $10+P
  3. In other news (sorry to hijack), has anyone got a plugin or something for Mozilla to do this?:
  4. closes in 90 minutes! dunno why i left the closing time till midnight lolfail
  5. Auction closes tonight! still at a good price too!
  6. wasnt going to post, but ill throw my hand up for ClubAuto (Tower iirc). Only ones that would insure the E30 (including CLIC and NAC), possibly because of my record: crash + speeding fines + 18 Also, probably irrelevant but.., I also shopped around for insurance on the Volvo, and they were the cheapest.
  7. yup your right. a common problem, especially on US cars from what ive seen. May be present and still hooked up but just rooted... its the worse side of 20 years old remember.
  8. _ethrty-Andy_

    e30 318is

    I thought euro iS have side skirts from the factory too?
  9. what side bracket are you after? ill check the stash tomorrow i think i have ones off a pair of smashed fogs
  10. hijack... OP looks like hes got his answer though... Glenn do you think it is possibly the same problem in my Volvo? it also clicks some times, has an airbag, one of two horn buttons dont work, and occasionally (only seen it twice in the three or four weeks ive had the car so far and its a DD) the SRS light comes on. Im not really worried about fixing it, the whole airbag system was ment to be replaced 7 years ago according to the manual, but none the less im interested to know if i can fix it or not
  11. _ethrty-Andy_


    I agree to all posts above. doesnt help when the main catalysts of the threads turning to sh*t also seem to be swinging off one or more of the moderators nuts too, though that admittedly has decreased quite a bit in the last month or two
  12. dont take the steering wheel off if it has an airbag. if you must take it off get it disabled by a specialist. you dont want that blowing up in your face, and its as good as useless if its not installed again properly
  13. I havent got the Volvo done yet. i was just investigating the price for later down the track. Probably take it to Seth when im in aucks for BDO or something. But your far more likely to be done for a tinted windscreen than the sides of the car being darker than they should be, mainly because its more obvious 5% is darker than 35%. the percentage is the amount of light that can pass through it, not the blackness (if that makes sence.. blackness is inversley proportionate). 5% is only allowed on commercial vehicles, and/or on windows rear of the rearmost seating positions. Seth will probably chime in sooner or later on the exact regulations
  14. after talking to a few places about getting my wagon tinted with 5% sides and back (also illegal), i found that the couple of tint shops i talked to were all willing to do it, but got you to sign a form saying that (in a nutshell) they advised me it was illegal, and therefore they are not responsible for any offences because of it being on a road car. None charged an extra price on top of their normal prices however
  15. his car is facelift, so if its not there, it will be down on the center console by the gearstick
  16. FYI may want to get another sony headunit that way you dont have to rewire it in theory, check it has the same plug tho
  17. forgot to have a look. ill have a nosey next time i go to my friends place round that way
  18. Already have rims sorted for that, but i will consider a 5 stud conversion if its compatable with all the stuff i already have brought though.. i havent researched that at all so i dont know 100% the ins and outs. But thats another thread....
  19. thought so yeah coz my mate brought his Lancer back off them when he wrote that off, but possibly different insurance companies have different policies. Will update/move this thread if i end up picking up the car
  20. MSN to the rescue ahaha. go to it
  21. buying this http://www.trademe.co.nz/Electronics-photo...n-300219044.htm
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