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Everything posted by antil33t

  1. That E30 is farrking tidy mate.. Wish my enginebay looked like yours Elan ftw! bet that things a blast and a half to drive ;D
  2. You can also look up value of the "when new" on the redbook site iirc.
  3. Someone could've told me that when I mixed Absynthe and V. It actually was pretty nice.
  4. Did you know that the 500mL cans of energy drink like "NOS" and "Rasta Blasta" have 59 grams of sugar in them <.< I'm surprised they aren't more like antifreeze in thickness. As an avid energy drink user... I agree. They do nothing for me... except make me feel like throwing up.
  5. Oh dude. What goes on in that head of yours Yeah, it was quite annoying had to tape them up to get them as stiff as possible.
  6. I had to go buy a heap of Extensions, and I was a few inches too short... Thankfully my Sisters Boyfriends dad had some <.< Then I got her boyfriend all oily and she moaned ;D +1 on the 2.8 Swap, saw a video of one on youtube... went very well
  7. I've got a simular problem, use to buy around 60 cans a week of coke. now It's down to around 2-3 2.25L of coke a week <.< So very bad.
  8. antil33t

    325i touring log

    Does the goo replace the gasket? or is it just to help the gasket make a seal? Looks good Max, Keep it up mate!
  9. Is your daughter single? Also, I'm using a 2.5 with 2L exhaust. LHD headers won't clear the steering I don't think. You would need RHD headers. Probably no need to replace the headers... unless they're buggered or something. my whole exaust is fine... If I were you.. I'd just replace the muffler with a good replacement... I think that's what you're asking <.<
  10. I want one, but would trade the 42" plasma for a gun rack. and maybe a massive opening roof for zombie pot-shots.
  11. That link is for an E34.
  12. I hear Glenn's into that kind of stuff.
  13. FAP Plate's Ftw. I love these E36 wagons, the BMW dealer here has a real nice one. (service mobile) I quite like seeing "EWW" plates on BMW X6's
  14. I replaced the radiator drain bung with a metal bolt with thread seal <.< It still leaks. other than that though... nothing is too "handy". Oh, and I have no rego holder pocket, so It's just magically stuck there using magic.
  15. Welcome! Looks to be a good project mate.
  16. antil33t

    E30 24V

    Woah dude. Good luck with reparing this man! I got one of them torx sets for 50 bucks, if you were closer you could borrow it.
  17. If you started driving that car, 50 bucks says you wouldn't want to stop driving it
  18. Hm... My engine is out of an NZ New 525i. I wonder if that's not ment to have a Cat.
  19. Mine has one. I thaught all motronic ones did?
  20. antil33t

    my e30

    Looking good mate! Love hartages.
  21. I wish Dunedin had some form of sealed track <.< Though, they did use the oval once.
  22. I also think that the dole shouldn't be given to anyone that hasn't worked before. My cousin who is 20, hasn't worked in her life, won't show up to study, and probably isn't going to do anything useful anytime soon. and yeah, lives on the dole. People that genuinely can't work can get the IB, so it's not really picking on anyone imo.
  23. Stupid. Public roads are not a racetrack.
  24. I can only earn like 100 bucks/wk before they take my benefit off me and I'll very likely never be allowed it again <.< 100bucks/wk isn't really enough these days... I can spend 50+ a week getting to class.
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