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Everything posted by my_e36

  1. With a bootline this high, probably no one can parallel park this thing without reverse camera or sensor.
  2. My wide's lease Honda is finishing in a few month, I am thinking whether to go for a Mini or Fiat 500 for her. Fiat seems to have excellent press at the moment. What do you guys think?
  3. VBH sure can drive that girl. So does Sabine Schmidt. They are just driving goddess.
  4. She's one of the girls in the Mischief video. (She said that herself) They make car videos feature DVDs. (like NZ's High Octane video)
  5. 2. Porsche 911- I have never, ever seen a woman in the driver's seat of one! I have. A GT3 even in yellow with rollcage in the back. Seen that a few time and every time revving the nuts out in first and second.
  6. Gotta love the Italians! (Closely followed by the Brits) Dominating more than half the list there... and congrats on Lambo, Bentley and Bugatti, everything that they make are on the list! haha!! Having said that, Bugatti only make 1 model of car. Considering it does over 400kph with 16 cyclinders and 4 turbos, that's not too bad. Where's all the diesel? Many small Euro diesel easily do 40+mpg Silly American self-rightous thinking.
  7. I don't know much about mechanics but what's the advantage of carb over fuel injection? Why wouldn't most car manufacturer keep using them? I only know of muscle cars (Mopar or GM specials as seen on the show Overhauling) and hot-rods are still using carb (well, and my old school Mini). Why?
  8. I'd say the first car (from top) is a M6 or 6-series convertible OR even the new Rolls Royce Convertible. That thing is HUGE in proportion. Second from top is M5 The bottom two is some sort of a hatch
  9. It's an oil temp gauge I think. Also the red needle are M3 exclusive I think. Second about the re-spray. There's a difference in the gap on both sides of the bonnect.
  10. CAn't see any keywords there, but.... <QUOTE> Comes with a set of compressed jamex superlows for the rear which just got done, havent even put them in yet. I can put them in if u need me to. Will sit same height as it is now. </QUOTE> I am so tempted to ask... If that's the case, what springs do you have on the car to take the pictures?
  11. Not if someone runs them down!
  12. This one I like most... Clarksons highway code on cyclists: 'trespassers in the motorcars domain, they do not pay road tax and therefore have no right to be on the road, some of them even believe they are going fast enough to not be an obstruction. Run them down to prove them wrong'
  13. my_e36

    ipod to itunes

    You don't actually need any program, just a bit messy and will need some disk space. Hope you realise what you are doing could be illegal due to copyright infringement. Do so for the music that you actually own. Anyway, on your computer's iTunes, you need to "enable disk use" for the iPod in question, then from Windows Explorer, browse to the iPod and there's a folder contain all the songs with scrambled names in it, make a copy of the files into your hard drive. When finish, un-Hide and un-Read Only those files, then import them from iTunes. If you click "Keep my iTune library organised", it will even make a copy with the correct names to the MP3 Tags.
  14. my_e36

    17s on E30

    Isn't spacers illegal?
  15. iTune has so many updates so often lately. It seems they have a new version every month. What's going on? This is so un-Apple.
  16. my_e36

    Gran Turismo 5

    Same reason I bought the PS2 back then for GT3 and GT4. Gotta have a decent LCD/Plasma TV with HDMI to take full advantage of the PS3.
  17. Welcome to the site.... If you want a good one within your requirement, you won't get much change for 10k. There's a few on Trademe, here's one for example... http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motors/C...htm?key=1001918 Try advance search on TradeMe with these parameter... BMW, 1990-1999, 2.0 litre plus, 3 door or less Don't specify Body Type Common problems... Wheel bearings, radiator expansion tank, water pump (pre-96), Idle Control Valve (need good clean or replace, causes rough idle) There're other experts on this forum on this subject. These are just my 2 cents.
  18. my_e36

    Big Boys Toys

    Haven't seen it this year but base on these pix I'd imagine it's similar to last year. The show was good back then 5 or 6 years ago when there's major presence of the likes of Microsoft, HP and SONY. They all pulled out few years back and it's downhill since.
  19. Newmarket maybe? Cheaper than Parnell/CBD but still close with Link Bus and train.
  20. What are you guys take on Pickups? Personally, I don't like buyer come around to pickup for cheap items, like item sold for $50 or under and the buyer don't want to spend extra $4-6 dollars to have them posted (and they live a good 20 minutes drive away, which one would spend the same amount on petrol anyway). More..... Support is sh*t. Moderators (if there is one) don't come down hard on those that use excessive keywords or list in wrong category Fees are high (althogh still cheaper than live auctions (which fees are up to 15%)) Too many business traders list identical items for 20 times that ends within an hour. List of category has not been updated to reflect the market (especially for electronic goods) These are users fault than TradeMe's fault (this is where moderator will comes in handy) Every second 3-series BMW is a M3 somehow. Every second Civic/Integra is a Type-R somehow. You search for cars under $6000 and you have cars worth $12000 coming up (user selected the wrong value for their car) People list Tiptronics as Manual, SMG as Auto Sh*t photos (some are so bad that make my old camera phone's photo looks like a museum masterpiece) Non-existent description (Car dealers are the worst on this one)
  21. haha... ask any Asian (Chinese anyway, not sure about other Asians), 99 is better than 100. As 99 means forever.
  22. I thought the real Alpina wheels has the air filler neck within the wheel nuts cover?
  23. Agreed that it happens everywhere. My main point being, and someone else here also pointed out, that they are in it for the money. Personally, I don't see an intention of them asking for a track layout review.
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