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lord_jagganath last won the day on May 10 2023

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About lord_jagganath

  • Rank
    5th Gear

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  • Location
    Sth East Auck.
  • Car
    '11 Alfa Romeo 159 JTD Ti
  • Mods List
    (old euros)'83 Peugeot 505 STI M (RIP), E34 525i '96 touring, E34 528i turbo '89 sedan manual, '11 VW Passat CC R-line TDi (RIP),'08 Audi Q7 TDI;'13 F10 ActiveHybrid 5, '15 VW Touareg TDI V6
  • Car 2
    '08 Mercedes Benz E250 SW

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  1. throwing in the towel. will pick it up in a couple of months time. heh. 

    1. lord_jagganath


      I still wish could up sticks and leave asap. 

  2. that could be the case, i should try again,.
  3. sigh, i try to avoid the dumpster fire that is FB marketplace, but i am a sucker for punishment. why don't people respond to messages in a reasonable time if you are legit?
  4. The new airport drop/pick up sucks, when you try to walk to the terminal on a rainy day, you get drenched. Why are things not done with foresight?
  5. MY father passed away the week before last. Still feeling rather sad. I know he would have wanted me to celebrate his ascension to the heavens but I just feel so ... worn. and fed up? I wish i could take a gap year...

    1. gjm


      I've found that after the initial sadness at such a situation, I too feel 'tired'. Try to eat well, sleep well, and get some exercise and fresh air.

  6. I'm quite happy with the Achilles and Accelera's from indonesia, tbh. more rubber in their build and can be obtained at a reasonable cost, from Hyper. heck, my last full set of 4 for the sienta cost 700$.
  7. Happy New Year Folks! 

  8. ^ have had AliExpress packages come in less than a week of late, we're living in mad times.
  9. i saw the car. it needed work. and reeked of cigarette smoke.
  10. ^ considering I drove a 2011 VW CC TDI at the time of the scandal...
  11. Just got myself a '15 VW Touareg,. was split between that touareg and the F15 X5, but when the touareg is about 6k less dear...
  12. Not so much of a rant as a flabbergast. PPI arranged this morning.by admin of a HB nursing home for a Sienta welcab that i am selling they Called me up after said PPI was done after an hour Resident whom the car is being purchased for had passed on overnight, car no longer needed. bright side, I know now the alignment of the car is off and it may need brakes done in the next year.
  13. ^ should have mentioned it was a long delayed trip to my hometown for me, so not much exploration here. definitely had a focus on the urban areas as visiting friends and relatives. I did do a trip to drink toddy and consume wildboar/ monitor lizard/ venison curries in a rural visit.
  14. how would you like a 520d Graham? https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/338634632489049 or a 120d ,albeit tiny https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/742590861201650/
  15. really depends on what you want out of life. the sheer bustle of people in Kuala Lumpur was invigorating for me, I lost nearly 10kgs in weight, skin become better, breathing easier ( no hayfever) . But that's just me.
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