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Everything posted by _ethrty-Andy_

  1. How long is it going to take before you need an HT licence to drive a 7? thats near on two of my E30s!
  2. Not if i get the ECU/DME from the car as well though correct? the engine is identical to mine.
  3. Pod filters need to be sheilded or waste of time. Sound cool and maintenance free, but less performance on a warm engine and in the long run less engine life coz of heat.
  4. I have a supplier in Wellington who can sort me out with a full replacement EWS system, or a full OBD1 conversion. i just need to decide what to get.
  5. seeing that E31 above, does anyone have a lockup in Seaview and own an E31 and a 635? Im doing my conversion in the other row of lockups, and saw them when the main drive was blocked by the Demon MonsterTruck
  6. I know they didnt come out with it, and am aware that i need to change other stuff too. but please dont tell me there goes my last life line i currently know of
  7. i have been making a special effort ever since our little episode on my build thread
  8. Trust me i have considered selling it for an M50, but i enjoy getting into projects that are over my head to start with and pulling them off and then being able to look back and being impressed. Im pretty sick and tired of researching the whole how to get EWS working, and then being told that that wont work and then being told the 'real' way, only to be told that doesnt work too. The only consistant advice seems to be the OBD1 conversion option, which, with the prices of a new EWS set, or a new key, is suddenly a more attractive option than originally thought, especially with the hp gain i will get for my investment, unlike the other two. I REALLY wish i hadnt gone to Auckland in January, or my car wouldnt have crapped out, and id be able to get this research done before i started, and it would be a lot smoother swap. But then again.. it was Muse and i still cant believe i saw them haha
  9. +1 he wont help me Rang BMW and the key is suddenly loking like a more expensive option. 210 + GST + Shipping from germany. With the price of the EWS crap from another car its looking more economical to go for an OBD1 conversion which i dont really want to have to do at this stage. If anyone has a COMPLETE OBD1 conversion or a siezed or otherwise M50 PM me your price.
  10. It looks like it goes nuts, but the designer of the car needs to be shot.
  11. thats exactly what i was going to ask them tomorrow! Have you any idea on the turnaround time on one of these? like how long it takes to get?
  12. Will be calling BMW tomorrow first to check prices of keys, and if they can sync it without it being wired into the car. if they cant or its going to cost an arm a leg and my first born then i will be calling you and possibly coming out tomorrow if thats okay? Hopefully you still havent removed it yet *fingers crossed* would be good to see how its set up. Thanks for the links mate! would bet my life savings the first wont work though its for Bosch, and the second is probably the same. they seem to only have M/S50 in thier catalouge too (not that spent much time looking). Either case shipping from the US wont be worth it. Thanks all the same
  13. If the engine ran fine on the old belt and you swear you didnt rotate the crank or cam then it wont be that, assuming you rechecked after putting on the tensioner. Would not want that skiping a few teeth! did the engine run sweet before you worked on it? (sorry if you have said yes)
  14. would say its EWS2 as its a '96 also iirc EWS1 was bare bones basic and didnt even have the transponder in the key
  15. Have disregarded the states forums for the most part in case they are different. Thanks for your suggestion though
  16. oh dont get me wrong i do hear what your saying. im just confused why virtually everyone (edit: strike that. Every single person) i have talked to/PMd/read in thier build threads says you can, and then now your saying that i cant. I got told told off for not doing research, i spend almost every night for the past couple of weeks looking and sifting through the BS, only to get told off for doing research you cant win here
  17. mm thats the backup plan. would rather reprogram the ECU and be done with it, hence this thread.
  18. I wish there was a fingers emoticon like on BF haha. but nah cheaper to stay with OBD2 for now.
  19. im running et 42 wheels without spacers... not by choice but i am....
  20. yeah i know. The chip from the key wasnt there though which he says was in there. it must have either fallen out of the package or i accidentally threw it away in the tape or something. i know how to do all that jazz IF i had the chip. But a key/chip from BMW is a month ex-germany aparently, and then i have to get the car to them to get them to sync it to the car. when you take time, hireage of a trailer, the fact i dont have a car with a tow bar etc etc, thats an option i dont want to take So if all these people have done it then, are you saying there is two types of DME then? Siemans and something else? have not read this but this MUST be how they do it then :S
  21. even with the lines lining up it can still be 180 degrees out, as the cam shaft rotates twice for every turn of the crank (or other way round cant remember off the top of my head).
  22. hmmmm god this is confusing. have read on heaps of different threads on different forums and told by people on this very forum and they are all saying you can...
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