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Everything posted by antil33t

  1. I would get the hub-centric rings before spending any other money.. infact I dunno if I'd be comfortable driving the car without them...
  2. I could never ever bring myself to pay money for one. Completely doesn't interest me.. maybe it's the fact 12 year old girls hype themselves over it.
  3. Are those REAR Fog lights in that 850i's photo there?!
  4. Duneedin! Unless he drove down? probably not him lol.
  5. Bronzit 635csi on Style 5's with some old dude driving it... absolute boss.
  6. Flex Disc + Center Support Bearing? Driveshaft incorrectly re-joined (has dots to match up) warped brake rotors if it's a steering shake...
  7. When it heats up whack your hand on the radiator core, makes it easier if the fan shroud is off. and see if the whole thing is heating up, if not possible radiator problem... (best use of an ir thermometer yet!) as suggested you might need a bit more experience on this. Remember the bleed screw too, they are almost always stripped by now...
  8. antil33t

    97 318i

    where is it?
  9. f**k! I've been looking for one of these for ages... if you could send it to me that'd be wicked...
  10. Yep, excellent guy. have met him in person a couple of times now! (lives up the road from me lol!) wouldn't hesitate to deal with again and again!
  11. No idea, they're on an E39. Some guy didn't even know what they were. They're out of dunedin a little, and he isn't advertising them on trademe.. just the car for parts, I emailed him and he's got 4+ spare.
  12. or they use a flushing machine lol. I'd only get it flushed if it was REAL dirty. I didn't bother as the oil wasn't burned, just looking oldish. but it should have fairly clean oil now since it's been drained twice, that's 4L each time.
  13. Integrity Automatics... $300 odd.. that wasn't including a filter, and that was a replacement pan gasket... (it leaked due to an installation f**k up) Fluid is $32/L..... for Fully Synthetic from them. Can't complain, the car works really well lol.
  14. ^ Yep. it needs to be pushed through all the gears... and the temp has to be exactly 30c otherwise the fluid is too low lol. This is why I gave up and left it to the pros!
  15. ^that filling procedure is for like all of them without a dipstick... If it doesn't have a dipstick I'd suggest going to an automatic specialist.... That's what I did. lol. milland can get the pan gasket and filter. (my car has a ZF)
  16. You might have more interest if you can get this group buy in for other models too, as I doubt many people on here have an E21 as nice as yours, let alone wanting to sink a grand into coil overs for one.
  17. I wouldn't mind throwing bright green wheels on for the lulz. Do want your Style32's bad. I know someone just out of dunedin with a set of Style5's.
  18. You shouldn't be able to do this at operation temperature. Better give them to me...
  19. My E34 525i Touring gets 16.5L/100KM(OBC). (M50NV) But if I decide to use it properly, it can get 8L/100km on the Open Road, which it was meant for. Probably best to get it scanned...
  20. I have M52 ones... Doubt that part is the same.. better off just getting a whole new one.
  21. antil33t

    WOF Laws

    I think WOF inspectors are too different. flatmates car is REALLY unsafe, but yet passes fine. I know it has rust in the firewall, which is filled with expanding foam to prevent leaks... suspension is stuffed. his other car has brake bias issues, but where he goes for a warrant has no brake dyno so was never picked up on. it also had visibly scored rotors, but they never said anything. I've told him he needs to check the pads, because I can't see any when I look through the wheel, but because it just got a WOF this = safe!!!!! But when I took the E34 to a respected WOF station here in Dunedin they've marked me down as marginal for the brakes, because one is starting to groove. Maybe WOF's should only be allowed to be done at testing stations with the correct equipment, ie brake dyno. not just at a dodgy gas station. also agree with tyre age. x100 I actually LIKE to be told if there are problems with my car, really pisses me off when people complain that the WOF INSPECTOR FAILED ME ON THIS Q.Q gtfo my road with your unsafe shitpiles.
  22. Granitsilber.... oh my do want. Pictures!
  23. Cool! I have a 24v 525i Myself, But in Touring form. goes not bad. nice cruiser... I'd like a sedan though.
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