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Everything posted by OLLIE

  1. OLLIE

    iphone 3G

    How is that "sensible", relevant or going to get on anyones nerves?the original iphone doesn't have 3G, hence no pxt, everyone knows this. The new 3G iphone does. If your friend loves pxt so much she should have done her research. The best way to buy an iphone is to buy it in the US and unlock it, it will ALWAYS be cheapest there. I had a chat to my friend at vodafone last night, here is what he said. "We had iphone training this week, there are 75,000 pre-orders and only 10,000 phones. We don't even know the plans that they will be sold with or anything. I'm staying the hell away from them for at least 6 months. I think the smallest plan you can get one on will be 24 month you choose 250 ($110/month) and the phone will cost $400, if you buy the phone outright it will cost $900 (until blackberrys go down in price)" I am glad I bought my 1st generation iphone, i don't use pxt and 3G is too expensive anyway so i save myself a lot of money. Once i upgrade to the 2.0 software and sign up for Mobile Me (push email, contacts, calendar etc..) i will be happy, a lot happier than the people who stuff around with vodafone and their rip off data plans etc... Once 3G data is more affordable and the phone is waaay down in price i might upgrade to the 3G unit so i can use the extra GPS and 3G features.
  2. OLLIE

    E28 Race car.

    looking good! love the orange!
  3. OLLIE

    Truckies protest

    interesting read. trucks can get on with it please, no need to clog up the motorways because there has been a RUC rise. In hindsight the only positive thing about their protest is that it lets the government know that we are ALL fed up with price rises. Elections coming up - I have no faith in either of the major parties right now, it's sad to see them resorting to dirty tactics so soon and it really does nothing to convince me that they actually do any work. Definitely time for a change, NZfirst/National?
  4. OLLIE

    iphone 3G

    it's going to be funny hearing all the complaints from vodafone customers when they see their first bill after getting their new 3g iphone. "oh sh*t, how did i use $400 worth of data. If you can buy one in the US - DO IT otherwise i'd hang tite until vodafone sorts their sh*t out, this whole US$199 is bollocks in NZ as like mentioned previously you will have to lock into a 36 month plan at over $150 a month to get the phone for a decent price. I've had enough of vodafone, i used to think they were amazing compared with telecom but as soon as telecom go's gsm, i'm probably straight back with them. rant rant
  5. not knowing the history of the car they could be anything really, maybe even hex bolts
  6. OLLIE

    335i - Alpina

    TFB garage! FTW
  7. OLLIE

    german plates

    watch out for red light cameras
  8. OLLIE


    nice find got myself a badass M1 race car wallpaper
  9. i went and saw the guys at north shore tow bars and they said that 90% of trailers have the 1 7/8" coupling including car trailers. What we have decided to do is cut the end of the shaft off and weld a tongue on with an eye for the safety chain and then I can use standard tow balls and interchange them if I need to.
  10. drivers side - 2 door
  11. yes they do, the person i borrow it from also lends it to other people as well as using it himself now and then
  12. trying to get it ready for saturday?
  13. watched it tonight - was pretty funny! Jeremys polizia car wheel coming off was hilarious!
  14. they would have aided in holding my chrome gutter trim on today!
  15. it's an old car trailer, but yes it should have a 2" coupling. perhaps I get a coupling to fit to the trailer?
  16. trademe link Used these only a couple of times when i went to the mountain in the old E30. great roof racks
  17. I get the exact same economy in m 540iA as Adam does.It's funny in my old 320 manual e30 i got about 12-13 l/100km on average round town, granted i revved the sh*t out of it but it it was still disappointing compared to a 325 getting the same economy or the 4 litre V8 using only slightly more gas (city driving only)
  18. OK ... Today i finally get around to using the new tow bar, i went to pick up the car trailer for the test day at puke tomorrow and low and behold the trailer won't go onto the tow ball! it's a 2" ball rather than a 1 7/8" ball. BUGGER so my question to you people is, can anyone recommend a good engineer / engineers workshop on the north shore to get it machined down to the more common size of 1 7/8"? as you can see from the picture, it can't be done with a lathe. Or do you think they would cut the ball off, lathe it and weld it back on?
  19. that is bullshit! 100% money grabbing! and their explanation doesn't even justify it!
  20. OLLIE

    Gus goes shopping

    Awesome! nice work Gusto I vote leave the kit that colour and have a 2 tone E30 touring, haha badass!. keep us posted!
  21. OLLIE

    Losing coolant

    could be any number of things. just check all hoses around that area for cracks, check hose clapmps. It could be one of the Welch plugs or a gasket. Good luck
  22. OLLIE

    Photo Shop CS3

    your sig looks a good size to me, maybe you have already adjusted it but it looks fine ....
  23. the no.1 rule when buying car parts if its rubber (bushes, hoses, mounts etc) - replace it with a brand new part.
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