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Everything posted by brockie123

  1. where did they get the from? that is such a Christchurch rule! my friend was driving up a hill in a 1litre chirade and got done for excesive acceleration. i would go and took to a proper policeman cause that rule can't exist!
  2. that's a pretty damn nice example of one! i want
  3. some of this i agree with.. but some things are so stupid.. noisy exhaust on some parts i don't agree with. the penalties shouldn't be as steep as they are. In Chch they used to have a rx7 series 7 that used to line you up at the lights.. give you a rev up (this car was noisy!) then if you dragged him he would pull off down a side street and a mufty would come up behind you and that was it you were f*!ked. they don't do this anymore cause they got caught and police got in a bit of trouble. i mean in all fairness if i was an old bloke in a E92 M3 and some knob in an rx7 was reving his car up beside me wanting a drag i'd give it to him.
  4. it'll fit. i have a boss kit on mine not sure of make cost me $80. it's so much beter to get a smaller wheel on.. those big ugly things are horrible to drive with!
  5. what do you want for the gear knob?
  6. i agree i'm just about to get rid of mine where the parts car gets here and i can get a new tray! does anyone else find their e30 with a slip diff thinks it is a lsd? mine loves to think it's an lsd.. it's so reliable i'm not even going to bother getting an lsd it feels just like one.. but it's deffinatly not. also what type of wheels are you putting on it louis?
  7. e36 compact champagne colour automatic 316i a car like that comes into the workshop and i hang my head.
  8. no respray. it's got an lsd in it also, and goes like no other 320i i've ever driven. can't wait to see it once you've lowered and got wheels.
  9. glad it wasn't as bad than it couldve been and sounds like you handled it well.. me and my mate got a knife pulled on us at a servo in chch and i was sitting in the passangers seat and the dude had the door open and i was getting a bit lippy he tried to kick me in the head and got the b pillar on his shin and was in so much pain we drove off real fast. people like that should get filtered out of society when they show signs of being like that.. like whilst they are at school.
  10. man that's ugly. i hate carbon fibre!
  11. i don't understand the system my mate just got done for it and got 28days but i knew another guy who lost it for 3 months.. i got let off sustained loss which was 6 months thankgod
  12. in the right place here then. really look forward to see what you do to it. i'm also thinking 2.7 for my car. but gotta get it looking a bit tidier first getting my wheels refurbed in the next few weeks. manual conversion is a good idea! it's not to difficult either, i just had trouble with the wiring.. but if you understand that stuff you'll be sweet good luck man
  13. Go e30! look at the km's! you'd find it hard to get a 320 that low let alone a genuine m325 nz new.. parts are so much easier to get for the e30. plus anything it needs you can easily get help with through here.. of course i am going to say this though.. i wouldn't own anything but an e30.. i vote e30
  14. welcome! loving the e30 what plans have you got for it?
  15. page 3 second to last comment.
  16. post up green. leave them! or if you feel the need to do somthing to them get them polished
  17. i'm actually learning stuff about members on here hahah good effort very funny keep em coming
  18. i did mine last year and was around 400 plus had to change exhaust because apparently 94.5 decibels is "too close to the limit" it was the god damn stock exhaust how does that work and why have a limit if too close is not aloud? also had to put discs on the rear as drums don't cut it..
  19. brockie123

    e30 bbs

    i went in so they could have a look. and he said probably $60 per wheel. the centre part of my rims are fine just the polished bit that needs refurbing the centre needs just a good clean he said. that's excluding the tiny amount of curbage i have on one wheel from the guy before me but that shouldn't be too much extra.
  20. brockie123

    e30 bbs

    yeah i thought so.. maybe seeing as i'll be saving 600$ more than i thought i should look for a 2.7 litre block or get my interior re done
  21. brockie123

    e30 bbs

    i just rung up and they said $100 a wheel.. for paint and polish. i'll go in tomorow though cause i have i tiny bit of curb on one and get a proper quote.
  22. looks mint Mark! haha i'm constantly looking for places to get a good photo.. can you get a car into the ghost yards? that place would be awesome. anyway nice ride! keen for an e30 park up and get some snaps of some chch ones in a nice spot?
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