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Everything posted by bumpstop325

  1. bumpstop325


    http://www.audiosport.co.uk/ i know you said, you wanted some from NZ. but have a look anyway. These are what i had on my black car. What side do you need anyway?
  2. I was going to put my Z's on for my aux trip, this friday. But, now I think i will just leave my bottles on. Poo's. That sucks bro, it will be all nice and new again soon.
  3. Dam, thats nice. But, i would hit the new e90 335i instead.
  4. Some engine bay porn would be nice if you can post some sh*t up. When are the next pram drags? What you have left would be nice. Im just keeping my ear to the ground for one for my old 2.7 motor, that i still have.
  5. congrats bro, any pic's of the engine bay? Did the beast start first time? Do the people behind you get showered in fuel soot? You still have that engine loom lying around somewhere?
  6. and DNZ, where ever hes gone. Also, i have had my three thirty five eye for just over a year now.
  7. Grant, How did you know? I woke up my flat mates at 6:30am this morning, I had an aussie chick i met at the bar on sunday night, stay the night. I could not keep her quiet. Damit. Thanks Guys, alittle older and a little longer. Will be having afew beers later on, in the week.
  8. My black car did about 9-950kms on a tank. (100L tank) Drove Pamly to tga and back, round trip of 800km open road. The 35 does 450km on about 45L on 95, when im not trigger happy. I keep cruse on for about 90% if poss. When i need to lay the smackdown on noobs that need to be pwnd by the resthome rental, economy goes out the window.
  9. lol.who was incharge of the wardrobe? They need to be shot. Pink shirt and all. I wish i had a pink shirt.not Nice slideshow. Good work.
  10. After all the promo they get on tv. I figured out that they were chumps. Everytime they say hyper, i think 'oh no' poor bastard.
  11. bumpstop325

    HB Gus

    have a mean one bro. HB JC
  12. How close were you following? Did both of you use cruise control? Using this makes a huge difference in usage.
  13. I got a motor and magicbox from a 92 735il
  14. Look in the little white box with the barcode in it. June 2006. LOL
  15. You can do both. Depends on if you want side markers or not. Wire then in or weld them up. It not like you going to repaint them cause of this. Ebay the US fenders. There are factory fittings for Two set of markers up the front. You only need the two side black plastic bits, and buy some already smoked sidies.
  16. Drifting is rather "subjective" not "objective" Nice write up dude. very informative.
  17. there are probably many factors that contribute to that stigma.
  18. I found these for NZ$36+P&P off ebay. I had a set on my black car of these. They consist of a two pieces. One exterior cover(black) with an orange incert. Spark, i dont know where you get $200 price from. You need to look abit harder next time, when shopping. ebay
  19. bumpstop325


    Theres also one (White)M635csi in NZ with the 'M1' motor in it. The motor had to tilted sideways 10-30 degrees for it to fit. It was a made for the man who first started importing BMW's into NZ. (i believe) Someone confirm this, please?
  20. The IX, i believe was only made in LH drive. If you converted the IX to RH drive. you would have problems with the steering rack assem getting in the way of the front drive shaft and the front diff. I could be wrong. Just thinking about the limited space you have in the engine bay.
  21. To be 100% legal, you can not contaiminate the surface of the markers. With anything. Not even window tint. It may not make much difference to the intensity of the marker, when it flashes. i did not make the law. im sure, different places will pass different cars at different times. Therefore, only manufactured smoked markers are legal. In the eyes of the Law. This includes mods using your g/f's old stockings being put over lights. :mosh:
  22. Yeah, saw it today. (SUDOFF) Lewis moved in with him today. Richard does have a nice 3 car garage with pit. the contrast is awesome. Love the black car against the snow. Where are the smoked front markers? You know you can buy f/l ones. They do fit nicely.
  23. Take it to the more expensive panel beater in aux. Get everything you can out of them. Dont settle for 2nd best if something isnt right, cry rape until you get it. Dont forget, if it was you that hit the cop. Dont you think they would take you up the arse? Feed it to them. Just like they would do to you. ACC, your back. Make sure the cops over all your medical costs. Stand up for your Rights! If sh*t doesnt happen call the PCA, and speack to them. That will get their A into G, if they dont play the game. And dont let the insurance company write off your car. Make sure the cops pay for a complete restoration and nothing less. Dont forget to have a mechanical check done to. TAKE THE POWER BACK!!! :mosh: FTP
  24. insid, outside, boot, enginebay, undercar????
  25. Drive to Wangauni. Take SH4 to Te Kuiti. Then Take SH37 to bypass Hams. SH37 join SH1 out North of Hams. Not SH3!! unless you have to go to the tron. I have seen ninja's there. You pass most major NI towns this way. Hams Cambridge Tokoroa Taupo Turangi Waiouru Tiehappy This way only towns you go through: Tamuranui Te Kuiti Otorohanga At this time of year i drive this route. In my opinion its the safest and has the less amount of total traffic. It may be longer in distance, but you average speed is faster this time of year. Plus less amount of time spent in a 50km zone.
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